In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God
--Genesis 21,33.
This note is for Webmasters and others who want to link to Mishneh Torah paragraphs and Hebrew Bible verses on our site. As we say on our home page, we expressly invite links to any of the text files on our site (but not to zips or graphics, for which you should link to our pages that link to them). Other technical notes on Hebrew Support and Fonts for Cantillation Marks are found elsewhere.
The Mishneh Torah and Bible versions here have specific labels for each and every individual halachah or verse; thus one can compactly and easily refer directly to specific places, such as Laws of Holidays Chapter 6 in Paragraph 15 by using
<A HREF="">
in which the first digit after the last slash is the book number, here 3,
the next digit is the number of the halachah division, here 4,
the last two digits before the period are the chapter number, here 06,
and the number after # is the number of the individual halachah, here 15.
Because there are more than 9 books in Mishneh Torah, we use hexadecimal digits a, b, c, d, and e for 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 respectively for the last 5 books. 0 refers to the index and introduction to the whole code.
Similarly, one can refer to a Bible verse such as Shema` Yisra'el at Deuteronomy 6,4 by using
<A HREF="">
in which the t plus the first two digits after the last slash are the book number, here t05,
the next two digits are the chapter number, here 06,
and the number after the # is the number of the individual verse, here 4.
Because there are 150 chapters in Psalms, we use hexadecimal digits a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, and f0 for 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 respectively in the last 50 chapters.
All Hebrew Bibles on our site are built in the same way, with
<A HREF="">
linking to Deuteronomy 6,4 in the Hebrew Bible in English
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linking to Deuteronomy 6,4 in the parallel Hebrew-English Bible
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linking to Deuteronomy 6,4 in the Hebrew Bible with cantillation marks
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linking to Deuteronomy 6,4 in the Hebrew Bible in Aramaic (Onqelos)
In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God--we shall act and succeed!
חזרה למשנה תורה
על מכון ממרא, על דרכנו, על הכתיב שלנו, על הפיסוק שלנו, על הערות טכנייות