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In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God
--Genesis 21,33
These are based on our online Hebrew Bible with vowels according to the Keter and old manuscripts close to it, Hebrew-Enlish Bible with English according to the JPS 1917 translation as edited by us, Targum Onqelos according to the Yemenite tijaan, and Mishneh Torah according to the majority of Yemenite manuscripts. These copyrighted texts are among the most accurate versions for Torah study available anywhere at any price, whether in print or for computer.
More screen shots below.
These zipped collections of pdb files are not intended for the Palm Pilot (which can read them, but some will probably look strange), but for the freeware Hebrew Reader program for the Pocket PC (ver 1.8l or later!). The system requirements are ARM, X-Scale, MIPS, SH3, or SH4 processor running under MS-Windows CE 3.0, Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, or Windows Mobile 6 Professional (old versions of 1999 and earlier do not fully support vowels; if you find a solution to this, write us so that we can let others know!). The program does not require any Hebrew support, but does require that a Unicode font containing Hebrew be installed to see Hebrew properly. The download page explains how to install the needed fonts. We recommend using the "Times New Roman" font as in all the screen shots here (taken with custom font size 16).
NOTE: The Hebrew Reader needs no outside Hebrew support to properly display Hebrew with or without niqqud; unfortunately, many Israelis have "Hebrew Support" that not only does not support niqqud, but actually interferes with proper display of niqqud for Hebrew Reader and other Torah freewares with niqqud. We hope that such defective "Hebrew Support" will be updated so as not to interfere with programs that fully support Hebrew with niqqud; and we think that the updates should be supplied free to all customers.
If you download more than one set of the Hebrew files, put them all in the same folder so that the linking between the sets and the linking between Mishneh Torah and Tana"kh verses works (the Hebrew-English Bible stands on its own).
This program now has a search feature and "Bookmarks" to jump to the chapter you need. You can choose the font used and its size, and by fine tuning the font size you can get very readable text as seen in the screen shots below. We also recommend turning on "clear type" in your System Settings as we did. Text files can be loaded by the program or by the File Explorer, if the program is made the default reader for pdb files when installing it, which we recommend. The program remembers the four most recent files read in its file menu; and it will reload the last file used on start up, if you check that option in the file menu.
For additional features see the Hebrew Reader download page.
Got a question or comment? Write Us!
last updated: 26 May 2013
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