Mishneh Torah - Preface

Introduction | Positive Commandments | Negative Commandments | Structure of the 14 Books

Negative Commandments

à  îÄöÀåÈä øÄàùÑåÉðÈä îÄîÌÄöÀååÉú ìÉà úÇòÂùÒÆä, ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂìåÉú áÌÀîÇçÀùÑÈáÈä ùÑÆéÌÅùÑ ùÑÈí àÁìåÉäÌÇ æåÌìÈúÄé ä', ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄäÀéÆä ìÀêÈ àÁìÉäÄéí àÂçÅøÄéí" (ùîåú ë,á; ãáøéí ä,å). 1  The first of the negative commandments is not to entertain the thought that there is any god but the LORD, as it is written "thou shalt have no other gods" (Exodus 20,2; Deuteronomy 5,6).
á  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ôÌÆñÆì, ìÉà éÇòÂùÒÆä áÌÀéÈãåÉ åÀìÉà éÇòÂùÒåÌ ìåÉ àÂçÅøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒÆä ìÀêÈ ôÆñÆì, åÀëÈì-úÌÀîåÌðÈä" (ùîåú ë,â; åøàä ãáøéí ä,æ). 2  Not to make a graven image, neither to make oneself nor to have made for oneself by others, as it is written "thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20,3; and see Deuteronomy 5,7).
â  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä åÀàÇôÄìÌåÌ ìÇàÂçÅøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÅàìÉäÅé îÇñÌÅëÈä, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ ìÈëÆí" (åé÷øà éè,ã). 3  Not to make an idol even for others, as it is written "nor make to yourselves molten gods" (Leviticus 19,4).
ã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú öåÌøåÉú ìÀðåÉàé, åÀàÇó òÇì ôÌÄé ùÑÀàÅéï òåÉáÀãÄéï àåÉúÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌï, àÄúÌÄé:  àÁìÉäÅé ëÆñÆó" (ùîåú ë,éè). 4  Not to make figures for decoration, even if they are not worshipped, as it is written "ye shall not make with Me--gods of silver" (Exodus 20,19).
ä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄùÑÀúÌÇçÂååÉú ìÇòÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, àÇó òÇì ôÌÄé ùÑÀàÅéï ãÌÆøÆêÀ òÂáåÉãÈúÈäÌ áÌÀäÄùÑÀúÌÇçÂåÈéÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄùÑÀúÌÇçÂåÆä ìÈäÆí" (ùîåú ë,ã; ãáøéí ä,ç). 5  Not to bow down to an object of idolatry, even if that is not its normal way of worship, as it is written "thou shalt not bow down unto them" (Exodus 20,4; Deuteronomy 5,8).
å  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä áÌÄãÀáÈøÄéí ùÑÆãÌÇøÀëÌÈäÌ ìÀäÅòÈáÅã áÌÈäÆï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÈòÈáÀãÅí" (ùîåú ë,ã; ùîåú ëâ,ëã; ãáøéí ä,ç). 6  Not to worship an object of idolatry in its normal ways of worship, as it is written "nor serve them" (Exodus 20,4; Exodus 23,24; Deuteronomy 5,8).
æ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇòÀáÄéø ìÇîÌÉìÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÄæÌÇøÀòÂêÈ ìÉà-úÄúÌÅï, ìÀäÇòÂáÄéø ìÇîÌÉìÆêÀ" (åé÷øà éç,ëà). 7  Not to turn over to Molech, as it is written "and thou shalt not give any of thy seed to set them apart to Molech" (Leviticus 18,21).
ç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÇòÂùÒÅä àåÉá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌÄôÀðåÌ àÆì-äÈàÉáÉú" (åé÷øà éè,ìà). 8  Not to divine by consulting ghosts, as it is written "turn ye not unto the ghosts" (Leviticus 19,31).
è  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÇòÂùÒÅä éÄãÌÀòåÉðÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆì-äÇéÌÄãÌÀòÉðÄéí" (åé÷øà éè,ìà). 9  Not to resort to familiar spirits as it is written "nor unto familiar spirits" (Leviticus 19,31).
é  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄôÀðåÉú àÇçÇø òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌÄôÀðåÌ, àÆì-äÈàÁìÄéìÄí" (åé÷øà éè,ã). 10  Not to turn to idolatry, as it is written "turn ye not unto the idols" (Leviticus 19,4).
éà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÈ÷Äéí îÇöÌÅáÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÈ÷Äéí ìÀêÈ, îÇöÌÅáÈä" (ãáøéí èæ,ëá). 11  Not to set up a pillar, as it is written "neither shalt thou set thee up a pillar" (Deuteronomy 16,22).
éá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï àÆáÆï îÇùÒÀëÌÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆáÆï îÇùÒÀëÌÄéú ìÉà úÄúÌÀðåÌ áÌÀàÇøÀöÀëÆí" (åé÷øà ëå,à). 12  Not to set down a stone for prostration, as it is written "neither shall ye place any figured stone in your land" (Leviticus 26,1).
éâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄèÌÇò àÄéìÈï áÌÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄèÌÇò ìÀêÈ àÂùÑÅøÈä, ëÌÈì-òÅõ" (ãáøéí èæ,ëà). 13  Not to plant a tree in the Sanctuary, as it is written "thou shalt not plant thee an Asherah of any kind of tree" (Deuteronomy 16,21).
éã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÌÑÈáÇò áÌÇòÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä ìÀòåÉáÀãÆéäÈ, åÀìÉà îÇùÑÀáÌÄéòÄéï àåÉúÈï áÌÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀùÑÅí àÁìÉäÄéí àÂçÅøÄéí ìÉà úÇæÀëÌÄéøåÌ" (ùîåú ëâ,éâ). 14  Not to swear by an idolatry to its worshipers nor cause them to swear by it, as it is written "and make no mention of the name of other gods" (Exodus 23,13).
èå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇãÌÄéçÇ áÌÀðÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì àÇçÇø òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÄùÌÑÈîÇò òÇì-ôÌÄéêÈ" (ùîåú ëâ,éâ); æåÉ àÇæÀäÈøÈä ìÇîÌÇãÌÄéçÇ. 15  Not to proselytize the Children of Israel to idolatry, as it is written "neither let it be heard out of thy mouth" (Exodus 23,13); this is a warning to the proselytizer.
èæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇñÌÄéú àÈãÈí îÄéÌÄùÒÀøÈàÅì àÇçÇø òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌÇîÌÇñÌÄéú "åÀìÉà-éåÉñÄôåÌ ìÇòÂùÒåÉú, ëÌÇãÌÈáÈø äÈøÈò" (ãáøéí éâ,éá). 16  Not to entice an Israelite to idolatry, as it is written "and shall do no more any such wickedness" (Deuteronomy 13,12).
éæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁäÉá äÇîÌÇñÌÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÉàáÆä ìåÉ" (ãáøéí éâ,è). 17  Not to love the enticer to idolatry, as it is written "thou shalt not consent unto him" (Deuteronomy 13,9).
éç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂæÉá äÇùÌÒÄðÀàÈä ìÇîÌÇñÌÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÄùÑÀîÇò àÅìÈéå" (ãáøéí éâ,è). 18  Not to leave off hating the enticer, as it is written "nor hearken unto him" (Deuteronomy 13,9).
éè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇöÌÄéì äÇîÌÇñÌÄéú àÅìÈà òåÉîÅã òÇì ãÌÈîåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈçåÉñ òÅéðÀêÈ òÈìÈéå" (ãáøéí éâ,è). 19  Not to save the enticer but to stand by at his death, as it is written "neither shall thine eye pity him" (Deuteronomy 13,9).
ë  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀìÇîÌÇã äÇîÌËñÌÈú æÀëåÌú òÇì äÇîÌÇñÌÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇçÀîÉì" (ãáøéí éâ,è). 20  For a person whom he attempted to entice not to plead for acquittal of the enticer, as it is written "neither shalt thou spare" (Deuteronomy 13,9).
ëà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÑÀúÌÉ÷ äÇîÌËñÌÈú îÄìÌÀìÇîÌÇã çåÉáÈä òÇì äÇîÌÇñÌÄéú, àÄí éÈãÇò ìåÉ çåÉáÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÀëÇñÌÆä òÈìÈéå" (ãáøéí éâ,è). 21  For a person whom he attempted to entice not to refrain from pleading for conviction of the enticer, as it is written "neither shalt thou conceal him" (Deuteronomy 13,9).
ëá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÅäÈðåÉú áÌÀöÄôÌåÌéÅé ðÆòÀáÌÈã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇçÀîÉã ëÌÆñÆó åÀæÈäÈá òÂìÅéäÆí" (ãáøéí æ,ëä). 22  Not to benefit from the coverings of any object of idolatrous worship, as it is written "thou shalt not covet the silver or the gold that is on them" (Deuteronomy 7,25).
ëâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄáÀðåÉú òÄéø äÇðÌÄãÌÇçÇú ìÄëÀîåÉú ùÑÆäÈéÀúÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄáÌÈðÆä òåÉã" (ãáøéí éâ,éæ). 23  Not to rebuild a city that has been proselytized over to idolatry, as it is written "it shall not be built again" (Deuteronomy 13,17).
ëã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÅäÈðåÉú áÌÄîÀîåÉï òÄéø äÇðÌÄãÌÇçÇú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÄãÀáÌÇ÷ áÌÀéÈãÀêÈ îÀàåÌîÈä, îÄï-äÇçÅøÆí" (ãáøéí éâ,éç). 24  Not to benefit from the property of a city that has been proselytized over to idolatry, as it is written "and there shall cleave nought of the devoted thing to thy hand" (Deuteronomy 13,18).
ëä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÅäÈðåÉú áÌÇòÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, åÌáÀëÈì îÀùÑÇîÌÀùÑÆéäÈ åÌáÇúÌÄ÷ÀøÉáÆú ùÑÆìÌÈäÌ åÌáÇéÌÇéÄï ùÑÆðÌÄúÀðÇñÌÇêÀ ìÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÈáÄéà úåÉòÅáÈä àÆì-áÌÅéúÆêÈ" (ãáøéí æ,ëå). 25  Not to benefit from an object of idolatry, its accessories, or its offerings or wine given as a libation to it, as it is written "and thou shalt not bring an abomination into thy house" (Deuteronomy 7,26).
ëå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄúÀðÇáÌÅà áÌÄùÑÀîÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÇàÂùÑÆø éÀãÇáÌÅø, áÌÀùÑÅí àÁìÉäÄéí àÂçÅøÄéí--åÌîÅú, äÇðÌÈáÄéà äÇäåÌà" (ãáøéí éç,ë). 26  Not to prophesy in its name, as it is written "or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die" (Deuteronomy 18,20).
ëæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄúÀðÇáÌÅà áÌÀùÑÆ÷Æø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÂùÑÆø éÈæÄéã ìÀãÇáÌÅø ãÌÈáÈø áÌÄùÑÀîÄé, àÅú àÂùÑÆø ìÉà-öÄåÌÄéúÄéå ìÀãÇáÌÅø" (ãáøéí éç,ë). 27  Not to prophesy falsely, as it is written "that shall speak a word presumptuously in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak" (Deuteronomy 18,20).
ëç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀîÉòÇ ìÇîÌÄúÀðÇáÌÅà áÌÀùÑÅí òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄùÑÀîÇò, àÆì-ãÌÄáÀøÅé äÇðÌÈáÄéà" (ãáøéí éâ,ã). 28  Not to obey one who prophesies in the name of idolatry, as it is written "thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet" (Deuteronomy 13,4).
ëè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ðÄîÌÈðÇò îÅäÂøÄéâÇú ðÀáÄéà äÇùÌÑÆ÷Æø åÀìÉà ðÄéøÈà îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈâåÌø îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ" (ãáøéí éç,ëá). 29  Not to refrain from killing a false prophet nor be in fear of him, as it is written "thou shalt not be afraid of him" (Deuteronomy 18,22).
ì  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÈìÆëÆú áÌÀçË÷ÌåÉú òåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä åÀìÉà áÌÀîÄðÀäÂâåÉúÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÅìÀëåÌ áÌÀçË÷ÌÉú äÇâÌåÉé" (åé÷øà ë,ëâ). 30  Not to adopt the institutions of idolaters nor their customs, as it is written "and ye shall not walk in the customs of the nation" (Leviticus 20,23).
ìà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÀñÉí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄîÌÈöÅà áÀêÈ . . . ÷ÉñÅí ÷ÀñÈîÄéí" (ãáøéí éç,é). 31  Not to practice black magic, as it is written "there shall not be found among you . . . one that useth divination" (Deuteronomy 18,10).
ìá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀòåÉðÅï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀòåÉðÅðåÌ" (åé÷øà éè,ëå). 32  Not to practice soothsaying, as it is written "nor soothsaying" (Leviticus 19,26).
ìâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀðÇçÇùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀðÇçÂùÑåÌ" (åé÷øà éè,ëå). 33  Not to practice divination, as it is written "neither shall ye practise divination" (Leviticus 19,26).
ìã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀëÇùÌÑÇó, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄîÌÈöÅà áÀêÈ . . . åÌîÀëÇùÌÑÅó" (ãáøéí éç,é). 34  Not to practice sorcery, as it is written "there shall not be found among you . . . a sorcerer" (Deuteronomy 18,10).
ìä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇçÀáÌÉø çÆáÆø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀçÉáÅø, çÈáÆø" (ãáøéí éç,éà). 35  Not to practice the charmer's art, as it is written "or a charmer" (Deuteronomy 18,11).
ìå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀàÉì áÌÀàåÉá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀùÑÉàÅì àåÉá" (ãáøéí éç,éà). 36  Not to consult a ghost, as it is written "or one that consulteth a ghost" (Deuteronomy 18,11).
ìæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀàÉì áÌÀéÄãÌÀòåÉðÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀùÑÉàÅì àåÉá åÀéÄãÌÀòÉðÄé" (ãáøéí éç,éà). 37  Not to consult a familiar spirit, as it is written "or one that consulteth a ghost or a familiar spirit" (Deuteronomy 18,11).
ìç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀàÉì áÌÇçÂìåÉí îÄï äÇîÌÅúÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀãÉøÅùÑ àÆì-äÇîÌÅúÄéí" (ãáøéí éç,éà). 38  Not to enquire of the dead in a dream, as it is written "or a necromancer" (Deuteronomy 18,11).
ìè  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÇòÀãÌÆä àÄùÌÑÈä òÂãÄé àÄéùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄäÀéÆä ëÀìÄé-âÆáÆø òÇì-àÄùÌÑÈä" (ãáøéí ëá,ä). 39  That a woman shall not wear the attire or accessories of a man, as it is written "a woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man" (Deuteronomy 22,5).
î  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÀãÌÆä àÄéùÑ òÂãÄé àÄùÌÑÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÄìÀáÌÇùÑ âÌÆáÆø ùÒÄîÀìÇú àÄùÌÑÈä" (ãáøéí ëá,ä), îÄôÌÀðÅé ùÑÆæÌÆä äÈéÈä îÄðÀäÇâ òåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä åÀëÅï îÀôÉøÈùÑ áÌÀñÄôÀøÅé òÂáåÉãÈúÈäÌ. 40  That a man shall not wear the attire or accessories of a woman, as it is written "neither shall a man put on a woman's garment" (Deuteronomy 22,5); for this was a custom of idol worshipers, as is explained in books on its worship.
îà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄëÀúÌÉá áÌÇâÌåÌó ëÌÀòåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌëÀúÉáÆú ÷ÇòÂ÷Çò, ìÉà úÄúÌÀðåÌ áÌÈëÆí" (åé÷øà éè,ëç). 41  Not to tattoo the body like idolaters, as it is written "nor imprint any marks upon you" (Leviticus 19,28).
îá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄìÀáÌÉùÑ ùÑÇòÇèÀðÅæ ëÌÀîåÉ ùÑÆìÌåÉáÀùÑÄéï ëÌåÌîÈøÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄìÀáÌÇùÑ ùÑÇòÇèÀðÅæ" (ãáøéí ëá,éà). 42  Not to wear garments of both wool and linen as idolatrous priests do, as it is written "thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff" (Deuteronomy 22,11).
îâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÌÄéó ôÌÀàÇú øÉàùÑ ëÌÀëåÌîÈøÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇ÷ÌÄôåÌ, ôÌÀàÇú øÉàùÑÀëÆí" (åé÷øà éè,ëæ). 43  Not to shave the corners of the head like idolatrous priests, as it is written "ye shall not round the corners of your heads" (Leviticus 19,27).
îã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇùÑÀçÄéú ëÌÈì äÇæÌÈ÷Èï ëÌÀòåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÇùÑÀçÄéú, àÅú ôÌÀàÇú æÀ÷ÈðÆêÈ" (åé÷øà éè,ëæ). 44  Not to remove the whole beard like the idolaters, as it is written "neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard" (Leviticus 19,27).
îä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄúÀâÌåÉãÅã ëÌÀòåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄúÀâÌÉãÀãåÌ" (ãáøéí éã,à); åÌâÀãÄéãÈä åÌùÒÀøÄéèÈä àÇçÇú äÄéà. 45  Not to cut oneself like the idolaters, as it is written "ye shall not cut yourselves" (Deuteronomy 14,1); cutting oneself and making incisions in the flesh are the same.
îå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀëÌÉï áÌÀàÆøÆõ îÄöÀøÇéÄí ìÀòåÉìÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÉñÄôåÌï ìÈùÑåÌá áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ äÇæÌÆä, òåÉã" (ãáøéí éæ,èæ). 46  Not to dwell in the Land of Egypt ever, as it is written "ye shall henceforth return no more that way" (Deuteronomy 17,16).
îæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÈúåÌø àÇçÇø îÇçÀùÑÀáåÉú äÇìÌÅá åÌøÀàÄéÌÇú äÈòÅéðÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÈúåÌøåÌ àÇçÂøÅé ìÀáÇáÀëÆí, åÀàÇçÂøÅé òÅéðÅéëÆí" (áîãáø èå,ìè). 47  Not to stray after thoughts of the heart and sights of the eyes, as it is written "and that ye go not about after your own heart and your own eyes" (Numbers 15,39).
îç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄëÀøÉú áÌÀøÄéú ìÀùÑÄáÀòÈä òÂîÈîÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄëÀøÉú ìÈäÆí áÌÀøÄéú" (ãáøéí æ,á). 48  Not to make a covenant with the seven Canaanite nations, as it is written "thou shalt make no covenant with them" (Deuteronomy 7,2).
îè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇçÂéåÉú àÈãÈí îÄùÌÑÄáÀòÈä òÂîÈîÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀçÇéÌÆä, ëÌÈì-ðÀùÑÈîÈä" (ãáøéí ë,èæ). 49  Not to keep alive any person of the seven Canaanite nations, as it is written "thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth" (Deuteronomy 20,16).
ð  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÈçÉï òÇì òåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÀçÈðÌÅí" (ãáøéí æ,á). 50  Not to have mercy on idolaters, as it is written "nor show mercy unto them" (Deuteronomy 7,2).
ðà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉùÑÄéá òåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä áÌÀàÇøÀöÅðåÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÅùÑÀáåÌ áÌÀàÇøÀöÀêÈ" (ùîåú ëâ,ìâ). 51  Not to allow idolaters to settle in our land, as it is written "they shall not dwell in thy land" (Exodus 23,33).
ðá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄúÀçÇúÌÇï áÌÀòåÉáÀãÅé òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÄúÀçÇúÌÅï, áÌÈí" (ãáøéí æ,â). 52  Not to intermarry with idolaters, as it is written "neither shalt thou make marriages with them" (Deuteronomy 7,3).
ðâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÌÒÈà òÇîÌåÉðÄé åÌîåÉàÈáÄé áÌÇú éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ìÀòåÉìÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÈáÉà òÇîÌåÉðÄé åÌîåÉàÈáÄé" (ãáøéí ëâ,ã). 53  That an Ammonite or Moabite shall never marry the daughter of an Israelite, as it is written "an Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter" (Deuteronomy 23,4).
ðã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇøÀçÄé÷ æÆøÇò òÅùÒÈå îÄï äÇ÷ÌÈäÈì àÅìÈà òÇã ùÑÀìåÉùÑÈä ãÌåÉøåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀúÇòÅá àÂãÉîÄé" (ãáøéí ëâ,ç). 54  Not to exclude the offspring of Esau from the community of Israel more than three generations, as it is written "thou shalt not abhor an Edomite" (Deuteronomy 23,8).
ðä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇøÀçÄé÷ îÄöÀøÄé îÄìÌÈáåÉà áÌÇ÷ÌÈäÈì àÅìÈà òÇã ùÑÀìåÉùÑÈä ãÌåÉøåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀúÇòÅá îÄöÀøÄé" (ãáøéí ëâ,ç). 55  Not to exclude an Egyptian from entering the community of Israel more than three generations, as it is written "thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian" (Deuteronomy 23,8).
ðå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÀøÉà ùÑÈìåÉí ìÀòÇîÌåÉï åÌîåÉàÈá áÌÇúÌÀçÄìÌÈä áÌÀùÑÈòÇú îÄìÀçÈîÈä ëÌÄùÑÀàÈø äÇâÌåÉéÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄãÀøÉùÑ ùÑÀìÉîÈí, åÀèÉáÈúÈí" (ãáøéí ëâ,æ). 56  Not to offer peace to Ammon and Moab before waging war on them as with other nations, as it is written "thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity" (Deuteronomy 23,7).
ðæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇùÑÀçÄéú àÄéìÈðÅé îÇàÂëÈì, åÀëÅï ëÌÈì ùÑÆéÌÅùÑ áÌåÉ äÇùÑÀçÈúÈä àÈñåÌø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇùÑÀçÄéú àÆú-òÅöÈäÌ" (ãáøéí ë,éè). 57  Not to destroy fruit trees, nor may anything else be pointlessly destroyed, as it is written "thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof" (Deuteronomy 20,19).
ðç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄéøÀàåÌ àÇðÀùÑÅé äÇîÌÄìÀçÈîÈä åÀìÉà éÄôÀçÂãåÌ îÄï àåÉéÀáÅéäÆí áÌÀùÑÈòÇú îÄìÀçÈîÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇòÂøÉõ, îÄôÌÀðÅéäÆí" (ãáøéí æ,ëà), "ìÉà, úÌÄéøÈàåÌí" (ãáøéí â,ëá). 58  That warriors shall not fear their enemies nor be frightened of them in battle, as it is written "thou shalt not be affrighted at them" (Deuteronomy 7,21), "ye shall not fear them" (Deuteronomy 3,22).
ðè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÈñåÌø îÄìÌÀáÈáÅðåÌ îÇòÂùÒÅä òÂîÈìÅ÷ äÈøÈò ùÑÆòÈùÑÈä ìÈðåÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà, úÌÄùÑÀëÌÈç" (ãáøéí ëä,éè). 59  That the evil deeds done to us by Amalek shall not depart from our hearts, as it is written "thou shalt not forget" (Deuteronomy 25,19).
ñ  ùÑÆàÈðåÌ îËæÀäÈøÄéï òÇì áÌÄøÀëÇú äÇùÌÑÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÁìÉäÄéí, ìÉà úÀ÷ÇìÌÅì" (ùîåú ëá,ëæ), åÀðÆàÁîÈø áÌÈòÉðÆùÑ "åÀðÉ÷Åá ùÑÅí-ä' îåÉú éåÌîÈú" (åé÷øà ëã,èæ).  åÀæÆä äÇëÌÀìÈì:  ëÌÈì ùÑÆòÈðÇùÑ òÈìÈéå äÇëÌÈúåÌá ëÌÈøÅú àåÉ îÄéúÇú áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï, äÂøÅé æåÉ îÄöÀåÇú ìÉà úÇòÂùÒÆä--çåÌõ îÄîÌÄéìÈä åÌôÆñÇç, ùÑÀäÆï áÌÀëÈøÅú åÀäÆï îÄöÀååÉú òÂùÒÅä. 60  That we are warned against blasphemy, as it is written "thou shalt not revile God" (Exodus 22,27); and on the penalty it is written "and he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 24,16).  The general rule is that wherever Scripture prescribes the penalty of excision or capital punishment, there is a negative commandment, aside from circumcision and the Pesach sacrifice, which are punished by excision though they are positive commandments.
ñà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉø òÇì ùÑÀáåÌòÇú áÌÄèÌåÌé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÄùÌÑÈáÀòåÌ áÄùÑÀîÄé, ìÇùÌÑÈ÷Æø" (åé÷øà éè,éá). 61  Not to violate an oath, as it is written "and ye shall not swear by My name falsely" (Leviticus 19,12).
ñá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÌÑÈáÇò ìÇùÌÑÈåÀà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄùÌÒÈà àÆú-ùÑÅí-ä' àÁìÉäÆéêÈ, ìÇùÌÑÈåÀà" (ùîåú ë,å; ãáøéí ä,é). 62  Not to take an oath in vain, as it is written "thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20,6; Deuteronomy 5,10).
ñâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀçÇìÌÇì àÆú ùÑÅí äÇ÷ÌÈãåÉùÑ áÌÈøåÌêÀ äåÌà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÀçÇìÌÀìåÌ, àÆú-ùÑÅí ÷ÈãÀùÑÄé" (åé÷øà ëá,ìá). 63  Not to profane the name of the Holy One blessed be He, as it is written "and shall not profane My holy name" (Leviticus 22,32).
ñã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀðÇñÌåÉú àÆú ãÌÀáÇø ä', ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀðÇñÌåÌ, àÆú-ä' àÁìÉäÅéëÆí" (ãáøéí å,èæ). 64  Not to test the word of the LORD, as it is written "ye shall not try the LORD your God" (Deuteronomy 6,16).
ñä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀàÇáÌÇã áÌÅéú äÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ, àåÉ áÌÈúÌÅé ëÌÀðÈñÄéÌåÉú, åÌáÈúÌÅé îÄãÀøÈùÑåÉú; åÀëÅï àÅéï îåÉçÂ÷Äéï àÆú äÇùÌÑÅîåÉú äÇîÌÀ÷ËãÌÈùÑÄéï, åÀàÅéï îÀàÇáÌÀãÄéï àÆú ëÌÄúÀáÅé äÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇáÌÅã úÌÀàÇáÌÀãåÌï . . . åÇàÂùÑÅøÅéäÆí úÌÄùÒÀøÀôåÌï" (ãáøéí éá,á-â), "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒåÌï ëÌÅï, ìÇä' àÁìÉäÅéëÆí" (ãáøéí éá,ã). 65  Not to destroy the Temple, synagogues, or houses of study; similarly, it is forbidden to erase the holy names or destroy the holy Scriptures, as it is written "ye shall surely destroy . . . and burn their Asherim" (Deuteronomy 12,2-3), "ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God" (Deuteronomy 12,4).
ñå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÈìÄéï äÇöÌÈìåÌá òÇì äÈòÅõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈìÄéï ðÄáÀìÈúåÉ òÇì-äÈòÅõ" (ãáøéí ëà,ëâ). 66  That a hanged corpse shall not remain on the tree overnight, as it is written "his body shall not remain all night upon the tree" (Deuteronomy 21,23).
ñæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇùÑÀáÌÄéú ùÑÀîÄéøÈä ñÈáÄéá ìÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌùÑÀîÇøÀúÌÆí, àÅú îÄùÑÀîÆøÆú äÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ" (áîãáø éç,ä). 67  Not to cease the watch around the Temple, as it is written "and ye shall keep the charge of the holy things" (Numbers 18,5).
ñç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ ëÌåÉäÅï ìÇäÅéëÈì áÌÀëÈì òÅú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÇì-éÈáÉà áÀëÈì-òÅú àÆì-äÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ" (åé÷øà èæ,á). 68  That a Priest shall not enter the Temple at all times, as it is written "that he come not at all times into the holy place" (Leviticus 16,2).
ñè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ áÌÇòÇì îåÌí îÄï äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ åÀìÄôÀðÄéí ìÇäÅéëÈì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇêÀ àÆì-äÇôÌÈøÉëÆú ìÉà éÈáÉà" (åé÷øà ëà,ëâ). 69  That a Priest with a disqualifying blemish shall not enter the Temple up to the Altar or beyond, as it is written "only he shall not go in unto the veil" (Leviticus 21,23).
ò  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂáÉã áÌÇòÇì îåÌí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÂùÑÆø éÄäÀéÆä áåÉ îåÌí--ìÉà éÄ÷ÀøÇá" (åé÷øà ëà,éæ). 70  That a Priest with a disqualifying blemish shall not serve, as it is written "that hath a blemish, let him not approach" (Leviticus 21,17).
òà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂáÉã áÌÇòÇì îåÌí òåÉáÅø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-àÄéùÑ àÂùÑÆø-áÌåÉ îåÌí, ìÉà éÄ÷ÀøÈá" (åé÷øà ëà,éç). 71  That a Priest with a temporary disqualifying blemish shall not serve, as it is written "whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach" (Leviticus 21,18).
òá  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄúÀòÇñÌÀ÷åÌ äÇìÌÀåÄéÌÄéí áÌÇòÂáåÉãÇú äÇëÌåÉäÂðÄéí åÀìÉà ëÌåÉäÂðÄéí áÌÇòÂáåÉãÇú äÇìÌÀåÄéÌÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇêÀ àÆì-ëÌÀìÅé äÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ åÀàÆì-äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ ìÉà éÄ÷ÀøÈáåÌ . . . âÇí-äÅí âÌÇí-àÇúÌÆí" (áîãáø éç,â). 72  That the Levites shall not engage in the service of the Priests nor the Priests in the service of the Levites, as it is written "only they shall not come nigh unto the holy furniture and unto the altar . . . neither they, nor ye" (Numbers 18,3).
òâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ ìÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ åÀìÉà éåÉøÆä áÌÇúÌåÉøÈä ùÑÀúåÌé éÇéÄï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "éÇéÄï åÀùÑÅëÈø àÇì-úÌÅùÑÀúÌÀ . . . áÌÀáÉàÂëÆí . . . åÌìÀäåÉøÉú, àÆú-áÌÀðÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì" (åé÷øà é,è-éà). 73  That a wine-intoxicated person shall not enter the Temple nor give decisions in matters of Torah, as it is written "drink no wine nor strong drink . . . when ye go into . . . and that ye may teach the Children of Israel" (Leviticus 10,9-11).
òã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂáÉã äÇæÌÈø áÌÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀæÈø, ìÉà-éÄ÷ÀøÇá àÂìÅéëÆí" (áîãáø éç,ã). 74  That a non-priest shall not serve in the Temple, as it is written "but a common man shall not draw nigh unto you" (Numbers 18,4).
òä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂáÉã ëÌåÉäÅï èÈîÅà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀéÄðÌÈæÀøåÌ îÄ÷ÌÈãÀùÑÅé áÀðÅé-éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì" (åé÷øà ëá,á). 75  That a Priest who is unclean shall not serve, as it is written "that they separate themselves from the holy things of the Children of Israel" (Leviticus 22,2).
òå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂáÉã ëÌåÉäÅï èÀáåÌì éåÉí òÇã ùÑÆéÌÇòÀøÄéá ùÑÄîÀùÑåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÀçÇìÌÀìåÌ, ùÑÅí àÁìÉäÅéäÆí" (åé÷øà ëà,å). 76  That a Priest who took a purifying ritual bath shall not serve before the stars come out on the following evening, as it is written "and not profane the name of their God" (Leviticus 21,6).
òæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ èÈîÅà ìÈòÂæÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÀèÇîÌÀàåÌ àÆú-îÇçÂðÅéäÆí" (áîãáø ä,â); æÆä îÇçÂðÅä ùÑÀëÄéðÈä. 77  That one who is unclean shall not enter the Courtyard, as it is written "that they defile not their camp" (Numbers 5,3); this is the camp of the Holy Presence.
òç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ èÈîÅà ìÀîÇçÂðÅä ìÀåÄéÌÈä, ùÑÆëÌÀðÆâÀãÌåÉ ìÀãåÉøåÉú äÇø äÇáÌÇéÄú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÈáÉà àÆì-úÌåÉêÀ äÇîÌÇçÂðÆä" (ãáøéí ëâ,éà); æÆä îÇçÂðÅä ìÀåÄéÌÈä. 78  That one who is unclean shall not enter the Camp of the Levites, and corresponding to it for all time is the Temple Mount, as it is written "he shall not come within the camp" (Deuteronomy 23,11); this is the Camp of the Levites.
òè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄáÀðåÉú àÇáÀðÅé îÄæÀáÌÅçÇ âÌÈæÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄáÀðÆä àÆúÀäÆï âÌÈæÄéú" (ùîåú ë,ëà). 79  Not to build the Altar of hewn stones, as it is written "thou shalt not build it of hewn stones" (Exodus 20,21).
ô  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄôÀñÉòÇ òÇì äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÇòÂìÆä áÀîÇòÂìÉú, òÇì-îÄæÀáÌÀçÄé" (ùîåú ë,ëá). 80  Not to take steps upon the Altar, as it is written "neither shalt thou go up by steps unto Mine Altar" (Exodus 20,22).
ôà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀëÇáÌåÉú àÅùÑ äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÅùÑ, úÌÈîÄéã úÌåÌ÷Çã òÇì-äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ--ìÉà úÄëÀáÌÆä" (åé÷øà å,å). 81  Not to extinguish the fire of the Altar, as it is written "fire shall be kept burning upon the Altar continually; it shall not go out" (Leviticus 6,6).
ôá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀèÄéø åÌìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá áÌÀîÄæÀáÌÇç äÇæÌÈäÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂìåÌ òÈìÈéå ÷ÀèÉøÆú æÈøÈä" (ùîåú ì,è). 82  Not to offer incense or any sacrifice upon the Golden Altar, as it is written "ye shall offer no strange incense thereon" (Exodus 30,9).
ôâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú áÌÀîÇúÀëÌÉðÆú ùÑÆîÆï äÇîÌÄùÑÀçÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÀîÇúÀëÌËðÀúÌåÉ, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (ùîåú ì,ìá). 83  Not to make a duplicate of the formula of the anointing oil, as it is written "neither shall ye make any like it, according to the composition thereof" (Exodus 30,32).
ôã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÈñåÌêÀ áÌÀùÑÆîÆï äÇîÌÄùÑÀçÈä æÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÇì-áÌÀùÒÇø àÈãÈí, ìÉà éÄéñÈêÀ" (ùîåú ì,ìá). 84  Not to anoint an improper person with the anointing oil, as it is written "upon the flesh of man shall it not be poured" (Exodus 30,32).
ôä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú áÌÀîÇúÀëÌÉðÆú äÇ÷ÌÀèÉøÆú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÀîÇúÀëÌËðÀúÌÈäÌ, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ ìÈëÆí" (øàä ùîåú ì,ìæ). 85  Not to make a duplicate of the formula of the incense, as it is written "and according to the composition thereof ye shall not make for yourselves" (see Exodus 30,37).
ôå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉöÄéà áÌÇãÌÅé äÈàÈøåÉï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÈñËøåÌ, îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ" (ùîåú ëä,èå). 86  Not to take out the staves of the Ark, as it is written "they shall not be taken from it" (Exodus 25,15).
ôæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄæÌÇç äÇçÉùÑÆï îÅòÇì äÈàÅôåÉã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÄæÌÇç äÇçÉùÑÆï, îÅòÇì äÈàÅôåÉã" (ùîåú ëç,ëç; ùîåú ìè,ëà). 87  That the breastplate shall not be loosened from the ephod, as it is written "and that the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod" (Exodus 28,28; Exodus 39,21).
ôç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÈøÇò äÇîÌÀòÄéì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÀôÄé úÇçÀøÈà éÄäÀéÆä-ìÌåÉ--ìÉà éÄ÷ÌÈøÅòÇ" (ùîåú ëç,ìá). 88  That a High Priest's robe not be torn, as it is written "as it were the hole of a coat of mail that it be not rent" (Exodus 28,32).
ôè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇòÂìåÉú ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí áÌÇçåÌõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äÄùÌÑÈîÆø ìÀêÈ, ôÌÆï-úÌÇòÂìÆä òÉìÉúÆéêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éâ). 89  Not to offer sacrifices outside the Temple, as it is written "take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt-offerings" (Deuteronomy 12,13).
ö  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀçÉè ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí áÌÇçåÌõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÂùÑÆø éÄùÑÀçÇè ùÑåÉø àåÉ-ëÆùÒÆá . . . åÀàÆì-ôÌÆúÇç àÉäÆì îåÉòÅã, ìÉà äÁáÄéàåÉ . . . åÀðÄëÀøÇú" (åé÷øà éæ,â-ã). 90  Not to slaughter consecrated animals outside the Temple, as it is written "that killeth an ox, or lamb . . . and hath not brought it unto the door of the Tent of Meeting . . . and shall be cut off" (Leviticus 17,3-4).
öà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀãÌÄéùÑ áÌÇòÂìÅé îåÌîÄéï ìÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÉì àÂùÑÆø-áÌåÉ îåÌí, ìÉà úÇ÷ÀøÄéáåÌ" (åé÷øà ëá,ë); æÆä äåÌà àÄñÌåÌø äÆ÷ÀãÌÅùÑåÉ. 91  Not to consecrate animals with disqualifying blemishes for sacrifice, as it is written "whatsoever hath a blemish, that shall ye not bring" (Leviticus 22,20); this forbids consecration for sacrifice.
öá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀçÉè áÌÇòÂìÅé îåÌîÄéï ìÀùÑÅí ÷ÈøÀáÌÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇ÷ÀøÄéáåÌ àÅìÌÆä, ìÇä'" (åé÷øà ëá,ëá). 92  Not to slaughter animals with disqualifying blemishes as sacrifices, as it is written "ye shall not offer these unto the LORD" (Leviticus 22,22).
öâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄæÀøÉ÷ ãÌÈí áÌÇòÂìÅé îåÌîÄéï ìÀâÇáÌÅé äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌÀáÇòÂìÅé îåÌîÄéï "ìÉà úÇ÷ÀøÄéáåÌ ìÇä'" (åé÷øà ëá,ëã); åÀæÆä äåÌà àÄñÌåÌø æÀøÄé÷Çú ãÌÈîåÉ. 93  Not to sprinkle the blood of animals with disqualifying blemishes on the Altar, as it is written on blemished animals "ye shall not offer unto the LORD" (Leviticus 22,24); this forbids the sprinkling of their blood.
öã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀèÄéø àÅîåÌøÅé áÌÇòÂìÅé îåÌîÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÄùÌÑÆä, ìÉà-úÄúÌÀðåÌ îÅäÆí òÇì-äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ" (åé÷øà ëá,ëá). 94  Not to burn the choice portions from animals with disqualifying blemishes upon the Altar, as it is written "nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar" (Leviticus 22,22).
öä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá áÌÇòÇì îåÌí òåÉáÅø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄæÀáÌÇç ìÇä' àÁìÉäÆéêÈ ùÑåÉø åÈùÒÆä, àÂùÑÆø éÄäÀéÆä áåÉ îåÌí" (ãáøéí éæ,à); æÆä îåÌí òåÉáÅø. 95  Not to sacrifice an animal with temporary disqualifying blemishes, as it is written "thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God an ox, or a sheep, wherein is a blemish" (Deuteronomy 17,1); this is a temporary blemish.
öå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá áÌÇòÇì îåÌí îÄéÌÇã äÇâÌåÉéÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÄéÌÇã áÌÆï-ðÅëÈø, ìÉà úÇ÷ÀøÄéáåÌ" (åé÷øà ëá,ëä). 96  Not to sacrifice an animal with disqualifying blemishes from Gentiles, as it is written "neither from the hand of a foreigner shall ye offer " (Leviticus 22,25).
öæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï îåÌí áÌÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-îåÌí ìÉà éÄäÀéÆä-áÌåÉ" (åé÷øà ëá,ëà); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, àÇì úÌÄúÌÆï áÌåÉ îåÌí. 97  Not to inflict a blemish in consecrated animals, as it is written "there shall be no blemish therein" (Leviticus 22,21); that is, you shall not inflict a blemish in it.
öç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá ùÒÀàåÉø àåÉ ãÌÀáÇùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÄé ëÈì-ùÒÀàÉø åÀëÈì-ãÌÀáÇùÑ, ìÉà-úÇ÷ÀèÄéøåÌ" (åé÷øà á,éà). 98  Not to offer leaven or honey, as it is written "for ye shall make no leaven, nor any honey, smoke as an offering" (Leviticus 2,11).
öè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá úÌÈôÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÇùÑÀáÌÄéú îÆìÇç áÌÀøÄéú àÁìÉäÆéêÈ" (åé÷øà á,éâ). 99  Not to bring any offering unsalted, as it is written "neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking" (Leviticus 2,13).
÷  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀøÄéá àÆúÀðÈï åÌîÀçÄéø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈáÄéà àÆúÀðÇï æåÉðÈä åÌîÀçÄéø ëÌÆìÆá" (ãáøéí ëâ,éè). 100  Not to bring sacrifices of animals taken in exchange for services of a prostitute or in exchange for a dog, as it is written "thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the price of a dog" (Deuteronomy 23,19).
÷à  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀçÉè àåÉúåÉ åÀàÆú áÌÀðåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÉúåÉ åÀàÆú-áÌÀðåÉ, ìÉà úÄùÑÀçÂèåÌ áÌÀéåÉí àÆçÈã" (åé÷øà ëá,ëç). 101  Not to slaughter an animal and its young on the same day, as it is written "ye shall not kill it and its young both in one day" (Leviticus 22,28).
÷á  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï æÇéÄú áÌÀîÄðÀçÇú çåÉèÆà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÈùÒÄéí òÈìÆéäÈ ùÑÆîÆï" (åé÷øà ä,éà). 102  Not to put olive oil on the meal offering of a sinner, as it is written "he shall put no oil upon it" (Leviticus 5,11).
÷â  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï òÈìÆéäÈ ìÀáåÉðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÄúÌÅï òÈìÆéäÈ ìÀáÉðÈä" (åé÷øà ä,éà). 103  Not to put frankincense on it, as it is written "neither shall he put any frankincense thereon" (Leviticus 5,11).
÷ã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï æÇéÄú áÌÀîÄðÀçÇú ñåÉèÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄöÉ÷ òÈìÈéå ùÑÆîÆï" (áîãáø ä,èå). 104  Not to put olive oil on the meal offering of a woman suspected of adultery, as it is written "he shall pour no oil upon it" (Numbers 5,15).
÷ä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÌÅï òÈìÈéå ìÀáåÉðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÄúÌÅï òÈìÈéå ìÀáÉðÈä" (áîãáø ä,èå). 105  Not to put frankincense on it, as it is written "nor put frankincense thereon" (Numbers 5,15).
÷å  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÈîÄéø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÇçÂìÄéôÆðÌåÌ, åÀìÉà-éÈîÄéø àÉúåÉ èåÉá áÌÀøÈò" (åé÷øà ëæ,é). 106  Not to substitute for a consecrated animal, as it is written "he shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad" (Leviticus 27,10).
÷æ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀùÑÇðÌåÉú äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí îÄ÷ÌÈøÀáÌÈï ìÀ÷ÈøÀáÌÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌÇáÌÀëåÉø "ìÉà-éÇ÷ÀãÌÄéùÑ àÄéùÑ, àÉúåÉ" (åé÷øà ëæ,ëå); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ìÉà éÇ÷ÀãÄéùÑÆðÌåÌ ìÀ÷ÈøÀáÌÈï àÇçÅø. 107  Not to change a consecrated animal from one kind of sacrifice to another, as it is written on the first-born "no man shall sanctify it" (Leviticus 27,26); that is, not to sanctify it as another kind of sacrifice.
÷ç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄôÀãÌåÉú áÌÀëåÉø áÌÀäÅîÈä èÀäåÉøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇêÀ áÌÀëåÉø-ùÑåÉø . . . ìÉà úÄôÀãÌÆä" (áîãáø éç,éæ). 108  Not to redeem the first-born of a clean animal, as it is written "but the firstling of an ox . . . thou shalt not redeem" (Numbers 18,17).
÷è  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø îÇòÀùÒÇø áÌÀäÅîÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÄâÌÈàÅì" (åé÷øà ëæ,ìâ). 109  Not to sell the tithe of animals, as it is written "it shall not be redeemed" (Leviticus 27,33).
÷é  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø ùÒÀãÅä äÇçÅøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-çÅøÆí . . . ìÉà éÄîÌÈëÅø" (åé÷øà ëæ,ëç). 110  Not to sell a field devoted to the LORD, as it is written "no devoted thing . . . shall be sold" (Leviticus 27,28).
÷éà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄôÀãÌåÉú ùÒÀãÅä äÇçÅøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÄâÌÈàÅì" (åé÷øà ëæ,ëç). 111  Not to redeem a field devoted to the LORD, as it is written "nor redeemed" (Leviticus 27,28).
÷éá  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇáÀãÌÄéì áÌÀçÇèÌÇàú äÈòåÉó, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÈìÇ÷ àÆú-øÉàùÑåÉ îÄîÌåÌì òÈøÀôÌåÉ, åÀìÉà éÇáÀãÌÄéì" (åé÷øà ä,ç). 112  Not to sever the head of a fowl brought as a sin offering, as it is written "and pinch off its head close by its neck, but shall not divide it asunder" (Leviticus 5,8).
÷éâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã áÌÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇòÂáÉã áÌÄáÀëÉø ùÑåÉøÆêÈ" (ãáøéí èå,éè). 113  Not to do work with consecrated animals, as it is written "thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thine ox" (Deuteronomy 15,19).
÷éã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄâÀæÉæ àÆú äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈâÉæ áÌÀëåÉø öÉàðÆêÈ" (ãáøéí èå,éè). 114  Not to shear consecrated animals, as it is written "nor shear the firstling of thy flock" (Deuteronomy 15,19).
÷èå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÑÀçÉè äÇôÌÆñÇç åÀäÆçÈîÅõ ÷ÇéÌÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄùÑÀçÇè òÇì-çÈîÅõ, ãÌÇí-æÄáÀçÄé" (ùîåú ìã,ëä). 115  Not to slaughter the Pesach sacrifice while in possession of leaven, as it is written "thou shalt not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread" (Exodus 34,25).
÷èæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇðÌÄéçÇ àÅîåÌøÅé äÇôÌÆñÇç òÇã ùÑÆéÌÄôÌÈñÀìåÌ áÌÇìÌÄéðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÈìÄéï çÅìÆá-çÇâÌÄé, òÇã-áÌÉ÷Æø" (ùîåú ëâ,éç). 116  Not to leave the choice parts of the Pesach sacrifice overnight so that they become unfit for burning on the Altar, as it is written "neither shall the fat of My feast remain all night until the morning" (Exodus 23,18).
÷éæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉúÄéø îÄáÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÉúÄéøåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, òÇã-áÌÉ÷Æø" (ùîåú éá,é). 117  Not to leave the flesh of the Pesach sacrifice overnight, as it is written "and ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning" (Exodus 12,10).
÷éç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉúÄéø îÅçÂâÄéâÇú àÇøÀáÌÈòÈä òÈùÒÈø ìÀéåÉí äÇùÌÑÀìÄéùÑÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÈìÄéï îÄï-äÇáÌÈùÒÈø . . ." (ãáøéí èæ,ã); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆáÌÄáÀùÒÇø çÂâÄéâÇú àÇøÀáÌÈòÈä òÈùÒÈø äÇëÌÈúåÌá îÀãÇáÌÅø, åÀæÆä ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÇáÌÉ÷Æø" (ùí) ìÀáÈ÷ÀøåÉ ùÑÆìÌÀéåÉí ùÑÅðÄé ùÑÆìÌÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÀäåÌà ùÑÀìÄéùÑÄé ìÇùÌÑÀçÄéèÈä. 118  Not to leave any of the festival offering of the Fourteenth of Nisan over until the third day, as it is written "neither shall any of the flesh remain all night . . ." (Deuteronomy 16,4); it was learned from the oral tradition that this refers to the festival offering of the Fourteenth of Nisan, and "until the morning" (ibid.) means until the morning of the second day of Pesach, which is the third day from slaughtering.
÷éè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉúÄéø îÄáÌÀùÒÇø ôÌÆñÇç ùÑÅðÄé òÇã áÌÉ÷Æø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÇùÑÀàÄéøåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ òÇã-áÌÉ÷Æø" (áîãáø è,éá). 119  Not to leave any flesh of the Second Pesach sacrifice until the morning, as it is written "they shall leave none of it unto the morning" (Numbers 9,12).
÷ë  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉúÄéø îÄáÌÀùÒÇø äÇúÌåÉãÈä òÇã áÌÉ÷Æø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úåÉúÄéøåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ òÇã-áÌÉ÷Æø" (øàä åé÷øà ëá,ì); åÀäåÌà äÇãÌÄéï ìÄùÑÀàÈø äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÀàÅéï îÇðÌÄéçÄéï àåÉúÈï ìÀàÇçÇø æÀîÈï àÂëÄéìÈúÈï. 120  Not to leave any flesh of the thanksgiving offering until the morning, as it is written "and ye shall leave none of it until the morning" (see Leviticus 22,30); and the same applies to the other sacrifices, which must not be left over beyond the time of their eating.
÷ëà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø òÆöÆí áÌÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀòÆöÆí, ìÉà úÄùÑÀáÌÀøåÌ-áåÉ" (ùîåú éá,îå). 121  Not to break a bone of the Pesach sacrifice, as it is written "neither shall ye break a bone thereof" (Exodus 12,46).
÷ëá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø òÆöÆí áÌÀôÆñÇç ùÑÅðÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀòÆöÆí ìÉà éÄùÑÀáÌÀøåÌ-áåÉ" (áîãáø è,éá). 122  Not to break a bone of the Second Pesach sacrifice, as it is written "nor break a bone thereof" (Numbers 9,12).
÷ëâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉöÄéà îÄáÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç îÄï äÇçÂáåÌøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÉöÄéà îÄï-äÇáÌÇéÄú" (ùîåú éá,îå). 123  Not to take out any flesh of the Pesach sacrifice from the place of the group eating it, as it is written "thou shalt not carry forth abroad out of the house" (Exodus 12,46).
÷ëã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ùÑÀéÇøÅé îÀðÈçåÉú çÈîÅõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÅàÈôÆä çÈîÅõ" (åé÷øà å,é). 124  Not to allow the remainder of the meal offerings to become leavened, as it is written "it shall not be baked with leaven" (Leviticus 6,10).
÷ëä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç ðÈà åÌîÀáËùÌÑÈì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌÉàëÀìåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ ðÈà, åÌáÈùÑÅì îÀáËùÌÑÈì" (ùîåú éá,è). 125  Not to eat the flesh of the Pesach sacrifice raw or boiled, as it is written "eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water" (Exodus 12,9).
÷ëå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇàÂëÄéì áÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç ìÀâÅø úÌåÉùÑÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "úÌåÉùÑÈá åÀùÒÈëÄéø, ìÉà-éÉàëÇì áÌåÉ" (ùîåú éá,îä). 126  Not to feed the flesh of the Pesach sacrifice to a resident alien, as it is written "a sojourner and a hired servant shall not eat thereof" (Exodus 12,45).
÷ëæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì äÆòÈøÅì áÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-òÈøÅì, ìÉà-éÉàëÇì áÌåÉ" (ùîåú éá,îç). 127  That the uncircumcised shall not eat the flesh of the Pesach sacrifice, as it is written "but no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof" (Exodus 12,48).
÷ëç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇàÂëÄéì áÌÀùÒÇø äÇôÌÆñÇç ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ùÑÆðÌÄùÑÀúÌÇîÌÇã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-áÌÆï-ðÅëÈø, ìÉà-éÉàëÇì áÌåÉ" (ùîåú éá,îâ); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ùÑÆðÌÄìÀåÈä ìÄáÀðÅé ðÅëÈø åÀòÈáÇã òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä ëÌÀîåÉúÈí ìÉà éÉàëÇì áÌåÉ. 128  Not to feed the flesh of the Pesach sacrifice to an apostate Israelite, as it is written "there shall no alien eat thereof" (Exodus 12,43); that is, an Israelite who has associated himself with Gentiles and worshipped idolatry like them shall not eat it.
÷ëè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì àÈãÈí ùÑÆðÌÄèÀîÈà ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀäÇðÌÆôÆùÑ àÂùÑÆø-úÌÉàëÇì áÌÈùÒÈø, îÄæÌÆáÇç äÇùÌÑÀìÈîÄéí àÂùÑÆø ìÇä', åÀèËîÀàÈúåÉ, òÈìÈéå--åÀðÄëÀøÀúÈä" (åé÷øà æ,ë). 129  That a person who is unclean shall not eat consecrated food, as it is written "but the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, that pertain unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, shall be cut off" (Leviticus 7,20).
÷ì  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÄï äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí ùÑÆðÌÄèÀîÀàåÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀäÇáÌÈùÒÈø àÂùÑÆø-éÄâÌÇò áÌÀëÈì-èÈîÅà, ìÉà éÅàÈëÅì" (åé÷øà æ,éè). 130  Not to eat consecrated foods that have become unclean, as it is written "and the flesh that toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten" (Leviticus 7,19).
÷ìà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ðåÉúÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÉëÀìÈéå òÂåÊðåÉ éÄùÌÒÈà . . . åÀðÄëÀøÀúÈä äÇðÌÆôÆùÑ äÇäÄéà, îÅòÇîÌÆéäÈ" (åé÷øà éè,ç). 131  Not to eat a sacrifice that has been left over, as it is written "but every one that eateth it shall bear his iniquity . . . and that soul shall be cut off from his people" (Leviticus 19,8).
÷ìá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ôÌÄâÌåÌì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äÇîÌÇ÷ÀøÄéá àÉúåÉ ìÉà éÅçÈùÑÅá ìåÉ, ôÌÄâÌåÌì éÄäÀéÆä; åÀäÇðÌÆôÆùÑ äÈàÉëÆìÆú îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, òÂåÊðÈäÌ úÌÄùÌÒÈà" (åé÷øà æ,éç); åÀäåÌà áÌÀëÈøÅú. 132  Not to eat the abomination of intended delay, as it is written "neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it; it shall be an abhorred thing, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity" (Leviticus 7,18); it is punished by excision.
÷ìâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì æÈø úÌÀøåÌîåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-æÈø, ìÉà-éÉàëÇì ÷ÉãÆùÑ" (åé÷øà ëá,é). 133  That an unauthorized person shall not eat the heave offerings, as it is written "there shall no common man eat of the holy thing" (Leviticus 22,10).
÷ìã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì àÇôÄìÌåÌ úÌåÉùÑÇá ëÌåÉäÅï åÌùÒÀëÄéøåÉ úÌÀøåÌîÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "úÌåÉùÑÇá ëÌÉäÅï åÀùÒÈëÄéø, ìÉà-éÉàëÇì ÷ÉãÆùÑ" (åé÷øà ëá,é). 134  That even the tenant of a Priest or his hired worker shall not eat a heave offering, as it is written "a tenant of a Priest, or a hired servant, shall not eat of the holy thing" (Leviticus 22,10).
÷ìä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì òÈøÅì úÌÀøåÌîÈä, åÀäåÌà äÇãÌÄéï ìÄùÑÀàÈø ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí.  åÀãÈáÈø æÆä ìÄîÌÀãåÉ äÇëÌÈúåÌá îÄï äÇôÌÆñÇç áÌÄâÀæÅøÈä ùÑåÉåÈä, åÀàÅéðåÌ áÌÇôÌÅøåÌùÑ îÄï äÇúÌåÉøÈä; åÌîÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆàÄñÌåÌø òÈøÅì áÌÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí îÄâÌåÌôÅé úÌåÉøÈä, åÀàÅéðåÌ îÄãÌÄáÀøÅé ñåÉôÀøÄéí. 135  That the uncircumcised shall not eat a heave offering, and the same applies to other consecrated food.  This rule is implied by the Scripture in the Pesach offering by an analogy from similarity of wording, but it is not explicit in the Torah; it was learned from the oral tradition that the prohibition of the uncircumcised in consecrated foods is a commandment of the Torah itself, and not a rabbinical enactment.
÷ìå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì ëÌåÉäÅï èÈîÅà úÌÀøåÌîÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÄéùÑ îÄæÌÇøÀòÂêÈ . . . áÌÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí ìÉà éÉàëÇì" (øàä åé÷øà ëà,éæ; åé÷øà ëá,ã). 136  That a Priest who is unclean shall not eat a heave offering, as it is written "whosoever he be of thy seed . . . shall not eat of the holy things" (see Leviticus 21,17; Leviticus 22,4).
÷ìæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÉàëÇì çÂìÈìÈä ÷ÉãÆùÑ, ìÉà úÌÀøåÌîåÉú åÀìÉà çÈæÆä åÀùÑåÉ÷, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÇú-ëÌÉäÅï--ëÌÄé úÄäÀéÆä, ìÀàÄéùÑ æÈø:  äÄéà, áÌÄúÀøåÌîÇú äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí ìÉà úÉàëÅì" (åé÷øà ëá,éá). 137  That a profaned woman shall not eat consecrated food, neither heave offerings nor the breast and foreleg, as it is written "and if a Priest's daughter be married unto a common man, she shall not eat of that which is set apart from the holy things" (Leviticus 22,12).
÷ìç  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÅàÈëÅì îÄðÀçÇú ëÌåÉäÅï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-îÄðÀçÇú ëÌÉäÅï ëÌÈìÄéì úÌÄäÀéÆä, ìÉà úÅàÈëÅì" (åé÷øà å,èæ). 138  Not to eat the Priest's meal offering, as it is written "and every meal-offering of the Priest shall be wholly made to smoke; it shall not be eaten" (Leviticus 6,16).
÷ìè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀùÒÇø çÇèÌÈàåÉú äÇðÌÇòÂùÒåÉú áÌÄôÀðÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-çÇèÌÈàú àÂùÑÆø éåÌáÈà îÄãÌÈîÈäÌ . . . ìÉà úÅàÈëÅì" (åé÷øà å,ëâ). 139  Not to eat the flesh of sin offerings brought inside, as it is written "and no sin-offering, whereof any of the blood is brought . . . shall be eaten" (Leviticus 6,23).
÷î  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ôÌÀñåÌìÅé äÇîÌË÷ÀãÌÈùÑÄéï ùÑÆäËèÌÈì áÌÈäÆí îåÌí áÌÀëÇåÌÈðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÉàëÇì, ëÌÈì-úÌåÉòÅáÈä" (ãáøéí éã,â); ìÈîÇãÀðåÌ îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ùÑÆáÌÄôÀñåÌìÅé äÇîÌË÷ÀãÌÈùÑÄéï ùÑÆäËèÌÈì áÌÈäÆí îåÌí äÇëÌÈúåÌá îÀãÇáÌÅø. 140  Not to eat the flesh of unfit consecrated animals in which a blemish has been inflicted intentionally, as it is written "thou shalt not eat any abominable thing" (Deuteronomy 14,3); it was learned from the oral tradition that this refers to unfit consecrated animals in which a blemish was inflicted.
÷îà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé ùÑÆìÌÀãÈâÈï çåÌõ ìÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÄùÑÀòÈøÆéêÈ, îÇòÀùÒÇø ãÌÀâÈðÀêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ). 141  Not to eat the second tithe of grain outside Jerusalem, as it is written "thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn" (Deuteronomy 12,17).
÷îá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé ùÑÆìÌÀúÄéøåÉùÑ çåÌõ ìÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "úÌÄéøÉùÑÀêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ). 142  Not to eat the second tithe of wine outside Jerusalem, as it is written "thy wine" (Deuteronomy 12,17).
÷îâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé ùÑÆìÌÀéÄöÀäÈø çåÌõ ìÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀéÄöÀäÈøÆêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ). 143  Not to eat the second tithe of oil outside Jerusalem, as it is written "or of thine oil" (Deuteronomy 12,17).
÷îã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀëåÉø úÌÈîÄéí çåÌõ ìÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì . . . åÌáÀëÉøÉú" (ãáøéí éá,éæ). 144  Not to eat an unblemished first-born animal outside Jerusalem, as it is written "thou mayest not . . . or the firstlings" (Deuteronomy 12,17).
÷îä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÀìåÌ äÇëÌåÉäÂðÄéí çÇèÌÈàú åÀàÈùÑÈí çåÌõ ìÈòÂæÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì . . . áÌÀ÷ÈøÀêÈ, åÀöÉàðÆêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆìÌÉà áÈà äÇëÌÈúåÌá àÅìÈà ìÆàÁñÉø áÌÀùÒÇø çÇèÌÈàåÉú åÇàÂùÑÈîåÉú çåÌõ ìÈòÂæÈøÈä, ìÀôÄé ùÑÆëÌÈì ãÌÈáÈø ùÑÆéÌÅàÈëÅì çåÌõ ìÄîÀ÷åÉí àÂëÄéìÈúåÉ "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÄùÑÀòÈøÆéêÈ" (ùí) àÆ÷ÀøÈà áÌåÉ. 145  That the Priests shall not eat the flesh of the sin offering or guilt offering outside the Courtyard, as it is written "thou mayest not . . . of thy herd or of thy flock" (Deuteronomy 12,17); it was learned from the oral tradition that this prohibits the flesh of the sin offering or the guilt offering outside the Courtyard, since anything eaten outside the proper place of its eating comes within "thou mayest not eat within thy gates" (ibid.).
÷îå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀùÒÇø äÈòåÉìÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì . . . åÌðÀãÈøÆéêÈ àÂùÑÆø úÌÄãÌÉø" (øàä ãáøéí éá,éæ); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ìÉà úåÌëÇì ìÆàÁëÉì ðÀãÈøÆéêÈ àÂùÑÆø úÌÄãÌÉø.  åÀæåÉ äÄéà àÇæÀäÈøÈä ùÑÆìÌÀëÈì îåÉòÅì, ùÑÆìÌÉà éÅäÈðÆä îÄï äÇ÷ÌÃãÈùÑÄéí äÈàÂñåÌøÄéí ìÅäÈðåÉú îÅäÆí; åÀàÄí ðÄäÀðÈä, îÈòÇì. 146  Not to eat the flesh of the burnt offering, as it is written "thou mayest not . . . nor any of thy vows which thou vowest" (see Deuteronomy 12,17); that is, you shall not eat the sacrifices you vow.  This is a warning against anyone who would benefit from consecrated property, that one must not benefit from any of the consecrated items forbidden to be benefited from; and if one does benefit, he becomes responsible for the forbidden benefit.
÷îæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀùÒÇø ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí ÷ÇìÌÄéí ÷ÉãÆí æÀøÄé÷Çú ãÌÈîÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì . . . åÀðÄãÀáÉúÆéêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ìÉà úåÌëÇì ìÆàÁëÉì ðÄãÀáåÉúÆéêÈ òÇã ùÑÆéÌÄæÌÈøÅ÷ ãÌÈîÈí. 147  Not to eat the flesh of the minor sacrifices before the sprinkling of the blood, as it is written "thou mayest not . . . thy freewill-offerings" (Deuteronomy 12,17); that is, you may not eat your free-will offerings, until their blood has been sprinkled.
÷îç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì æÈø áÌÀùÒÇø ÷ÈãÀùÑÅé ÷ÃãÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀæÈø ìÉà-éÉàëÇì, ëÌÄé-÷ÉãÆùÑ äÅí" (ùîåú ëè,ìâ). 148  That the non-priest shall not eat the flesh of the most holy sacrifices, as it is written "but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy" (Exodus 29,33).
÷îè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì ëÌåÉäÅï áÌÄëÌåÌøÄéí ÷ÉãÆí äÇðÌÈçÈä áÌÈòÂæÈøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úåÌëÇì . . . åÌúÀøåÌîÇú éÈãÆêÈ" (ãáøéí éá,éæ); àÅìÌåÌ äÇáÌÄëÌåÌøÄéí. 149  That a Priest shall not eat the first fruits before they are set down in the Courtyard, as it is written "thou mayest not . . . nor the offering of thy hand" (Deuteronomy 12,17); these are the first fruits.
÷ð  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé áÌÀèËîÀàÈä åÀàÇôÄìÌåÌ áÌÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí òÇã ùÑÆéÌÄôÌÈãÆä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-áÄòÇøÀúÌÄé îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ áÌÀèÈîÅà" (ãáøéí ëå,éã). 150  Not to eat the second tithe while unclean, even in Jerusalem, until it has been redeemed, as it is written "neither have I put away thereof, being unclean" (Deuteronomy 26,14).
÷ðà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé áÌÇàÂðÄéðåÌú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-àÈëÇìÀúÌÄé áÀàÉðÄé îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ" (ãáøéí ëå,éã). 151  Not to eat the second tithe while in mourning, as it is written "I have not eaten thereof in my mourning" (Deuteronomy 26,14).
÷ðá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉöÄéà ãÌÀîÅé îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé áÌÄùÑÀàÈø ãÌÀáÈøÄéí ùÑÀàÅéï áÌÈäÆí àÂëÄéìÈä åÌùÑÀúÄéÌÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-ðÈúÇúÌÄé îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, ìÀîÅú" (ãáøéí ëå,éã); åÀëÈì ùÑÀäåÌà çåÌõ ìÀöÈøÀëÌÅé äÇâÌåÌó äÇçÇé, "ðÈúÇúÌÄé îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, ìÀîÅú" àÆ÷ÀøÈà áÌåÉ. 152  Not to spend redemption money of the second tithe for anything but food and drink, as it is written "nor given thereof for the dead", (Deuteronomy 26,14); anything other than necessities of the living body comes within "given thereof for the dead".
÷ðâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì èÆáÆì; åÀäÇèÌÆáÆì äåÌà äÇãÌÈáÈø ùÑÆâÌÄãÌåÌìÈéå îÄï äÈàÈøÆõ äÇçÇéÌÈá áÌÄúÀøåÌîåÉú åÌîÇòÇùÒÀøåÉú, ùÑÆìÌÉà äåÉöÄéàåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ úÌÀøåÌîÇú ä':  ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÀçÇìÌÀìåÌ, àÆú-÷ÈãÀùÑÅé áÌÀðÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì--àÅú àÂùÑÆø-éÈøÄéîåÌ, ìÇä'" (åé÷øà ëá,èå); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ãÌÀáÈøÄéí ùÑÀäÆï òÂúÄéãÄéï ìÀäÈøÄéí àåÉúÈí ìÇä', ìÉà éÇòÂùÒåÌ àåÉúÈí çÉì åÀéÉàëÀìåÌ àåÉúÈí áÌÀèÄáÀìÈí. 153  Not to eat produce from which priestly portions have not yet been removed; it is produce of the soil from which heave offering and tithes have to be separated, before taking out the heave offering to the LORD:  as it is written "and they shall not profane the holy things of the Children of Israel, which they set apart unto the LORD" (Leviticus 22,15); that is, what is to be separated out for the LORD must not be treated as profane and eaten before the separation.
÷ðã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇ÷ÀãÌÄéí úÌÀøåÌîÈä ìÇáÌÄëÌåÌøÄéí, åÀìÉà îÇòÂùÒÅø øÄàùÑåÉï ìÇúÌÀøåÌîÈä, åÀìÉà îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé ìÈøÄàùÑåÉï, àÅìÈà îåÉöÄéàÄéï òÇì äÇñÌÅãÆø:  áÌÄëÌåÌøÄéí úÌÀçÄìÌÈä, åÀàÇçÇø ëÌÈêÀ úÌÀøåÌîÈä âÌÀãåÉìÈä, åÀàÇçÇø ëÌÈêÀ îÇòÂùÒÅø øÄàùÑåÉï, åÀàÇçÇø ëÌÈêÀ îÇòÂùÒÅø ùÑÅðÄé; ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "îÀìÅàÈúÀêÈ åÀãÄîÀòÂêÈ, ìÉà úÀàÇçÅø" (ùîåú ëá,ëç), ëÌÀìåÉîÇø ìÉà úÀàÇçÇø ãÌÈáÈø äÈøÈàåÌé ìÀäÇ÷ÀãÌÄéîåÉ. 154  Not to take out heave offerings before the first fruits, nor the first tithe before the heave offering, nor the second tithe before the first tithe, but take them out in the proper order:  first fruits at the start, then the great heave offering, then the first tithe, and then the second tithe, as it is written "thou shalt not delay to offer of the fulness of thy harvest, and of the outflow of thy presses" (Exodus 22,28); that is, you shall not delay what should be earlier.
÷ðä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀàÇçÇø äÇðÌÀãÈøÄéí åÀäÇðÌÀãÈáåÉú ùÑÆðÌÈãÇø åÀùÑÆðÌÈãÇá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀàÇçÅø ìÀùÑÇìÌÀîåÉ" (ãáøéí ëâ,ëá). 155  Not to delay vowed offerings or free-will offerings, as it is written "thou shalt not be slack to pay it" (Deuteronomy 23,22).
÷ðå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂìåÉú ìÆçÈâ áÌÀìÉà ÷ÈøÀáÌÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÅøÈàåÌ ôÈðÇé, øÅé÷Èí" (ùîåú ëâ,èå). 156  Not to go up on a pilgrimage festival without an offering, as it is written "and none shall appear before Me empty" (Exodus 23,15).
÷ðæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉø òÇì ãÌÀáÈøÄéí ùÑÆàÈñÇø àÈãÈí òÇì ðÇôÀùÑåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÇçÅì, ãÌÀáÈøåÉ" (áîãáø ì,â). 157  Not to transgress in matters that one has forbidden himself, as it is written "he shall not break his word" (Numbers 30,3).
÷ðç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌåÉäÅï æåÉðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÄùÌÑÈä æÉðÈä . . . ìÉà éÄ÷ÌÈçåÌ" (åé÷øà ëà,æ). 158  That a Priest shall not marry a harlot, as it is written "they shall not take a woman that is a harlot" (Leviticus 21,7).
÷ðè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌåÉäÅï çÂìÈìÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÇçÂìÈìÈä ìÉà éÄ÷ÌÈçåÌ" (åé÷øà ëà,æ). 159  That a Priest shall not marry a profaned woman, as it is written "they shall not take . . . or profaned" (Leviticus 21,7).
÷ñ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌåÉäÅï âÌÀøåÌùÑÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÄùÌÑÈä âÌÀøåÌùÑÈä îÅàÄéùÑÈäÌ ìÉà éÄ÷ÌÈçåÌ" (åé÷øà ëà,æ). 160  That a Priest shall not marry a divorced woman, as it is written "neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband" (Leviticus 21,7).
÷ñà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌåÉäÅï âÌÈãåÉì àÇìÀîÈðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇìÀîÈðÈä åÌâÀøåÌùÑÈä åÇçÂìÈìÈä æÉðÈä, àÆú-àÅìÌÆä ìÉà éÄ÷ÌÈç" (åé÷øà ëà,éã). 161  That a High Priest shall not marry a widow, as it is written "a widow, or one divorced, or a profaned woman, or a harlot, these shall he not take" (Leviticus 21,14).
÷ñá  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄáÀòÉì ëÌåÉäÅï âÌÈãåÉì àÇìÀîÈðÈä, åÀàÇôÄìÌåÌ áÌÀìÉà ÷ÄãÌåÌùÑÄéï, îÄôÌÀðÅé ùÑÆîÌÀçÇìÌÀìÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-éÀçÇìÌÅì æÇøÀòåÉ, áÌÀòÇîÌÈéå" (åé÷øà ëà,èå); äÂøÅé äåÌà îËæÀäÈø ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀçÇìÌÇì ëÌÀùÑÅøÈä. 162  That a High Priest shall not have sexual relations with a widow, even without marriage, because he profanes her, and it is written "and he shall not profane his seed among his people" (Leviticus 21,15); thus, he is warned against profaning one who would be otherwise fit.
÷ñâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ ëÌåÉäÅï ìÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ ôÌÀøåÌòÇ øÉàùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "øÈàùÑÅéëÆí àÇì-úÌÄôÀøÈòåÌ" (åé÷øà é,å). 163  That a Priest shall not enter the Temple with unkempt hair, as it is written "let not the hair of your heads go loose" (Leviticus 10,6).
÷ñã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ ëÌåÉäÅï ìÇîÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑ ÷ÀøåÌòÇ áÌÀâÈãÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÄâÀãÅéëÆí ìÉà-úÄôÀøÉîåÌ" (åé÷øà é,å). 164  That a Priest shall not enter the Temple in torn clothing, as it is written "neither rend your clothes" (Leviticus 10,6).
÷ñä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÅöÅà ëÌåÉäÅï îÄï äÈòÂæÈøÈä áÌÀùÑÈòÇú äÈòÂáåÉãÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÄôÌÆúÇç àÉäÆì îåÉòÅã ìÉà úÅöÀàåÌ" (åé÷øà é,æ). 165  That a Priest shall not leave the Courtyard during the service, as it is written "and ye shall not go out from the door of the Tent of Meeting" (Leviticus 10,7).
÷ñå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄèÌÇîÌÅà ëÌåÉäÅï äÄãÀéåÉè ìÄùÑÀàÈø îÅúÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÀðÆôÆùÑ ìÉà-éÄèÌÇîÌÈà áÌÀòÇîÌÈéå" (åé÷øà ëà,à). 166  That an ordinary Priest shall not become unclean by contact with the dead other than [certain relatives], as it is written "there shall none defile himself for the dead among his people" (Leviticus 21,1).
÷ñæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄèÌÇîÌÅà ëÌåÉäÅï âÌÈãåÉì åÀàÇôÄìÌåÌ ìÄ÷ÀøåÉáÈéå, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÀàÈáÄéå åÌìÀàÄîÌåÉ, ìÉà éÄèÌÇîÌÈà" (åé÷øà ëà,éà). 167  That a High Priest shall not become unclean even for his relatives, as it is written "nor defile himself for his father, or for his mother" (Leviticus 21,11).
÷ñç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ ëÌåÉäÅï âÌÈãåÉì òÄí îÅú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀòÇì ëÌÈì-ðÇôÀùÑÉú îÅú, ìÉà éÈáÉà" (åé÷øà ëà,éà); ëÌÈêÀ ìÈîÀãåÌ îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä, ùÑÀäåÌà çÇéÌÈá áÌÀáÇì éÈáåÉà åÀçÇéÌÈá áÌÀáÇì éÄèÌÇîÌÅà. 168  That a High Priest shall not go into the place of a corpse, as it is written "neither shall he go in to any dead body" (Leviticus 21,11); thus it was learned from the oral tradition, that he is liable for punishment both from going into the place of a corpse and from becoming unclean.
÷ñè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌÈì ùÑÅáÆè ìÅåÄé çÅìÆ÷ áÌÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀðÇçÂìÈä ìÉà-éÄäÀéÆä-ìÌåÉ" (ãáøéí éç,á). 169  That none of the tribe of Levi shall take any portion in the Land of Israel, as it is written "and they shall have no inheritance" (Deuteronomy 18,2).
÷ò  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌÈì ùÑÅáÆè ìÅåÄé çÅìÆ÷ áÌÇáÌÄæÌÈä áÌÀùÑÈòÇú ëÌÄáÌåÌùÑ äÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄäÀéÆä ìÇëÌÉäÂðÄéí äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí" (ãáøéí éç,à). 170  That none of the tribe of Levi shall take any share in the spoils in the conquest of the Land of Israel, as it is written "the Priests the Levites shall have no" (Deuteronomy 18,1).
÷òà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ÷ÈøÀçÈä òÇì îÅú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈùÒÄéîåÌ ÷ÈøÀçÈä áÌÅéï òÅéðÅéëÆí--ìÈîÅú" (ãáøéí éã,à). 171  Not to make a bald spot for the dead, as it is written "nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead" (Deuteronomy 14,1).
÷òá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀäÅîÈä èÀîÅàÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇêÀ àÆú-æÆä, ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌ, îÄîÌÇòÂìÅé äÇâÌÅøÈä" (åé÷øà éà,ã; ãáøéí éã,æ). 172  Not to eat an unclean animal, as it is written "nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that only chew the cud" (Leviticus 11,4; Deuteronomy 14,7).
÷òâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ãÌÈâ èÈîÅà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀùÑÆ÷Æõ, éÄäÀéåÌ ìÈëÆí; îÄáÌÀùÒÈøÈí ìÉà úÉàëÅìåÌ" (åé÷øà éà,éà). 173  Not to eat unclean fish, as it is written "and they shall be a detestable thing unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh" (Leviticus 11,11).
÷òã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì òåÉó èÈîÅà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆú-àÅìÌÆä úÌÀùÑÇ÷ÌÀöåÌ îÄï-äÈòåÉó, ìÉà éÅàÈëÀìåÌ" (åé÷øà éà,éâ). 174  Not to eat unclean fowl, as it is written "and these ye shall have in detestation among the fowls; they shall not be eaten" (Leviticus 11,13).
÷òä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ùÑÆøÆõ äÈòåÉó, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÉì ùÑÆøÆõ äÈòåÉó, èÈîÅà äåÌà ìÈëÆí:  ìÉà, éÅàÈëÅìåÌ" (ãáøéí éã,éè). 175  Not to eat winged swarming things, as it is written "all winged swarming things are unclean unto you; they shall not be eaten" (Deuteronomy 14,19).
÷òå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ùÑÆøÆõ äÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-äÇùÌÑÆøÆõ, äÇùÌÑÉøÅõ òÇì-äÈàÈøÆõ--ùÑÆ÷Æõ äåÌà, ìÉà éÅàÈëÅì" (åé÷øà éà,îà). 176  Not to eat things that swarm upon the earth, as it is written "and every swarming thing that swarmeth upon the earth is a detestable thing; it shall not be eaten" (Leviticus 11,41).
÷òæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì øÆîÆùÒ äÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÀèÇîÌÀàåÌ àÆú-ðÇôÀùÑÉúÅéëÆí, áÌÀëÈì-äÇùÌÑÆøÆõ äÈøÉîÅùÒ òÇì-äÈàÈøÆõ" (åé÷øà éà,îã). 177  Not to eat things that creep upon the earth, as it is written "neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of swarming thing that moveth upon the earth" (Leviticus 11,44).
÷òç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì úÌåÉìÇòÇú äÇôÌÅøåÉú ëÌÀùÑÆúÌÅöÅà ìÈàÇåÌÅéø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÀëÈì-äÇùÌÑÆøÆõ, äÇùÌÑÉøÅõ òÇì-äÈàÈøÆõ--ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌí" (åé÷øà éà,îá). 178  Not to eat a worm found in fruit once it has come out into the air, as it is written "even all swarming things that swarm upon the earth, them ye shall not eat" (Leviticus 11,42).
÷òè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ùÑÆøÆõ äÇîÌÇéÄí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌÀùÑÇ÷ÌÀöåÌ, àÆú-ðÇôÀùÑÉúÅéëÆí, áÌÀëÈì-äÇùÌÑÆøÆõ, äÇùÌÑÉøÅõ" (åé÷øà éà,îâ). 179  Not to eat things that swarm in the water, as it is written "ye shall not make yourselves detestable with any swarming thing that swarmeth" (Leviticus 11,43).
÷ô  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì îÅúÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌ ëÈì-ðÀáÅìÈä" (ãáøéí éã,ëà). 180  Not to eat an animal that died without slaughtering, as it is written "ye shall not eat of any thing that dieth of itself" (Deuteronomy 14,21).
÷ôà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì èÀøÅôÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÈùÒÈø áÌÇùÌÒÈãÆä èÀøÅôÈä ìÉà úÉàëÅìåÌ" (ùîåú ëá,ì). 181  Not to eat an animal that is fatally injured, as it is written "ye shall not eat any flesh that is torn of beasts in the field" (Exodus 22,30).
÷ôá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì àÅáÆø îÄï äÇçÇé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÉàëÇì äÇðÌÆôÆùÑ, òÄí-äÇáÌÈùÒÈø" (ãáøéí éá,ëâ). 182  Not to eat a limb removed from a living animal, as it is written "and thou shalt not eat the life with the flesh" (Deuteronomy 12,23).
÷ôâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì âÌÄéã äÇðÌÈùÑÆä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÇì-ëÌÅï ìÉà-éÉàëÀìåÌ áÀðÅé-éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì àÆú-âÌÄéã äÇðÌÈùÑÆä" (áøàùéú ìá,ìâ). 183  Not to eat the sciatic nerve, as it is written "therefore the Children of Israel eat not the sinew of the thigh-vein" (Genesis 32,33).
÷ôã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ãÌÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-ãÌÈí, ìÉà úÉàëÅìåÌ" (åé÷øà â,éæ; åé÷øà æ,ëå). 184  Not to eat blood, as it is written "and ye shall eat no manner of blood" (Leviticus 3,17; Leviticus 7,26).
÷ôä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì çÅìÆá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-çÅìÆá ùÑåÉø åÀëÆùÒÆá, åÈòÅæ--ìÉà úÉàëÅìåÌ" (åé÷øà æ,ëâ). 185  Not to eat suet, as it is written "ye shall eat no fat, of ox, or sheep, or goat" (Leviticus 7,23).
÷ôå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀáÇùÌÑÇì áÌÈùÒÈø áÌÀçÈìÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀáÇùÌÑÅì âÌÀãÄé, áÌÇçÂìÅá àÄîÌåÉ" (ùîåú ëâ,éè; ùîåú ìã,ëå; ãáøéí éã,ëà). 186  Not to cook meat with milk, as it is written "thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk (Exodus 23,19; Exodus 34,26; Deuteronomy 14,21).
÷ôæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÈùÒÈø áÌÀçÈìÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀáÇùÌÑÅì âÌÀãÄé, áÌÇçÂìÅá àÄîÌåÉ" ôÌÇòÇí ùÑÀðÄéÌÈä (ùîåú ìã,ëå); ëÌÈêÀ ìÈîÀãåÌ îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä, ùÑÆàÆçÈã ìÀàÄñÌåÌø áÌÄùÌÑåÌì åÀàÆçÈã ìÀàÄñÌåÌø àÂëÄéìÈä. 187  Not to eat meat with milk, as it is written a second time "thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk" (Exodus 34,26); thus was it learned from the oral tradition, that one is to prohibit cooking and one is to prohibit eating.
÷ôç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÈùÒÈø ùÑåÉø äÇðÌÄñÀ÷Èì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÅàÈëÅì àÆú-áÌÀùÒÈøåÉ" (ùîåú ëà,ëç). 188  Not to eat the flesh of an ox condemned to be stoned, as it is written "and its flesh shall not be eaten" (Exodus 21,28).
÷ôè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ôÌÇú úÌÀáåÌàÈä çÂãÈùÑÈä ÷ÉãÆí äÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÆçÆí . . . ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,éã). 189  Not to eat bread of the new crop before Pesach, as it is written "and ye shall eat neither bread" (Leviticus 23,14).
÷ö  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ÷ÈìÄé îÄï äÆçÈãÈùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀ÷ÈìÄé . . . ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,éã). 190  Not to eat roasted grain of the new crop, as it is written "and ye shall eat neither . . . nor parched corn" (Leviticus 23,14).
÷öà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ëÌÇøÀîÆì îÄúÌÀáåÌàÈä çÂãÈùÑÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÇøÀîÆì ìÉà úÉàëÀìåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,éã). 191  Not to eat fresh grain of the new crop, as it is written "and ye shall eat neither . . . nor fresh ears" (Leviticus 23,14).
÷öá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì òÈøÀìÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ùÑÈìÉùÑ ùÑÈðÄéí, éÄäÀéÆä ìÈëÆí òÂøÅìÄéí--ìÉà éÅàÈëÅì" (åé÷øà éè,ëâ). 192  Not to eat fruit of a tree in the first three years from planting, as it is written "three years shall it be as forbidden unto you; it shall not be eaten" (Leviticus 19,23).
÷öâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì ëÌÄìÀàÅé äÇëÌÆøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ôÌÆï-úÌÄ÷ÀãÌÇùÑ, äÇîÀìÅàÈä äÇæÌÆøÇò àÂùÑÆø úÌÄæÀøÈò, åÌúÀáåÌàÇú, äÇëÌÈøÆí" (ãáøéí ëá,è); æÆä äåÌà àÄñÌåÌø àÂëÄéìÈä. 193  Not to eat grains or vegetables sown in a vineyard, as it is written "lest the fulness of the seed which thou hast sown be forfeited together with the increase of the vineyard" (Deuteronomy 22,9); this is a prohibition to eat.
÷öã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀúÌåÉú éÅéï ðÆñÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÂùÑÆø çÅìÆá æÀáÈçÅéîåÉ éÉàëÅìåÌ, éÄùÑÀúÌåÌ éÅéï ðÀñÄéëÈí" (ãáøéí ìá,ìç). 194  Not to drink wine of libation to idolatry, as it is written "who did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink-offering (Deuteronomy 32,38).
÷öä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì åÀìÄùÑÀúÌåÉú ãÌÆøÆêÀ æåÉìÅì åÀñåÉáÅà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "áÌÀðÅðåÌ æÆä . . . æåÉìÅì, åÀñÉáÅà" (ãáøéí ëà,ë). 195  Not to eat and drink like a glutton and a drunkard, as it is written "this our son . . . is a glutton, and a drunkard" (Deuteronomy 21,20).
÷öå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì áÌÀéåÉí äÇöÌåÉí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÄé ëÈì-äÇðÌÆôÆùÑ àÂùÑÆø ìÉà-úÀòËðÌÆä" (åé÷øà ëâ,ëè). 196  Not to eat on the Day of the Fast, as it is written "for whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted" (Leviticus 23,29).
÷öæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì çÈîÅõ áÌÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÅàÈëÅì, çÈîÅõ" (ùîåú éâ,â). 197  Not to eat leaven on Pesach, as it is written "there shall no leavened bread be eaten" (Exodus 13,3).
÷öç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì úÌÇòÂøÉáÆú çÈîÅõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-îÇçÀîÆöÆú, ìÉà úÉàëÅìåÌ" (ùîåú éá,ë). 198  Not to eat a mixture containing leaven, as it is written "ye shall eat nothing leavened" (Exodus 12,20).
÷öè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁëÉì çÈîÅõ àÇçÇø çÂöåÉú éåÉí àÇøÀáÌÈòÈä òÈùÒÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÉàëÇì òÈìÈéå çÈîÅõ" (ãáøéí èæ,â). 199  Not to eat leaven after noon on the Fourteenth of Nisan, as it is written "thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it" (Deuteronomy 16,3).
ø  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÅøÈàÆä çÈîÅõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÅøÈàÆä ìÀêÈ çÈîÅõ" (ùîåú éâ,æ). 200  That leaven shall not be seen during Pesach, as it is written "and there shall no leavened bread be seen with thee" (Exodus 13,7).
øà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄîÌÈöÅà çÈîÅõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ùÒÀàÉø, ìÉà éÄîÌÈöÅà áÌÀáÈúÌÅéëÆí" (ùîåú éá,éè). 201  That leaven shall not be found during Pesach, as it is written "shall there be no leaven found in your houses" (Exodus 12,19).
øá  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÑÀúÌÆä äÇðÌÈæÄéø éÇéÄï, åÀìÉà ãÌÈáÈø ùÑÆðÌÄúÀòÈøÇá áÌåÉ éÇéÄï åÀèÇòÀîåÉ ëÌÀèÇòÇí éÇéÄï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÈì-îÄùÑÀøÇú òÂðÈáÄéí" (áîãáø å,â); åÀàÇôÄìÌåÌ äÄçÀîÄéõ äÇéÌÇéÄï àåÉ ãÌÈáÈø ùÑÆðÌÄúÀòÈøÇá áÌåÉ äÇéÌÇéÄï, äÂøÅé æÆä àÈñåÌø òÈìÈéå, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "çÉîÆõ éÇéÄï åÀçÉîÆõ ùÑÅëÈø ìÉà éÄùÑÀúÌÆä" (ùí). 202  That a Nazarite shall not drink wine, nor anything mixed with wine having the taste of wine, as it is written "or any liquor of grapes" (Numbers 6,3); and even if the wine or the mixture of wine has turned into vinegar, it is prohibited to him, as it is written "he shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink" (ibid.).
øâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì òÂðÈáÄéí ìÇçÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÇòÂðÈáÄéí ìÇçÄéí . . . ìÉà éÉàëÅì" (áîãáø å,â). 203  That he shall not eat fresh grapes, as it is written "nor eat fresh grapes" (Numbers 6,3).
øã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì òÂðÈáÄéí éÀáÅùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÄéáÅùÑÄéí ìÉà éÉàëÅì" (áîãáø å,â). 204  That he shall not eat raisins, as it is written "nor eat dried" (Numbers 6,3).
øä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì çÇøÀöÇðÌÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "îÅçÇøÀöÇðÌÄéí . . . ìÉà éÉàëÅì" (áîãáø å,ã). 205  That he shall not eat grape seeds, as it is written "he shall not eat grape seeds" (Numbers 6,4).
øå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì æåÉâÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀòÇã-æÈâ--ìÉà éÉàëÅì" (áîãáø å,ã). 206  That he shall not eat grape skins, as it is written "he shall not eat even grapeskins" (Numbers 6,4).
øæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄèÌÇîÌÅà äÇðÌÈæÄéø ìÀîÅú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÀàÈáÄéå åÌìÀàÄîÌåÉ . . . ìÉà-éÄèÌÇîÌÈà ìÈäÆí, áÌÀîÉúÈí" (áîãáø å,æ). 207  That a Nazarite shall not become unclean from a corpse, as it is written "he shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother . . . when they die" (Numbers 6,7).
øç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄëÌÈðÅñ áÌÀàÉäÆì äÇîÌÅú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÇì-ðÆôÆùÑ îÅú, ìÉà éÈáÉà" (áîãáø å,å). 208  That he shall not enter under any covering where there is a corpse, as it is written "he shall not come near to a dead body" (Numbers 6,6).
øè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀâÇìÌÇç äÇðÌÈæÄéø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "úÌÇòÇø ìÉà-éÇòÂáÉø òÇì-øÉàùÑåÉ" (áîãáø å,ä). 209  That the Nazarite shall not cut his hair, as it is written "there shall no razor come upon his head" (Numbers 6,5).
øé  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÀöÉø ëÌÈì äÇùÌÒÈãÆä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀëÇìÌÆä ôÌÀàÇú ùÒÈãÀêÈ áÌÀ÷ËöÀøÆêÈ" (åé÷øà ëâ,ëá). 210  Not to reap the whole field, as it is written "thou shalt not wholly reap the end of thy field" (Leviticus 23,22).
øéà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄìÀ÷Éè äÇùÌÑÄáÌÃìÄéí äÇðÌåÉôÀìåÉú áÌÀùÑÈòÇú ÷ÀöÄéøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÆ÷Æè ÷ÀöÄéøÀêÈ, ìÉà úÀìÇ÷ÌÅè" (åé÷øà éè,è; åé÷øà ëâ,ëá). 211  Not to gather the stalks fallen while reaping, as it is written "neither shalt thou gather the gleaning of thy harvest" (Leviticus 19,9; Leviticus 23,22).
øéá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄáÀöÉø òåÉìÀìåÉú äÇëÌÆøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÇøÀîÀêÈ ìÉà úÀòåÉìÅì" (åé÷øà éè,é). 212  Not to harvest the imperfect clusters of the vineyard, as it is written "and thou shalt not glean thy vineyard" (Leviticus 19,10).
øéâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄìÀ÷Éè ôÌÆøÆè äÇëÌÆøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌôÆøÆè ëÌÇøÀîÀêÈ ìÉà úÀìÇ÷ÌÅè" (åé÷øà éè,é). 213  Not to gather individual fallen grapes, as it is written "neither shalt thou gather the fallen fruit of thy vineyard" (Leviticus 19,10).
øéã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÇç òÉîÆø äÇùÌÑÄëÀçÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈùÑåÌá ìÀ÷ÇçÀúÌåÉ" (ãáøéí ëã,éè); åÀëÅï ìÀëÈì äÈàÄéìÈðåÉú éÅùÑ ùÑÄëÀçÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀôÇàÅø àÇçÂøÆéêÈ" (ãáøéí ëã,ë). 214  Not to take the forgotten sheaf, as it is written "thou shalt not go back to fetch it" (Deuteronomy 24,19); this also applies to all fruit trees, as it is written "thou shalt not go over the boughs again" (Deuteronomy 24,20).
øèå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄæÀøÉòÇ ëÌÄìÀàÅé æÀøÈòÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ùÒÈãÀêÈ ìÉà-úÄæÀøÇò ëÌÄìÀàÈéÄí" (åé÷øà éè,éè). 215  Not to sow different kinds of seed together, as it is written "thou shalt not sow thy field with two kinds of seed" (Leviticus 19,19).
øèæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄæÀøÉòÇ úÌÀáåÌàÈä àåÉ éÈøÈ÷ áÌÇëÌÆøÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄæÀøÇò ëÌÇøÀîÀêÈ, ëÌÄìÀàÈéÄí" (ãáøéí ëá,è). 216  Not to sow grain or vegetables in a vineyard, as it is written "thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seed" (Deuteronomy 22,9).
øéæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇøÀáÌÄéòÇ áÌÀäÅîÈä îÄéï òÄí ùÑÀàÅéðåÌ îÄéðåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "áÌÀäÆîÀúÌÀêÈ ìÉà-úÇøÀáÌÄéòÇ ëÌÄìÀàÇéÄí" (åé÷øà éè,éè). 217  Not to crossbreed animals of different species, as it is written "thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind" (Leviticus 19,19).
øéç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇòÂùÒÆä îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÄùÑÀðÅé îÄéðÅé áÌÀäÅîÈä ëÌÀàÆçÈã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇçÂøÉùÑ áÌÀùÑåÉø-åÌáÇçÂîÉø, éÇçÀãÌÈå" (ãáøéí ëá,é). 218  Not to work with animals of two species together, as it is written "thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together" (Deuteronomy 22,10).
øéè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇçÂñÉí áÌÀäÅîÈä áÌÀùÑÈòÇú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÀãÈáÈø ùÑÆàåÉëÆìÆú îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ åÀðÄäÀðÅéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇçÀñÉí ùÑåÉø, áÌÀãÄéùÑåÉ" (ãáøéí ëä,ã). 219  Not to muzzle an animal while working in produce it can eat and enjoy, as it is written "thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn" (Deuteronomy 25,4).
øë  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã àÂãÈîÈä áÌÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ùÒÈãÀêÈ ìÉà úÄæÀøÈò" (åé÷øà ëä,ã). 220  Not to work the ground in the Sabbatical year, as it is written "thou shalt neither sow thy field" (Leviticus 25,4).
øëà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã àÄéìÈï áÌÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÇøÀîÀêÈ ìÉà úÄæÀîÉø" (åé÷øà ëä,ã). 221  Not to work trees in the Sabbatical year, as it is written "nor prune thy vineyard" (Leviticus 25,4).
øëá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÀöÉø ñÀôÄéçÅé ùÑÀáÄéòÄéú ëÌÀãÆøÆêÀ ùÑÆ÷ÌåÉöÀøÄéï áÌÄùÑÀàÈø äÇùÌÑÈðÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÅú ñÀôÄéçÇ ÷ÀöÄéøÀêÈ ìÉà úÄ÷ÀöåÉø" (åé÷øà ëä,ä). 222  Not to harvest what grows by itself in the Sabbatical year in the way it is harvested in other years, as it is written "that which groweth of itself of thy harvest thou shalt not reap" (Leviticus 25,5).
øëâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁñÉó ôÌÅøåÉú äÈàÄéìÈï áÌÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄéú ëÌÀãÆøÆêÀ ùÑÆàåÉñÀôÄéï áÌÀëÈì ùÑÈðÈä åÀùÑÈðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆú-òÄðÌÀáÅé ðÀæÄéøÆêÈ ìÉà úÄáÀöÉø" (åé÷øà ëä,ä). 223  Not to gather the fruit of trees in the Sabbatical year in the way it is gathered in all the other years, as it is written "and the grapes of thy undressed vine thou shalt not gather" (Leviticus 25,5).
øëã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã áÌÄùÑÀðÇú éåÉáÅì áÌÅéï àÂãÈîÈä áÌÅéï àÄéìÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌÈäÌ "ìÉà úÄæÀøÈòåÌ" (åé÷øà ëä,éà). 224  Not to work in the Jubilee year either in the ground or in the trees, as it is written on it "ye shall not sow" (Leviticus 25,11).
øëä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÀöÉø ñÀôÄéçÅé éåÉáÅì ëÌÄùÑÀàÈø äÇùÌÑÈðÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ìÉà úÄ÷ÀöÀøåÌ àÆú-ñÀôÄéçÆéäÈ" (åé÷øà ëä,éà). 225  Not to harvest what grows by itself in the Jubilee year as in the other years, as it is written on it "neither reap that which groweth of itself in it" (Leviticus 25,11).
øëå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÆàÁñÉó ôÌÅøåÉú éåÉáÅì ëÌÇàÂñÄéôÇú ùÑÀàÈø äÇùÌÑÈðÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "åÀìÉà úÄáÀöÀøåÌ àÆú-ðÀæÄøÆéäÈ" (åé÷øà ëä,éà). 226  Not to gather fruit of the trees in the Jubilee year in the way of gathering of other years, as it is written on it "nor gather the grapes in it of the undressed vines" (Leviticus 25,11).
øëæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø ùÒÈãÆä áÌÀàÆøÆõ éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ìÄöÀîÄéúåÌú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀäÈàÈøÆõ, ìÉà úÄîÌÈëÅø ìÄöÀîÄúËú" (åé÷øà ëä,ëâ). 227  Not to sell land in the Land of Israel in perpetuity, as it is written "and the land shall not be sold in perpetuity" (Leviticus 25,23).
øëç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀùÑÇðÌåÉú îÄâÀøÀùÑÅé äÇìÌÀåÄéÌÄéí åÌùÒÀãåÉúÅéäÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌùÒÀãÅä îÄâÀøÇùÑ òÈøÅéäÆí, ìÉà éÄîÌÈëÅø" (åé÷øà ëä,ìã); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆæÌåÉ àÇæÀäÈøÈä ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÑÀúÌÇðÌÆä. 228  Not to change the open lands and fields of cities of the Levites, as it is written "but the fields of the open land about their cities may not be sold" (Leviticus 25,34); it was learned from the oral tradition that this is a warning that they not change.
øëè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂæÉá äÇìÌÀåÄéÌÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äÄùÌÑÈîÆø ìÀêÈ, ôÌÆï-úÌÇòÂæÉá àÆú-äÇìÌÅåÄé" (ãáøéí éá,éè), àÅìÈà ðåÉúÀðÄéï ìÈäÆí îÇúÌÀðåÉúÅéäÆí åÌîÀùÒÇîÌÀçÄéï àåÉúÈï áÌÈäÆï áÌÀëÈì øÆâÆì åÀøÆâÆì. 229  Not to forsake the Levites, as it is written "take heed to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite" (Deuteronomy 12,19); but rather their gifts are to be given them, and they are to be gladdened on each and every pilgrimage festival.
øì  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄúÀáÌÇò äÇìÀåÈàÈä ùÑÆòÈáÀøÈä òÈìÆéäÈ ùÑÀáÄéòÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄâÌÉùÒ àÆú-øÅòÅäåÌ åÀàÆú-àÈçÄéå" (ãáøéí èå,á). 230  Not to demand return of a loan after the Sabbatical year has passed, as it is written "he shall not exact it of his neighbour and his brother" (Deuteronomy 15,2).
øìà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄîÌÈðÇò îÄìÌÀäÇìÀååÉú ìÆòÈðÄé îÄôÌÀðÅé äÇùÌÑÀîÄèÌÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äÄùÌÑÈîÆø ìÀêÈ ôÌÆï-éÄäÀéÆä ãÈáÈø . . ." (ãáøéí èå,è).  æÆä äÇëÌÀìÈì--ëÌÈì îÈ÷åÉí ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø äÄùÌÑÈîÆø àåÉ ôÌÆï àåÉ àÇì, àÅéðåÌ àÅìÈà îÄöÀåÇú ìÉà úÇòÂùÒÆä. 231  Not to refrain from loaning a poor person because of the Sabbatical year, as it is written "beware that there be not a base thought . . ." (Deuteronomy 15,9).  The general rule is that wherever it is written "beware", "lest", or "do not", there is a negative commandment.
øìá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄîÌÈðÇò îÄìÌÀäÇçÂéåÉú ìÆòÈðÄé åÌîÄìÌÄúÌÅï ìåÉ îÇä ùÑÀäåÌà öÈøÄéêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀàÇîÌÅõ àÆú-ìÀáÈáÀêÈ . . ." (ãáøéí èå,æ); ðÄîÀöÈà äÇðÌåÉúÅï öÀãÈ÷Èä òåÉùÒÆä îÄöÀåÇú òÂùÒÅä, åÀäÇîÌÇòÂìÄéí òÅéðÈéå îÄï äÇöÌÀãÈ÷Èä éÈúÅø òÇì ùÑÆáÌÄèÌÇì òÂùÒÅä òÈáÇø òÇì ìÉà úÇòÂùÒÆä. 232  Not to refrain from maintaining a poor person and giving him whatever he needs, as it is written "thou shalt not harden thy heart . . ." (Deuteronomy 15,7); thus, whoever bestows charity fulfills a positive commandment, and one who shuts his eyes and refrains from giving charity not only neglects a positive commandment, but also violates a negative commandment.
øìâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀùÑÇìÌÇç òÆáÆã òÄáÀøÄé øÅé÷Èí ëÌÀùÑÆéÌÅöÅà çÈôÀùÑÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÀùÑÇìÌÀçÆðÌåÌ, øÅé÷Èí" (ãáøéí èå,éâ). 233  Not to send away a Hebrew bondman empty handed when he goes free, as it is written "thou shalt not let him go empty" (Deuteronomy 15,13).
øìã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄúÀáÌÇò äÆòÈðÄé áÌÀçåÉáåÉ ëÌÀùÑÆéÌÅãÇò ùÑÀäåÌà òÈðÄé, åÀìÉà éÅöÇø ìåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄäÀéÆä ìåÉ, ëÌÀðÉùÑÆä" (ùîåú ëá,ëã). 234  Not to demand from a poor person repayment of his debt when one knows that he is poor, nor cause him grief, as it is written "thou shalt not be to him as a creditor" (Exodus 22,24).
øìä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇìÀååÉú áÌÀøÄáÌÄéú ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÆú-ëÌÇñÀôÌÀêÈ--ìÉà-úÄúÌÅï ìåÉ, áÌÀðÆùÑÆêÀ; åÌáÀîÇøÀáÌÄéú" (åé÷øà ëä,ìæ). 235  Not to loan to an Israelite on interest, as it is written "thou shalt not give him thy money upon interest" (Leviticus 25,37).
øìå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄìÀååÉú áÌÀøÄáÌÄéú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇùÌÑÄéêÀ ìÀàÈçÄéêÈ" (ãáøéí ëâ,ë); ëÌÈêÀ ìÈîÀãåÌ îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä, ùÑÆæÌåÉ àÇæÀäÈøÈä ìÇìÌåÉåÆä ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄðÌÈùÑÅêÀ ìÇîÌÇìÀåÆä. 236  Not to borrow on interest, as it is written "thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother" (Deuteronomy 23,20); thus it was learned from the oral tradition, that this is a warning to the borrower not to give the lender interest.
øìæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÈùÑÄéú éÈã áÌÅéï ìåÉåÆä åÌîÇìÀåÆä áÌÀøÄáÌÄéú, åÀìÉà ìÄäÀéåÉú òÇøÌÈá, åÀìÉà òÅã, åÀìÉà ìÄëÀúÌÉá ùÑÀèÈø áÌÅéðÅéäÆí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀùÒÄéîåÌï òÈìÈéå, ðÆùÑÆêÀ" (ùîåú ëá,ëã). 237  Not to intermediate between a borrower and lender on interest, either as guarantor, or as witness, or as scribe of the document between them, as it is written "neither shall ye lay upon him interest" (Exodus 22,24).
øìç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀàÇçÇø ôÌÀòËìÌÇú ùÒÈëÄéø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈìÄéï ôÌÀòËìÌÇú ùÒÈëÄéø" (åé÷øà éè,éâ). 238  Not to delay payment of a hired worker's wages, as it is written "the wages of a hired servant shall not abide all night" (Leviticus 19,13).
øìè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀîÇùÑÀëÌÇï áÌÇòÇì çåÉá áÌÄæÀøåÉòÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÈáÉà àÆì-áÌÅéúåÉ, ìÇòÂáÉè òÂáÉèåÉ" (ãáøéí ëã,é). 239  That a creditor shall not exact a pledge by force, as it is written "thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge" (Deuteronomy 24,10).
øî  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀðÉòÇ äÈòÂáåÉè îÄáÌÀòÈìÈéå äÆòÈðÄé áÌÀòÅú ùÑÀäåÌà öÈøÄéêÀ ìåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄùÑÀëÌÇá, áÌÇòÂáÉèåÉ" (ãáøéí ëã,éá); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ìÉà úÄùÑÀëÌÇá åÇòÂáåÉèåÉ òÄîÌÈêÀ, àÅìÈà úÌÀùÑÄéáÆðÌåÌ ìåÉ áÌÇìÌÇéÀìÈä, äåÉàÄéì åÀäåÌà öÈøÄéêÀ ìåÉ áÌÇìÌÇéÀìÈä. 240  Not to keep the pledge from its poor owner at the time when he needs it, as it is written "thou shalt not sleep with his pledge" (Deuteronomy 24,12); that is, you shall not go to sleep while his pledge is with you, but you shall return it to him at night, since he needs it at night.
øîà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀîÇùÑÀëÌÇï äÈàÇìÀîÈðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÇçÂáÉì, áÌÆâÆã àÇìÀîÈðÈä" (ãáøéí ëã,éæ). 241  Not to take a pledge from a widow, as it is written "nor take the widow's raiment to pledge" (Deuteronomy 24,17).
øîá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇçÀáÌÉì ëÌÅìÄéí ùÑÆòåÉùÒÄéï áÌÈäÆï àÉëÆì ðÆôÆùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÇçÂáÉì øÅçÇéÄí, åÈøÈëÆá" (ãáøéí ëã,å). 242  Not to take in pledge utensils used in preparing food, as it is written "no man shall take the mill or the upper millstone to pledge" (Deuteronomy 24,6).
øîâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄâÀðÉá ðÆôÆùÑ îÄéÌÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄâÀðÉá" (ùîåú ë,éá; ãáøéí ä,èæ); æÆä âÌåÉðÅá ðÆôÆùÑ. 243  Not to kidnap any person of Israel, as it is written "thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20,12; Deuteronomy 5,16); this is theft of a person.
øîã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄâÀðÉá îÈîåÉï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà, úÌÄâÀðÉáåÌ" (åé÷øà éè,éà); æåÉ äÄéà âÌÀðÅáÇú îÈîåÉï. 244  Not to steal property, as it is written "ye shall not steal" (Leviticus 19,11); this is theft of property.
øîä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄâÀæÉì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄâÀæÉì" (åé÷øà éè,éâ). 245  Not to rob, as it is written "nor rob" (Leviticus 19,13).
øîå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇñÌÄéâ âÌÀáåÌìåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇñÌÄéâ âÌÀáåÌì øÅòÂêÈ" (ãáøéí éè,éã). 246  Not to move landmarks, as it is written "thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark" (Deuteronomy 19,14).
øîæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÑÉ÷, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÑÉ÷ àÆú-øÅòÂêÈ" (åé÷øà éè,éâ). 247  Not to oppress, as it is written "thou shalt not oppress thy neighbour" (Leviticus 19,13).
øîç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀëÇçÇùÑ áÌÄîÀîåÉï çÂáÅøåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀëÇçÂùÑåÌ" (åé÷øà éè,éà). 248  Not to falsely deny another's claim to property, as it is written "neither shall ye deal falsely" (Leviticus 19,11).
øîè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÌÑÈáÇò òÇì ëÌÀôÄéøÇú îÀîåÉï çÂáÅøåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀùÑÇ÷ÌÀøåÌ" (åé÷øà éè,éà); ëÌÀìåÉîÇø, ìÉà úÄùÌÑÈáÇò òÇì ùÑÆ÷Æø áÌÀîÈîåÉï ùÑÆéÌÅùÑ ìÇçÂáÅøÈêÀ áÌÀéÈãÈêÀ. 249  Not to swear falsely in denial of another's claim to property, as it is written "nor lie one to another" (Leviticus 19,11); that is, do not swear falsely as to your neighbor's property that is in your possession.
øð  ùÑÆìÌÉà éåÉðÆä áÌÀîÆ÷ÌÈç åÌîÄîÀëÌÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌåÉðåÌ, àÄéùÑ àÆú-àÈçÄéå" (åé÷øà ëä,éã). 250  That one shall not wrong others in buying and selling, as it is written "ye shall not wrong one another" (Leviticus 25,14).
øðà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éåÉðÆä áÌÄãÀáÈøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úåÉðåÌ àÄéùÑ àÆú-òÂîÄéúåÉ, åÀéÈøÅàúÈ îÅàÁìÉäÆéêÈ" (åé÷øà ëä,éæ); æåÉ àåÉðÈàÇú ãÌÀáÈøÄéí. 251  That one shall not wrong others in speech, as it is written "and ye shall not wrong one another; but thou shalt fear thy God" (Leviticus 25,17); this is wronging in speech.
øðá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉðåÉú àÆú äÇâÌÅø áÌÄãÀáÈøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀâÅø ìÉà-úåÉðÆä" (ùîåú ëá,ë). 252  Not to wrong the convert in speech, as it is written "and a stranger shalt thou not wrong" (Exodus 22,20).
øðâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉðåÉú àÆú äÇâÌÅø áÌÀîÆ÷ÌÈç åÌîÄîÀëÌÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÄìÀçÈöÆðÌåÌ" (ùîåú ëá,ë). 253  Not to wrong the convert in buying and selling, as it is written "neither shalt thou oppress him" (Exodus 22,20).
øðã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇçÀæÄéø òÆáÆã ùÑÆáÌÈøÇç ìÀàÆøÆõ éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ìÇàÂãåÉðÈéå ùÑÆáÌÀçåÌöÈä ìÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇñÀâÌÄéø òÆáÆã, àÆì-àÂãÉðÈéå" (ãáøéí ëâ,èæ). 254  Not to return a slave that fled to the Land of Israel to his master outside the Land, as it is written "thou shalt not deliver unto his master a bondman" (Deuteronomy 23,16).
øðä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉðåÉú òÆáÆã æÆä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÄîÌÀêÈ éÅùÑÅá áÌÀ÷ÄøÀáÌÀêÈ . . . áÌÇèÌåÉá ìåÉ; ìÉà, úÌåÉðÆðÌåÌ" (ãáøéí ëâ,éæ). 255  Not to wrong such a slave, as it is written "he shall dwell with thee, in the midst of thee . . . where it liketh him best; thou shalt not wrong him" (Deuteronomy 23,17).
øðå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀòÇðÌåÉú éÈúåÉí åÀàÇìÀîÈðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-àÇìÀîÈðÈä åÀéÈúåÉí, ìÉà úÀòÇðÌåÌï" (ùîåú ëá,ëà). 256  Not to afflict an orphan or widow, as it is written "ye shall not afflict any widow, or orphan" (Exodus 22,21).
øðæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã áÌÀòÆáÆã òÄáÀøÄé òÂáåÉãÇú òÆáÆã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂáÉã áÌåÉ, òÂáÉãÇú òÈáÆã" (åé÷øà ëä,ìè). 257  Not to work a Hebrew bondman in the work of a slave, as it is written "thou shalt not make him to serve as a bondservant" (Leviticus 25,39).
øðç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø àåÉúåÉ îÄîÀëÌÆøÆú òÂáÈãÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÄîÌÈëÀøåÌ, îÄîÀëÌÆøÆú òÈáÆã" (åé÷øà ëä,îá). 258  Not to sell him as slaves are sold, as it is written "they shall not be sold as bondmen" (Leviticus 25,42).
øðè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã áÌÀòÆáÆã òÄáÀøÄé áÌÀôÆøÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄøÀãÌÆä áåÉ, áÌÀôÈøÆêÀ" (åé÷øà ëä,îâ; åé÷øà ëä,îå). 259  Not to subjugate a Hebrew bondman to strenuous work, as it is written "thou shalt not rule over him with rigour" (Leviticus 25,43; Leviticus 25,46).
øñ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇðÌÄéçÇ äÇâÌåÉé ìÇòÂáÉã áÌÀòÆáÆã òÄáÀøÄé äÇðÌÄîÀëÌÈø ìåÉ áÌÀôÆøÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄøÀãÌÆðÌåÌ áÌÀôÆøÆêÀ, ìÀòÅéðÆéêÈ" (åé÷øà ëä,ðâ). 260  Not to allow a Gentile to work a Hebrew bondman sold to him in strenuous work, as it is written "he shall not rule with rigour over him in thy sight" (Leviticus 25,53).
øñà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø àÈîÈä òÄáÀøÄéÌÈä ìÀàÇçÅø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄîÀùÑÉì ìÀîÈëÀøÈäÌ, áÌÀáÄâÀãåÉ-áÈäÌ" (ùîåú ëà,ç). 261  Not to sell a Hebrew bondmaid to another, as it is written "to sell her he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her" (Exodus 21,8).
øñá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀðÉòÇ îÅàÈîÈä òÄáÀøÄéÌÈä äÇéÌÀòåÌãÈä ùÑÀàÅø ëÌÀñåÌú åÀòåÉðÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ùÑÀàÅøÈäÌ ëÌÀñåÌúÈäÌ åÀòÉðÈúÈäÌ, ìÉà éÄâÀøÈò" (ùîåú ëà,é); åÀäåÌà äÇãÌÄéï ìÄùÑÀàÈø äÇðÌÈùÑÄéí. 262  Not to withhold from an espoused Hebrew bondmaid food, clothing, or conjugal rights, as it is written "her food, her raiment, and her conjugal rights, shall he not diminish" (Exodus 21,10); and the same applies to all other women.
øñâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄîÀëÌÉø àÅùÑÆú éÀôÇú úÌÉàÇø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÈëÉø ìÉà-úÄîÀëÌÀøÆðÌÈä, áÌÇëÌÈñÆó" (ãáøéí ëà,éã). 263  Not to sell a beautiful woman taken captive in war, as it is written "but thou shalt not sell her at all for money" (Deuteronomy 21,14).
øñã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄëÀáÌÉùÑ àÅùÑÆú éÀôÇú úÌÉàÇø ùÑÄôÀçÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄúÀòÇîÌÅø áÌÈäÌ" (ãáøéí ëà,éã). 264  Not to subject a beautiful woman taken captive in war to be a bondmaid, as it is written "thou shalt not deal with her as a slave" (Deuteronomy 21,14).
øñä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇçÀîÉã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇçÀîÉã àÅùÑÆú øÅòÆêÈ" (ùîåú ë,éâ; ãáøéí ä,éæ). 265  Not to covet, as it is written "thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife" (Exodus 20,13; Deuteronomy 5,17).
øñå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÄúÀàÇåÌåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄúÀàÇåÌÆä áÌÅéú øÅòÆêÈ" (ãáøéí ä,éæ). 266  Not to desire, as it is written "neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's house" (Deuteronomy 5,17).
øñæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÉàëÇì äÇùÌÒÈëÄéø ùÑÆìÌÉà áÌÀùÑÈòÇú îÀìÈàëÈä îÄï äÇîÌÀçËáÌÈø ùÑÀäåÌà òåÉùÒÆä áÌåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀçÆøÀîÅùÑ ìÉà úÈðÄéó" (ãáøéí ëâ,ëå). 267  That a hired worker shall not eat of produce of the land where he is working other than at the time when he is at work, as it is written "but thou shalt not move a sickle" (Deuteronomy 23,26)
øñç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÇç äÇùÌÒÈëÄéø éÈúÅø òÇì àÂëÄéìÈúåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÈëÇìÀúÌÈ òÂðÈáÄéí ëÌÀðÇôÀùÑÀêÈ ùÒÈáÀòÆêÈ; åÀàÆì-ëÌÆìÀéÀêÈ, ìÉà úÄúÌÅï" (ãáøéí ëâ,ëä). 268  That the hired worker shall not take more than he eats, as it is written "then thou mayest eat grapes until thou have enough at thine own pleasure; but thou shalt not put any in thy vessel" (Deuteronomy 23,25).
øñè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄúÀòÇìÌÇí îÄï äÈàÂáÅãÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úåÌëÇì, ìÀäÄúÀòÇìÌÅí" (ãáøéí ëá,â). 269  Not to ignore a lost object, as it is written "thou mayest not hide thyself" (Deuteronomy 22,3).
øò  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇðÌÄéçÇ äÇáÌÀäÅîÈä øåÉáÆöÆú úÌÇçÇú îÇùÌÒÈàÈäÌ áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄøÀàÆä çÂîåÉø ùÒÉðÇàÂêÈ" (øàä ùîåú ëâ,ä; ãáøéí ëá,ã). 270  Not to leave an animal fallen down beneath its burden on the way unaided, as it is written "thou shalt not see the ass of him that hateth thee" (see Exodus 23,5; Deuteronomy 22,4).
øòà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú òÈåÆì áÌÇîÌÄãÌÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒåÌ òÈåÆì, áÌÇîÌÄùÑÀôÌÈè, áÌÇîÌÄãÌÈä" (åé÷øà éè,ìä); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆäÇëÌÈúåÌá îÇæÀäÄéø, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ òÈåÆì áÌÀîÄùÑÀôÌÈè äÇîÌÄãÌÈä. 271  Not to do injustice in measuring, as it is written "ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard" (Leviticus 19,35); it was learned from the oral tradition that this warns against unrighteousness in judging of measurements.
øòá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄäÀéåÉú àÆöÀìÅðåÌ àÅéôÈä åÀàÅéôÈä àÆáÆï åÀàÆáÆï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÄäÀéÆä ìÀêÈ áÌÀáÅéúÀêÈ, àÅéôÈä åÀàÅéôÈä" (ãáøéí ëä,éã). 272  Not to have in our possession diverse measures and weights, as it is written "thou shalt not have in thy house diverse measures" (Deuteronomy 25,14).
øòâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀòÇåÌÇì äÇîÌÄùÑÀôÌÈè, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒåÌ òÈåÆì, áÌÇîÌÄùÑÀôÌÈè" (åé÷øà éè,èå). 273  Not to do injustice in a judgment, as it is written "ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment" (Leviticus 19,15)).
øòã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÇç ùÑÉçÇã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀùÑÉçÇã, ìÉà úÄ÷ÌÈç" (ùîåú ëâ,ç). 274  Not to take a bribe, as it is written "and thou shalt take no gift" (Exodus 23,8)
øòä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀëÇáÌÇã âÌÈãåÉì áÌÇãÌÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÆäÀãÌÇø ôÌÀðÅé âÈãåÉì" (åé÷øà éè,èå). 275  Not to show favoritism toward an important man when judging, as it is written "nor favour the person of the mighty" (Leviticus 19,15).
øòå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄéøÈà äÇãÌÇéÌÈï áÌÇãÌÄéï îÅàÈãÈí øÈò, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈâåÌøåÌ îÄôÌÀðÅé-àÄéùÑ" (ãáøéí à,éæ). 276  That the judge not be afraid of a bad person when judging, as it is written "ye shall not be afraid of any man" (Deuteronomy 1,17).
øòæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀøÇçÇí òÇì òÈðÄé áÌÇãÌÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀãÈì, ìÉà úÆäÀãÌÇø áÌÀøÄéáåÉ" (ùîåú ëâ,â). 277  Not to take pity on a poor person when judging, as it is written "neither shalt thou favour a poor man in his cause" (Exodus 23,3).
øòç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇèÌåÉú îÄùÑÀôÌÇè àÈãÈí çåÉèÆà, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇèÌÆä îÄùÑÀôÌÇè àÆáÀéÉðÀêÈ" (ùîåú ëâ,å); ìÈîÀãåÌ îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä, ùÑÆæÌÆä àÆáÀéåÉï áÌÇîÌÄöÀååÉú. 278  Not to pervert the judgment of a sinner, as it is written "thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor" (Exodus 23,6); it was learned from the oral tradition that this is one poor in observance of commandments.
øòè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀøÇçÇí òÇì äÇîÌÇæÌÄé÷ áÌÀãÄéðÅé ÷ÀðÈñåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈçåÉñ, òÅéðÆêÈ" (ãáøéí éè,ëà). 279  Not to pity the injuring party in imposing penalties, as it is written "thine eye shall not pity" (Deuteronomy 19,13).
øô  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇèÌåÉú îÄùÑÀôÌÇè âÌÅøÄéí åÄéúåÉîÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇèÌÆä, îÄùÑÀôÌÇè âÌÅø éÈúåÉí" (ãáøéí ëã,éæ). 280  Not to pervert the judgment of converts and orphans, as it is written "thou shalt not pervert the justice due to the stranger, or to the fatherless" (Deuteronomy 24,17).
øôà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀîÉòÇ îÅàÆçÈã îÄáÌÇòÂìÅé ãÌÄéðÄéï åÀàÅéï çÂáÅøåÉ òÄîÌåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄùÌÒÈà, ùÑÅîÇò ùÑÈåÀà" (ùîåú ëâ,à). 281  Not to hear one of the parties to a case in the absence of the other, as it is written "thou shalt not accept a false report" (Exodus 23,1).
øôá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄðÀèåÉú àÇçÂøÅé øÇáÌÄéí áÌÀãÄéðÅé ðÀôÈùÑåÉú, àÄí äÈéåÌ äÇîÌÀçÇéÌÀáÄéï éÈúÅø òÇì äÇîÌÀæÇëÌÄéï àÆçÈã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄäÀéÆä àÇçÂøÅé-øÇáÌÄéí, ìÀøÈòÉú" (ùîåú ëâ,á). 282  Not to decide according to a majority in capital cases, if those for conviction are only one more than those for acquittal, as it is written "thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil" (Exodus 23,2).
øôâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀìÇîÌÇã çåÉáÈä îÄé ùÑÆìÌÄîÌÇã æÀëåÌú úÌÀçÄìÌÈä áÌÀãÄéðÅé ðÀôÈùÑåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂðÆä òÇì-øÄá, ìÄðÀèÉú" (ùîåú ëâ,á). 283  That one who has first argued for acquittal shall not later argue for conviction in capital cases, as it is written "neither shalt thou bear witness in a cause to turn aside" (Exodus 23,2).
øôã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀîÇðÌåÉú áÌÇãÌÇéÌÈðÄéï àÈãÈí ùÑÀàÅéðåÌ çÈëÈí áÌÀãÄéðÅé úÌåÉøÈä, àÇó òÇì ôÌÄé ùÑÀäåÌà çÈëÈí áÌÀçÈëÀîåÉú àÂçÅøåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇëÌÄéøåÌ ôÈðÄéí áÌÇîÌÄùÑÀôÌÈè" (ãáøéí à,éæ). 284  Not to appoint as judge one who is not learned in the laws of the Torah, even if he is learned in other disciplines, as it is written "ye shall not respect persons in judgment" (Deuteronomy 1,17).
øôä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÈòÄéã áÌÀùÑÆ÷Æø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂðÆä áÀøÅòÂêÈ òÅã ùÑÈ÷Æø" (ùîåú ë,éá). 285  Not to testify falsely, as it is written "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20,12).
øôå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÈòÄéã áÌÇòÇì òÂáÅøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-úÌÈùÑÆú éÈãÀêÈ òÄí-øÈùÑÈò, ìÄäÀéÉú òÅã çÈîÈñ" (ùîåú ëâ,à). 286  That a habitual transgressor shall not testify, as it is written "put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness" (Exodus 23,1).
øôæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÈòÄéã ÷ÈøåÉá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éåÌîÀúåÌ àÈáåÉú òÇì-áÌÈðÄéí" (ãáøéí ëã,èæ); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆìÌÉà éåÌîÀúåÌ àÈáåÉú áÌÀòÅãåÌú áÌÈðÄéí, åÀäåÌà äÇãÌÄéï ìÄùÑÀàÈø äÇ÷ÌÀøåÉáÄéí. 287  That a relative shall not testify, as it is written "the fathers shall not be put to death for the children" (Deuteronomy 24,16); it was learned from the oral tradition that parents are not to be put to death on the testimony of their children, and the same applies to other relatives.
øôç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄëÀøÉú äÇãÌÄéï òÇì ôÌÄé òÅã àÆçÈã, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÈ÷åÌí òÅã àÆçÈã áÌÀàÄéùÑ" (ãáøéí éè,èå). 288  Not to decide a case on the testimony of a single witness, as it is written "one witness shall not rise up against a man" (Deuteronomy 19,15).
øôè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇäÀøÉâ ðÈ÷Äé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÄøÀöÈç" (ùîåú ë,éá; ãáøéí ä,èæ). 289  Not to kill an innocent person, as it is written "thou shalt not murder" (Exodus 20,12; Deuteronomy 5,16).
øö  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇçÀúÌÉêÀ äÇãÌÄéï áÌÀàÉîÆã äÇãÌÇòÇú, òÇã ùÑÆéÌÄøÀàåÌ ùÑÀðÅé òÅãÄéí âÌåÌôåÉ ùÑÆìÌÇãÌÈáÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀðÈ÷Äé åÀöÇãÌÄé÷ àÇì-úÌÇäÂøÉâ" (ùîåú ëâ,æ). 290  Not to decide a case based on conjecture, but on the testimony of two eye witnesses, as it is written "and the innocent and righteous slay thou not" (Exodus 23,7).
øöà  ùÑÆìÌÉà éåÉøÆä äÈòÅã áÌÇãÌÄéï ùÑÆäÅòÄéã áÌåÉ áÌÀãÄéðÅé ðÀôÈùÑåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀòÅã àÆçÈã, ìÉà-éÇòÂðÆä áÀðÆôÆùÑ" (áîãáø ìä,ì). 291  That a witness who testified in a capital case shall not give instruction on the law for that case, as it is written "but one witness shall not testify against any person" (Numbers 35,30).
øöá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇäÀøÉâ îÀçËéÌÈá äÂøÄéâÈä ÷ÉãÆí ùÑÆéÌÇòÂîÉã áÌÇãÌÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÈîåÌú äÈøÉöÅçÇ, òÇã-òÈîÀãåÉ ìÄôÀðÅé äÈòÅãÈä" (áîãáø ìä,éá). 292  Not to execute one guilty of a capital offence before he has stood trial, as it is written "that the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation" (Numbers 35,12).
øöâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÈçåÌñ òÇì äÈøåÉãÅó, àÅìÈà äåÉøÀâÄéï àåÉúåÉ ÷ÉãÆí ùÑÆéÌÇâÌÄéòÇ ìÇðÌÄøÀãÌÈó åÀéÇäÇøÀâÆðÌåÌ àåÉ éÀâÇìÌÆä òÆøÀåÈúåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀ÷ÇöÌÉúÈä, àÆú-ëÌÇôÌÈäÌ:  ìÉà úÈçåÉñ, òÅéðÆêÈ" (ãáøéí ëä,éá). 293  Not to pity the pursuer, but to kill him before he can kill or rape the pursued, as it is written "then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall have no pity" (Deuteronomy 25,12).
øöã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂðÉùÑ äÈàÈðåÌñ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÇðÌÇòÂøÈ ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒÆä ãÈáÈø" (ãáøéí ëá,ëå). 294  Not to punish one who sinned under duress, as it is written "but unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing" (Deuteronomy 22,26).
øöä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌÉôÆø îÄï äÈøåÉöÅçÇ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÄ÷ÀçåÌ ëÉôÆø ìÀðÆôÆùÑ øÉöÅçÇ" (áîãáø ìä,ìà). 295  Not to take ransom from a murderer, as it is written "and ye shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer" (Numbers 35,31).
øöå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÇç ëÌÉôÆø áÌÀâÈìåÌú øåÉöÅçÇ áÌÄùÑÀâÈâÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÄ÷ÀçåÌ ëÉôÆø, ìÈðåÌñ àÆì-òÄéø îÄ÷ÀìÈèåÉ" (áîãáø ìä,ìá). 296  Not to take ransom from one who killed another accidentally to free him from exile, as it is written "and ye shall take no ransom for him that is fled to his city of refuge" (Numbers 35,32).
øöæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂîÉã òÇì äÇãÌÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÇòÂîÉã òÇì-ãÌÇí øÅòÆêÈ" (åé÷øà éè,èæ). 297  Not to stand by idly when life is in danger, as it is written "thou shalt not stand idly by the blood of thy neighbour" (Leviticus 19,16).
øöç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇðÌÄéçÇ îÄëÀùÑåÉì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÈùÒÄéí ãÌÈîÄéí áÌÀáÅéúÆêÈ" (ãáøéí ëá,ç). 298  Not to leave harmful objects about, as it is written "that thou bring not blood upon thy house" (Deuteronomy 22,8).
øöè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇëÀùÑÄéì úÌÈí áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÄôÀðÅé òÄåÌÅø, ìÉà úÄúÌÅï îÄëÀùÑÉì" (åé÷øà éè,éã). 299  Not to cause the innocent to stumble on the way, as it is written "nor put a stumbling-block before the blind" (Leviticus 19,14).
ù  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉñÄéó áÌÀîÇìÀ÷åÌú äÇîÌÀçËéÌÈá îÇìÀ÷åÌú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÉñÄéó:  ôÌÆï-éÉñÄéó" (ãáøéí ëä,â). 300  Not to exceed the maximum for one liable to whipping, as it is written "he shall not exceed; lest, if he should exceed" (Deuteronomy 25,3).
ùà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀøÇâÌÇì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÅìÅêÀ øÈëÄéì áÌÀòÇîÌÆéêÈ" (åé÷øà éè,èæ). 301  Not to gossip, as it is written "thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people" (Leviticus 19,16).
ùá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÒÀðÉà áÌÇìÌÅá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄùÒÀðÈà àÆú-àÈçÄéêÈ, áÌÄìÀáÈáÆêÈ" (åé÷øà éè,éæ). 302  Not to hate another in one's heart, as it is written "thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart" (Leviticus 19,17).
ùâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇìÀáÌÄéï ôÌÀðÅé àÈãÈí îÄéÌÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äåÉëÅçÇ úÌåÉëÄéçÇ àÆú-òÂîÄéúÆêÈ, åÀìÉà-úÄùÌÒÈà òÈìÈéå çÅèÀà" (åé÷øà éè,éæ). 303  Not to shame any person of Israel, as it is written "thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbour, and not bear sin because of him" (Leviticus 19,17).
ùã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄðÀ÷Éí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄ÷ÌÉí" (åé÷øà éè,éç). 304  Not to take revenge, as it is written "thou shalt not take vengeance" (Leviticus 19,18).
ùä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄðÀèÉø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà-úÄèÌÉø" (åé÷øà éè,éç). 305  Not to bear a grudge, as it is written "nor bear any grudge" (Leviticus 19,18).
ùå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÇç àÅí òÇì äÇáÌÈðÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄ÷ÌÇç äÈàÅí, òÇì-äÇáÌÈðÄéí" (ãáøéí ëá,å). 306  Not to take the mother bird with the young, as it is written "thou shalt not take the dam with the young" (Deuteronomy 22,6).
ùæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌÇç ùÒÀòÇø äÇðÌÆúÆ÷, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆú-äÇðÌÆúÆ÷, ìÉà éÀâÇìÌÅçÇ" (åé÷øà éâ,ìâ). 307  Not to shave off the hair of the scall, as it is written "but the scall shall he not shave" (Leviticus 13,33).
ùç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄúÀìÉùÑ ñÄéîÈðÅé öÈøÇòÇú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "äÄùÌÑÈîÆø áÌÀðÆâÇò-äÇöÌÈøÇòÇú" (ãáøéí ëã,ç). 308  Not to remove the signs of leprosy, as it is written "take heed in the plague of leprosy" (Deuteronomy 24,8).
ùè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂáÉã åÀìÄæÀøÉòÇ áÌÀðÇçÇì àÅéúÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÂùÑÆø ìÉà-éÅòÈáÅã áÌåÉ, åÀìÉà éÄæÌÈøÅòÇ" (ãáøéí ëà,ã). 309  Not to till nor sow the riverbed where a heifer was decapitated, as it is written "which may neither be plowed nor sown" (Deuteronomy 21,4).
ùé  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄúÀçÇéÌÇá çÈúÈï áÌÀãÈáÈø îÄöÌÈøÀëÌÅé øÇáÌÄéí ëÌÈì ùÑÀðÈúåÉ, ëÌÀâåÉï öÈáÈà åÌùÑÀîÄéøÇú äÇçåÉîÈä åÀëÇéÌåÉöÆà áÌÈäÆï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà éÅöÅà áÌÇöÌÈáÈà, åÀìÉà-éÇòÂáÉø òÈìÈéå ìÀëÈì-ãÌÈáÈø" (ãáøéí ëã,ä). 310  That a groom in his first year shall not be liable to take part in any public work, such as army service, guarding the wall, and the like, as it is written "he shall not go out in the host, neither shall he be charged with any business" (Deuteronomy 24,5).
ùéà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇçÂéåÉú îÀëÇùÌÑÅó, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "îÀëÇùÌÑÅôÈä, ìÉà úÀçÇéÌÆä" (ùîåú ëá,éæ). 311  Not to allow a sorcerer to live, as it is written "thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live" (Exodus 22,17).
ùéá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇîÀøåÉú òÇì ôÌÄé áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈñåÌø, îÄëÌÈì äÇãÌÈáÈø" (øàä ãáøéí éæ,éà). 312  Not to rebel against the Great Rabbinical Court, as it is written "thou shalt not turn aside from any sentence" (see Deuteronomy 17,11).
ùéâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäåÉñÄéó òÇì îÄöÀååÉú äÇúÌåÉøÈä, áÌÅéï úÌåÉøÈä ùÑÆáÌÄëÀúÈá áÌÅéï áÌÀôÅøåÌùÑÈäÌ ùÑÆ÷ÌÄáÌÀìåÌ òÇì ôÌÆä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÅú ëÌÈì-äÇãÌÈáÈø, àÂùÑÆø àÈðÉëÄé îÀöÇåÌÆä àÆúÀëÆí--àÉúåÉ úÄùÑÀîÀøåÌ, ìÇòÂùÒåÉú:  ìÉà-úÉñÅó òÈìÈéå" (ãáøéí éâ,à). 313  Not to add to the Torah's commandments, whether in the Written Law or in its interpretation received by tradition, as it is written "all this word which I command you, that shall ye observe to do; thou shalt not add thereto" (Deuteronomy 13,1).
ùéã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄâÀøÉòÇ îÄëÌÈì îÄöÀååÉú äÇúÌåÉøÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà úÄâÀøÇò îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ" (ãáøéí éâ,à). 314  Not to diminish from any of the Torah's commandments, as it is written "nor diminish from it" (Deuteronomy 13,1).
ùèå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀ÷ÇìÌÇì äÇãÌÇéÌÈï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÁìÉäÄéí, ìÉà úÀ÷ÇìÌÅì" (ùîåú ëá,ëæ). 315  Not to curse a judge, as it is written "thou shalt not revile a judge" (Exodus 22,27).
ùèæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀ÷ÇìÌÇì äÇðÌÈùÒÄéà, åÀäåÌà äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ àåÉ øÉàùÑ éÀùÑÄéáÇú àÆøÆõ éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀðÈùÒÄéà áÀòÇîÌÀêÈ, ìÉà úÈàÉø" (ùîåú ëá,ëæ). 316  Not to curse a ruler, which is the King or the head of the Great Rabbinical Court in the Land of Israel, as it is written "nor curse a ruler of thy people" (Exodus 22,27).
ùéæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀ÷ÇìÌÇì àÆçÈã îÄùÌÑÀàÈø éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀ÷ÇìÌÅì çÅøÅùÑ" (åé÷øà éè,éã). 317  Not to curse any other Israelite, as it is written "thou shalt not curse the deaf" (Leviticus 19,14).
ùéç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀ÷ÇìÌÇì àÈá åÈàÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÀ÷ÇìÌÅì àÈáÄéå åÀàÄîÌåÉ, îåÉú éåÌîÈú" (ùîåú ëà,éæ). 318  Not to curse one's father or mother, as it is written "and he that curseth his father or his mother, shall surely be put to death" (Exodus 21,17).
ùéè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇëÌåÉú àÈá åÈàÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌîÇëÌÅä àÈáÄéå åÀàÄîÌåÉ, îåÉú éåÌîÈú" (ùîåú ëà,èå). 319  Not to strike one's father or mother, as it is written "and he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death" (Exodus 21,15).
ùë  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÇòÂùÒÆä ëÈì-îÀìÈàëÈä" (ùîåú ë,è; ãáøéí ä,éâ). 320  Not to do work on the Sabbath, as it is written "thou shalt not do any manner of work" (Exodus 20,9; Deuteronomy 5,13).
ùëà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀäÇìÌÇêÀ çåÌõ ìÄúÀçåÌí îÀãÄéðÈä ëÌÀäåÉìÀëÅé ãÌÀøÈëÄéí áÌÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÇì-éÅöÅà àÄéùÑ îÄîÌÀ÷ÉîåÉ" (ùîåú èæ,ëè). 321  Not to take walks on the Sabbath outside the town's limits, as it is written "let no man go out of his place" (Exodus 16,29).
ùëá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂðÉùÑ áÌÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÀáÇòÂøåÌ àÅùÑ, áÌÀëÉì îÉùÑÀáÉúÅéëÆí" (ùîåú ìä,â). 322  Not to punish on the Sabbath, as it is written "ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations" (Exodus 35,3).
ùëâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÈøÄàùÑåÉï ùÑÆìÌÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-îÀìÈàëÈä, ìÉà-éÅòÈùÒÆä áÈäÆí" (ùîåú éá,èæ). 323  Not to do work on the first day of Pesach, as it is written "no manner of work shall be done in them" (Exodus 12,16).
ùëã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄé ùÑÆìÌÇôÌÆñÇç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ëÌÈì-îÀìÈàëÈä, ìÉà-éÅòÈùÒÆä áÈäÆí" (ùîåú éá,èæ). 324  Not to do work on the seventh day of Pesach, as it is written "no manner of work shall be done in them" (Exodus 12,16).
ùëä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÀçÇâ äÇùÌÑÈáåÌòåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ëÌÈì-îÀìÆàëÆú òÂáÉãÈä, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,ëà; áîãáø ëç,ëå). 325  Not to do work on the Festival of Shavu`ot, as it is written on it "ye shall do no manner of servile work" (Leviticus 23,21; Numbers 28,26).
ùëå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÀàÆçÈã ìÇçÉãÆùÑ äÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄé, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ëÌÈì-îÀìÆàëÆú òÂáÉãÈä, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,ëä; áîãáø ëè,à). 326  Not to do work on the first day of the seventh month, as it is written on it "ye shall do no manner of servile work" (Leviticus 23,25; Numbers 29,1)
ùëæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÀéåÉí äÇëÌÄôÌåÌøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ëÌÈì-îÀìÈàëÈä ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà èæ,ëè; åé÷øà ëâ,ëç; åé÷øà ëâ,ìà; áîãáø ëè,æ). 327  Not to do work on Yom Kippur, as it is written on it "ye shall do no manner of work" (Leviticus 16,29; Leviticus 23,28; Leviticus 23,31; Numbers 29,7).
ùëç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÈøÄàùÑåÉï ùÑÆìÌÆçÈâ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ëÌÈì-îÀìÆàëÆú òÂáÉãÈä, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,ìä; áîãáø ëè,éá). 328  Not to do work on the first day of Sukkot, as it is written on it "ye shall do no manner of servile work" (Leviticus 23,35; Numbers 29,12).
ùëè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÇòÂùÒåÉú îÀìÈàëÈä áÌÀéåÉí ùÑÀîÄéðÄé ùÑÆìÌÆçÈâ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ëÌÈì-îÀìÆàëÆú òÂáÉãÈä, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà ëâ,ìå; áîãáø ëè,ìä). 329  Not to do work on the eighth day of Sukkot, as it is written on it "ye shall do no manner of servile work" (Leviticus 23,36; Numbers 29,35).
ùì  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÄîÌÀêÈ äÄéà, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÆä òÆøÀåÈúÈäÌ" (åé÷øà éç,æ). 330  Not to have sexual relations with one's mother, as it is written "she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness" (Leviticus 18,7).
ùìà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú àÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú-àÈáÄéêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,ç). 331  Not to have sexual relations with one's father's wife, as it is written "the nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover" (Leviticus 18,8).
ùìá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÈçåÉú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉúÀêÈ . . . ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÆä" (åé÷øà éç,è). 332  Not to have sexual relations with one's sister, as it is written "the nakedness of thy sister . . . thou shalt not uncover" (Leviticus 18,9).
ùìâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÈçåÉú îÄï äÈàÈá åÌîÄï äÈàÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú áÌÇú-àÅùÑÆú àÈáÄéêÈ . . . àÂçåÉúÀêÈ äÄéà--ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÆä, òÆøÀåÈúÈäÌ" (åé÷øà éç,éà). 333  Not to have sexual relations with a sister from the father or from the mother, as it is written "the nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter . . . she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness" (Leviticus 18,11).
ùìã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú áÌÇú äÇáÌÅï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú áÌÇú-áÌÄðÀêÈ" (åé÷øà éç,é). 334  Not to have sexual relations with one's son's daughter, as it is written "the nakedness of thy son's daughter" (Leviticus 18,10).
ùìä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú áÌÇú äÇáÌÇú, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àåÉ áÇú-áÌÄúÌÀêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÆä òÆøÀåÈúÈï" (åé÷øà éç,é). 335  Not to have sexual relations with one's daughter's daughter, as it is written "or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover" (Leviticus 18,10).
ùìå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú äÇáÌÇú; åÀìÈîÌÈä ìÉà ðÄúÀôÌÈøÀùÑÈä áÌÇúÌåÉøÈä, îÄôÌÀðÅé ùÑÆàÈñÇø áÌÇú äÇáÌÇú ùÑÈúÇ÷ îÄï äÇáÌÇú, åÌîÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆàÄñÌåÌø äÇáÌÇú îÄâÌåÌôÅé úÌåÉøÈä, ëÌÄùÑÀàÈø òÂøÈéåÉú. 336  Not to have sexual relations with one's daughter; and the reason this was not explicitly set forth in the Torah is that since the Torah forbids one's daughter's daughter, it hardly needed to mention one's own daughter, and it was learned from the oral tradition that prohibition of the daughter is a law of the Torah itself, like the other severely forbidden sexual relations.
ùìæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÄùÌÑÈä åÌáÄúÌÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÄùÌÑÈä åÌáÄúÌÈäÌ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,éæ). 337  Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter" (Leviticus 18,17).
ùìç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÄùÌÑÈä åÌáÇú áÌÀðÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÆú-áÌÇú-áÌÀðÈäÌ" (åé÷øà éç,éæ). 338  Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her son's daughter, as it is written "her son's daughter" (Leviticus 18,17).
ùìè  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÄùÌÑÈä åÌáÇú áÌÄúÌÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆú-áÌÇú-áÌÄúÌÈäÌ, ìÉà úÄ÷ÌÇç" (åé÷øà éç,éæ). 339  Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter, as it is written "or her daughter's daughter, thou shalt not take" (Leviticus 18,17).
ùî  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉú äÈàÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉú-àÈáÄéêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,éá). 340  Not to have sexual relations with one's father's sister, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister" (Leviticus 18,12).
ùîà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉú äÈàÅí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉú-àÄîÌÀêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,éâ). 341  Not to have sexual relations with one's mother's sister, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister" (Leviticus 18,13).
ùîá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú àÂçÄé äÈàÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÆì-àÄùÑÀúÌåÉ ìÉà úÄ÷ÀøÈá, ãÌÉãÈúÀêÈ äÄéà" (åé÷øà éç,éã). 342  Not to have sexual relations with one's father's brother's wife, as it is written "thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt" (Leviticus 18,14).
ùîâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú äÇáÌÅï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú ëÌÇìÌÈúÀêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,èå). 343  Not to have sexual relations with one's son's wife, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter-in-law" (Leviticus 18,15).
ùîã  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú àÈç, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú-àÈçÄéêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,èæ). 344  Not to have sexual relations with one's brother's wife, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife" (Leviticus 18,16).
ùîä  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÂçåÉú àÄùÌÑÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÄùÌÑÈä àÆì-àÂçÉúÈäÌ, ìÉà úÄ÷ÌÈç" (åé÷øà éç,éç). 345  Not to have sexual relations with one's wife's sister, as it is written "and thou shalt not take a woman to her sister" (Leviticus 18,18).
ùîå  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú ðÄãÌÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆì-àÄùÌÑÈä, áÌÀðÄãÌÇú èËîÀàÈúÈäÌ--ìÉà úÄ÷ÀøÇá" (åé÷øà éç,éè). 346  Not to have sexual relations with a woman unclean from menstruation, as it is written "and thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is impure by her uncleanness" (Leviticus 18,19).
ùîæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÅùÑÆú àÄéùÑ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆì-àÅùÑÆú, òÂîÄéúÀêÈ--ìÉà-úÄúÌÅï ùÑÀëÈáÀúÌÀêÈ" (åé÷øà éç,ë). 347  Not to have sexual relations with another man's wife, as it is written "and thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife" (Leviticus 18,20).
ùîç  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀëÌÇá òÄí áÌÀäÅîÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÀëÈì-áÌÀäÅîÈä ìÉà-úÄúÌÅï ùÑÀëÈáÀúÌÀêÈ" (åé÷øà éç,ëâ). 348  Not to have sexual relations with an animal, as it is written "and thou shalt not lie with any beast" (Leviticus 18,23).
ùîè  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÈáÄéà àÄùÌÑÈä áÌÀäÅîÈä òÈìÆéäÈ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÄùÌÑÈä, ìÉà-úÇòÂîÉã ìÄôÀðÅé áÀäÅîÈä ìÀøÄáÀòÈäÌ" (åé÷øà éç,ëâ). 349  That a woman shall not have sexual relations with an animal, as it is written "neither shall any woman stand before a beast, to lie down thereto" (Leviticus 18,23).
ùð  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄùÑÀëÌÇá òÄí æÈëÈø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀàÆú-æÈëÈø--ìÉà úÄùÑÀëÌÇá" (åé÷øà éç,ëá). 350  Not to have sexual relations with a male, as it is written "thou shalt not lie with mankind" (Leviticus 18,22).
ùðà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú äÈàÈá òÇöÀîåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÈáÄéêÈ . . . ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,æ). 351  Not to have sexual relations with one's father, as it is written "the nakedness of thy father . . . shalt thou not uncover" (Leviticus 18,7).
ùðá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÇú àÂçÄé äÈàÈá òÇöÀîåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "òÆøÀåÇú àÂçÄé-àÈáÄéêÈ, ìÉà úÀâÇìÌÅä" (åé÷øà éç,éã). 352  Not to have sexual relations with one's father's brother, as it is written "thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother" (Leviticus 18,14).
ùðâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÄ÷ÌÈøÅá ìÈòÂøÈéåÉú áÌÄãÀáÈøÄéí äÇîÌÀáÄéàÄéí ìÄéãÅé âÌÄìÌåÌé òÆøÀåÈä, ëÌÀâåÉï çÄáÌåÌ÷ åÀðÄùÌÑåÌ÷ åÌøÀîÄéæÈä åÌ÷ÀôÄéöÈä, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "àÆì-ëÌÈì-ùÑÀàÅø áÌÀùÒÈøåÉ, ìÉà úÄ÷ÀøÀáåÌ ìÀâÇìÌåÉú òÆøÀåÈä" (åé÷øà éç,å); îÄôÌÄé äÇùÌÑÀîåÌòÈä ìÈîÀãåÌ ùÑÆæÌåÉ àÇæÀäÈøÈä ìÄ÷ÀøÄéáÈä äÇîÌÀáÄéàÈä ìÄéãÅé âÌÄìÌåÌé òÆøÀåÈä. 353  Not to be intimate with one with which sexual relations are severely forbidden, such as embracing, kissing, hinting, and skipping, which might lead to sexual relations, as it is written "none of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness" (Leviticus 18,6); it was learned from the oral tradition that this is a warning against intimacy that might lead to sexual relations.
ùðã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄùÌÒÈà îÇîÀæÅø áÌÇú éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÈáÉà îÇîÀæÅø, áÌÄ÷ÀäÇì ä'" (ãáøéí ëâ,â). 354  That a mamzer shall not marry an Israelite woman, as it is written "a bastard shall not enter into the assembly of the LORD" (Deuteronomy 23,3).
ùðä  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÄäÀéÆä ÷ÀãÅùÑÈä, åÀäÄéà äÇðÌÄáÀòÆìÆú áÌÀìÉà ëÌÀúËáÌÈä åÀ÷ÄãÌåÌùÑÄéï, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄäÀéÆä ÷ÀãÅùÑÈä" (ãáøéí ëâ,éç). 355  That there shall be no prostitute, which is a woman who has sexual relations without a marriage contract and sanctification ceremony, as it is written "there shall be no harlot" (Deuteronomy 23,18).
ùðå  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇçÀæÄéø äÇîÌÀâÈøÅùÑ âÌÀøåÌùÑÈúåÉ àÇçÇø ùÑÆðÌÄùÌÒÅàú ìÀàÇçÅø, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éåÌëÇì áÌÇòÀìÈäÌ äÈøÄàùÑåÉï . . ." (ãáøéí ëã,ã). 356  That one who divorced his wife shall not remarry her after she has been married to another, as it is written "her former husband may not . . ." (Deuteronomy 24,4).
ùðæ  ùÑÆìÌÉà úÄðÌÈùÒÅà äÇéÌÀáÈîÈä ìÀàÇçÅø çåÌõ îÄéÌÀáÈîÈäÌ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-úÄäÀéÆä àÅùÑÆú-äÇîÌÅú" (ãáøéí ëä,ä). 357  That a widow whose husband died childless shall not be married to anyone but her deceased husband's brother, as it is written "the wife of the dead shall not be" (Deuteronomy 25,5).
ùðç  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀâÈøÇùÑ äÈàåÉðÅñ àÂðåÌñÈúåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éåÌëÇì ùÑÇìÌÀçÈäÌ, ëÌÈì-éÈîÈéå" (ãáøéí ëá,ëè). 358  That the rapist shall not divorce his rape victim, as it is written "he may not put her away all his days" (Deuteronomy 22,29).
ùðè  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÀâÈøÇùÑ îåÉöÄéà ùÑÅí øÈò àÆú àÄùÑÀúÌåÉ, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø áÌåÉ "ìÉà-éåÌëÇì ìÀùÑÇìÌÀçÈäÌ ëÌÈì-éÈîÈéå" (ãáøéí ëá,éè). 359  That one who defames his wife as a non-virgin at marriage shall not divorce his wife, as it is written "he may not put her away all his days" (Deuteronomy 22,19).
ùñ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄ÷ÌÈç ñÈøÄéñ áÌÇú éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÈáÉà ôÀöåÌòÇ-ãÌÇëÌÈà" (ãáøéí ëâ,á). 360  That a eunuch shall not marry an Israelite woman, as it is written "he that is crushed in his privy parts shall not enter" (Deuteronomy 23,2).
ùñà  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀñÈøÇñ æÈëÈø îÄëÌÈì äÇîÌÄéðÄéí, ìÉà àÈãÈí åÀìÉà áÌÀäÅîÈä çÈéÈä åÈòåÉó, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÌáÀàÇøÀöÀëÆí, ìÉà úÇòÂùÒåÌ" (åé÷øà ëá,ëã). 361  Not to castrate a male of any species, neither a man, nor a domestic or wild animal, nor a fowl, as it is written "neither shall ye do thus in your land" (Leviticus 22,24).
ùñá  ùÑÆìÌÉà ìÀîÇðÌåÉú òÇì éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì àÄéùÑ îÄ÷ÌÀäÇì âÌÅøÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úåÌëÇì ìÈúÅú òÈìÆéêÈ àÄéùÑ ðÈëÀøÄé" (ãáøéí éæ,èå). 362  Not to appoint as a ruling authority over Israel one from the congregation of converts, as it is written "thou mayest not put a foreigner over thee" (Deuteronomy 17,15).
ùñâ  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇøÀáÌÆä äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ñåÌñÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà-éÇøÀáÌÆä-ìÌåÉ ñåÌñÄéí" (ãáøéí éæ,èæ). 363  That the King shall not have too many horses, as it is written "only he shall not multiply horses to himself" (Deuteronomy 17,16).
ùñã  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇøÀáÌÆä äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ðÈùÑÄéí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀìÉà éÇøÀáÌÆä-ìÌåÉ ðÈùÑÄéí" (ãáøéí éæ,éæ). 364  That the King shall not have too many wives, as it is written "neither shall he multiply wives to himself" (Deuteronomy 17,17).
ùñä  ùÑÆìÌÉà éÇøÀáÌÆä ìåÉ ëÌÆñÆó åÀæÈäÈá, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "åÀëÆñÆó åÀæÈäÈá, ìÉà éÇøÀáÌÆä-ìÌåÉ îÀàÉã" (ãáøéí éæ,éæ).
365  That he shall not have too much silver and gold, as it is written "neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold" (Deuteronomy 17,17).
äòøä à  àÅìÌåÌ äÆí ùÑÅùÑ îÅàåÉú åÌùÑÀìåÉùÑ òÆùÒÀøÅä îÄöÀååÉú ùÑÆðÌÆàÀîÀøåÌ ìåÉ ìÀîÉùÑÆä áÌÀñÄéðÇé, äÆï åÌëÀìÈìåÉúÅéäÆï åÌôÀøÈèåÉúÅéäÆï åÀãÄ÷ÀãÌåÌ÷ÅéäÆï; åÀëÈì àåÉúÈï äÇëÌÀìÈìåÉú åÀäÇôÌÀøÈèåÉú åÀäÇãÌÄ÷ÀãÌåÌ÷Äéï åÀäÇáÌÅàåÌøÄéï ùÑÆìÌÀëÈì îÄöÀåÈä åÌîÄöÀåÈä, äÄéà úÌåÉøÈä ùÑÆáÌÀòÇì ôÌÆä ùÑÆ÷ÌÄáÌÀìåÌ áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï îÄôÌÄé áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï. Comment 1  These are the six hundred and thirteen commandments that were said to Moshe [Moses] on Sinai, together with their general principles, detailed applications, and minute particulars; and all these principles, details, and particulars as well as the explanation of each and every commandment are the Oral Law, which each court received from its predecessor.
äòøä á  åÀéÅùÑ îÄöÀååÉú àÂçÅøåÉú ùÑÆðÌÄúÀçÇãÌÀùÑåÌ àÇçÇø îÇúÌÇï úÌåÉøÈä, åÀ÷ÈáÀòåÌ àåÉúÈï ðÀáÄéàÄéí åÇçÂëÈîÄéí åÌôÈùÑÀèåÌ áÌÀëÈì éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì--ëÌÀâåÉï îÄ÷ÀøÈà îÀâÄìÌÈä, åÀðÅø çÂðËëÌÈä, åÀúÇòÀðÄéú úÌÄùÑÀòÈä áÌÀàÈá, åÀéÈãÇéÄí, åÀòÅøåÌáÄéï.  åÀéÅùÑ ìÀëÈì îÄöÀåÈä åÌîÄöÀåÈä îÅàÅìÌåÌ ôÌÅøåÌùÑÄéï åÀãÄ÷ÀãÌåÌ÷Äéï; åÀäÇëÌÉì éÄúÀáÌÈàÇø áÌÀçÄáÌåÌø æÆä. Comment 2  There are other commandments that were enacted after the giving of the Torah, which were instituted by prophets and sages and became accepted by all Israel--such as the reading of the scroll of Esther, the lighting of Chanukkah candles, the fasting on the Ninth of Av, the washing of the hands, and the making of eruvin.  And for each and every one of these commandments, there are commentaries and details; and all of them will be explained in this work.
äòøä â  ëÌÈì àÅìÌåÌ äÇîÌÄöÀååÉú ùÑÆðÌÄúÀçÇãÌÀùÑåÌ--çÇéÌÈáÄéï àÈðåÌ ìÀ÷ÇáÌÀìÈí åÌìÀùÑÈîÀøÈí, ùÑÆðÌÆàÁîÈø "ìÉà úÈñåÌø, îÄëÌÈì-äÇãÌÈáÈø . . ." (øàä ãáøéí éæ,éà); åÀàÅéðÈí úÌåÉñÆôÆú òÇì îÄöÀååÉú äÇúÌåÉøÈä.  åÀòÇì îÇä äÄæÀäÄéøÈä úÌåÉøÈä "ìÉà-úÉñÅó . . . åÀìÉà úÄâÀøÇò" (ãáøéí éâ,à)--ùÑÆìÌÉà éÄäÀéÆä ðÈáÄéà øÇùÌÑÈàé ìÀçÇãÌÇùÑ ãÌÈáÈø åÀìåÉîÇø ùÑÆäÇ÷ÌÈãåÉùÑ áÌÈøåÌêÀ äåÌà öÄåÌÈäåÌ áÌÀîÄöÀåÈä æåÉ ìÀäåÉñÄéôÈäÌ ìÀîÄöÀååÉú äÇúÌåÉøÈä, àåÉ ìÀçÇñÌÇø àÇçÇú îÅàÅìÌåÌ äÇùÌÑÅùÑ îÅàåÉú åÌùÑÀìåÉùÑ òÆùÒÀøÅä îÄöÀååÉú. Comment 3  We must accept and observe all of these enacted commandments, as it is written "thou shalt not turn aside from any of the sentences . . ." (see Deuteronomy 17,11); and they are not an addition to the commandments of the Torah.  The point of the Torah's warning "thou shalt not add . . . nor diminish" (Deuteronomy 13,1) is that no prophet is allowed to make an innovation and say that the Holy One blessed be He had commanded him in this commandment to add it to the commandments of the Torah, or to take away one of these six hundred and thirteen commandments.
äòøä ã  àÂáÈì àÄí äåÉñÄéôåÌ áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï òÄí ðÈáÄéà ùÑÆéÌÄäÀéÆä áÌÀàåÉúåÉ äÇæÌÀîÈï îÄöÀåÈä ãÌÆøÆêÀ úÌÇ÷ÌÈðÈä, àåÉ ãÌÆøÆêÀ äåÉøÈàÈä, àåÉ ãÌÆøÆêÀ âÌÀæÅøÈä--àÅéï æåÉ úÌåÉñÆôÆú:  ùÑÆäÂøÅé ìÉà àÈîÀøåÌ ùÑÆäÇ÷ÌÈãåÉùÑ áÌÈøåÌêÀ äåÌà öÄåÌÈä ìÇòÂùÒåÉú òÅøåÌá àåÉ ìÄ÷ÀøåÉú äÇîÌÀâÄìÌÈä áÌÀòåÉðÈúÈäÌ.  åÀàÄìÌåÌ àÈîÀøåÌ ëÌÅï, äÈéåÌ îåÉñÄéôÄéï òÇì äÇúÌåÉøÈä. Comment 4  But if the Great Rabbinical Court with the prophet living at the time institutes a commandment as an positive legislation, or as an instruction, or as a negative legislation, this is not an addition:  for they have not said that the Holy One blessed be He commanded to make an eruv or to read the scroll of Esther at its appointed time.  But if they had said so, they would have been adding to the Torah.
äòøä ä  àÅìÈà ëÌÈêÀ àÈðåÌ àåÉîÀøÄéï, ùÑÆäÇðÌÀáÄéàÄéí òÄí áÌÅéú ãÌÄéï úÌÄ÷ÌÀðåÌ åÀöÄåÌåÌ ìÄ÷ÀøåÉú äÇîÌÀâÄìÌÈä áÌÀòåÉðÈúÈäÌ ëÌÀãÅé ìÀäÇæÀëÌÄéø ùÑÀáÈçåÉ ùÑÆìÌÀäÇ÷ÌÈãåÉùÑ áÌÈøåÌêÀ äåÌà åÌúÀùÑåÌòåÉú ùÑÆòÈùÒÈä ìÈðåÌ, åÀäÈéÈä ÷ÈøåÉá ìÀùÑÇåÀòÅðåÌ ëÌÀãÅé ìÀáÈøÀëåÉ åÌìÀäÇìÌÀìåÉ, åÌëÀãÅé ìÀäåÉãÄéòÇ ìÀãåÉøåÉú äÇáÌÈàÄéí ùÑÆàÁîÆú îÇä ùÑÆäÄáÀèÄéçÈðåÌ áÌÇúÌåÉøÈä, "åÌîÄé-âåÉé âÌÈãåÉì, àÂùÑÆø-ìåÉ àÁìÉäÄéí ÷ÀøÉáÄéí àÅìÈéå" (øàä ãáøéí ã,æ; ãáøéí ã,ç).  åÀòÇì ãÌÆøÆêÀ æåÉ äÄéà ëÌÈì îÄöÀåÈä åÌîÄöÀåÈä ùÑÀäÄéà îÄãÌÄáÀøÅé ñåÉôÀøÄéí, áÌÅéï òÂùÒÅä áÌÅéï ìÉà úÇòÂùÒÆä.
Comment 5  Rather, we say that the prophets with the Great Rabbinical Court legislated and ordered to read the scroll of Esther at its appointed time to recall the praises of the Holy One blessed be He and the salvation He did for us, and that He was ever ready when we cried to Him, and that we should therefore bless and praise Him, and inform future generations how true is what is promised in the Torah "for what great nation is there that hath God so nigh unto it" (see Deuteronomy 4,7; Deuteronomy 4,8).  And in this way is to be seen each and every rabbinical commandment, whether positive or negative.

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last updated:  31 January 2011

Mishneh Torah - Preface

Introduction | Positive Commandments | Negative Commandments | Structure of the 14 Books