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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Glossary of Jewish Terminology

Following is a partial list of Hebrew, Yiddish, and other Jewish terms used on this web site.  Unless otherwise specified, the terms are Hebrew.

We have attempted to provide pronunciations for most of these terms.  Some of the pronunciations may not be strictly, technically correct, but they are the way we usually hear the terms pronounced.  Unfortunately, what is usually heard among English speakers is a mix of Ashkenazic and Sefardic pronunciations.  We have tried to present the Sefardic pronunciation as much as possible, but some things are never heard pronounced that way!

Guide to pronunciation:

- # -
13 Principles of Faith
The most widely accepted list of Jewish beliefs, compiled by Maimonides.
613 Commandments
Judaism teaches that God gave the Jews 613 commandments, which are binding on Jews but not on non-Jews.  See Halakhah:  Jewish Law; A List of the 613 Mitzvot.
- A -
See Kosher Sex - Abortion.
The twelfth month of the Jewish year, occurring in February/March.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
There is no formal procedure for adoption in Judaism, but one who raises another person's child is acknowledged as the parent in many important ways.
A substitute for a name of God.  See The Name of God.
Literally, anchored.  A woman whose husband disappeared without divorcing her.
Akiba (uh-KEE-buh)
One of the greatest rabbis recorded in the Talmud.
Al Cheit (AHL CHAYT)
Literally, for the sin.  A confession of community sins recited repeatedly on Yom Kippur.  See Yom Kippur Liturgy.
Alef-Bet (AH-lef-bet)
The Hebrew alphabet.  The name is derived from the first two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Aliyah (uh-LEE-uh; ah-lee-AH)
Literally, ascension.  1) Reading from the Torah; (or reciting a blessing over the reading) during services, which is considered an honor (generally referred to in English as having or getting an aliyah and pronounced uh-LEE-uh).  See also Bar Mitzvah.  2) Emigrating to Israel (generally referred to in English as making aliyah and pronounced ah-lee-AH).
Amidah (uh-MEE-duh)
Literally, standing.  A prayer that is the center of any Jewish religious service.  Also known as the Shemoneh Esrei or the Tefillah.  See Jewish Liturgy.
See Treatment of Animals; Qorbanot:  Sacrifices and Offerings.
The period of mourning between the time of death and the time of burial.
Arbah Minim
Literally, four species.  Fruit and branches used to fulfill the commandment to "rejoice before the LORD" during Sukkot.
An acronym of aron kodesh, lit., holy chest.  The cabinet where the Torah scrolls are kept.  The word has no connection with Noah's Ark, which is "teyvat" in Hebrew.
Aron Kodesh (AH-rohn KOH-desh)
Literally, holy chest.  The cabinet where the Torah scrolls are kept.
Asham (ah-SHAHM)
A guilt offering.  A type of sacrifice used to atone for sins of stealing things from the altar, for when you are not sure whether you have committed a sin or what sin you have committed, or for breach of trust.
Ashkenazic Jews (ahsh-ken-AH-zik)
Jews from eastern France, Germany, and Eastern Europe, and their descendants.
The fifth month of the Jewish year, occurring in July/August.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
The period of mourning after the burial of a parent, child, sibling, or spouse.
- B -
Baal Shem Tov (bahl shem tohv)
Literally, Master of the Good Name.  Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer.  The founder of Chasidic Judaism.
Bagel (BAY-g'l)
Donut-shaped bread that is boiled before it is baked.
Bar Kokhba (BAHR KOHKH-buh)
Aramaic:  Son of a Star.  Simeon ben Kosiba, the leader of the last and most successful Jewish rebellion against Rome in 132-135 C.E.  He died in battle when the rebellion was defeated.  Rabbi Akiba believed he was the Mashiach (Messiah).
Bar Mitzvah (BAHR MITS-vuh)
Literally, son of the commandment.  A boy who has reached the age of 13 and is consequently obligated to observe the commandments.  Also, a ceremony marking the fact that a boy has reached this age.
Bat Mitzvah (BAHT MITS-vuh)
Literally, daughter of the commandment.  A girl who has reached the age of 12 and is consequently obligated to observe the commandments.  Also, a ceremony marking the fact that a girl has reached this age.
Before the Common (or Christian) Era.  An alternative way of saying B.C. (before Christ), since we know that Jesus was not the Christ (messiah).
Beginning of Day
A day on the Jewish calendar begins at sunset.  When a date is given for a Jewish holiday, the holiday actually begins at sunset on the preceding day.  See When Holidays Begin.
Beit Din (BAYT DIN)
Literally, house of judgment.  A rabbinical court made up of three observant Jews who resolve business disputes under Jewish law and determine whether a prospective convert is ready for conversion.
Beit Hillel (BAYT HIL-el; BAYT hil-EL)
Literally, House of Hillel.  A school of thought during the Talmudic period, generally contrasted with the stricter views of Beit Shammai.
Beit Knesset (BAYT K'NESS-et)
Literally, house of assembly.  A Hebrew term for a synagogue.
Beit Midrash (BAYT MID-rahsh)
Literally, house of study.  A place set aside for study of sacred texts such as the Torah and the Talmud, generally a part of the synagogue or attached to it.
Beit Shammai (BAYT SHAH-mahy)
Literally, House of Shammai.  A school of thought during the Talmudic period, generally contrasted with the more lenient views of Beit Hillel.
See What Do Jews Believe?; The Nature of God; Human Nature; Kabbalah.
Bentsch (BENTSCH)
Yiddish:  bless.  To recite a blessing.  Usually refers to the recitation of the birkat ha-mazon (grace after meals).  See Prayers and Blessings.
Berakhah (B'RUHKH-khah; b'ruhkh-KHAH); pl:  Berakhot (b'ruhkh-KHOHT)
A blessing.  A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah . . ." (blessed art Thou . . .).
See Torah.
Bimah (BEE-muh)
The pedestal on which the Torah scrolls are placed when they are being read in the synagogue; i.e., the pulpit.
Binah (bee-NAH)
Intuition, understanding, intelligence.  A quality that women supposedly have in greater degree than men.  Also, in kabbalistic thought, one of the Ten Sefirot.
Birkat Ha-Mazon (BEER-kaht hah mah-ZOHN)
Literally, blessing of the food.  Grace after meals.  The recitation of birkat ha-mazon is commonly referred to as bentsching.
See Birth and the First Month of Life.
Birth Control
See Kosher Sex - Birth Control.
See Prayers and Blessings.
Blintz (BLINTS)
Yiddish.  A thin, crepe-like pancake rolled around a filling of potato and onion, cheese, or fruit.
See Bibliography; Torah.
Brit Milah (BRIT MEE-lah)
Literally, covenant of circumcision.  The ritual circumcision of a male Jewish child on the 8th day of his life or of a male convert to Judaism.  Frequently referred to as a brit or bris.
See Care for the Dead.
Burnt Offering
A type of sacrifice that represents complete submission to God's will.  It is completely consumed by fire on the altar.  In Hebrew, it is called an olah.
- C -
See Jewish Calendar.
Common (or Christian) Era.  Used instead of A.D., because A.D.  means the Year of the Lord, and we know that Jesus is not the LORD.
Chai (KHAHY, rhymes with Hi!)
Literally, living or life.  The word is often used as a design on jewelry and other ornaments.  Donations to charity are often made in multiples of 18, the numerical value of the word.
Challah (KHAH-luh)
A sweet, eggy, yellow bread, usually braided, which is served on Sabbaths and holidays.
Chametz (KHUH-mitz)
Literally, leaven.  Leavened grain products, which may not be owned or consumed during Passover.
Chanukkah (KHAH-nik-uh; KHAH-noo-kah)
Literally, dedication.  An eight day holiday celebrating the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after it was defiled by the Selucid Greeks.
Chanukkat Ha-Bayit (KHAH-noo-KAHT hah BAHY-eet)
Literally, dedication of the house.  A brief ceremony dedicating a Jewish household, during which the mezuzah is affixed to the doorposts.
See Tzedakah.
Charoset (khah-ROH-set)
A mixture of fruit, wine, and nuts eaten at the Passover seder to symbolize mortar used by the Jewish slaves in Egypt.
Chasidism (KHAH-sid-ism); Chasidic (khah-SID-ic)
From the word "Chasid" meaning pious.  A branch of Orthodox Judaism that maintains a lifestyle separate from the non-Jewish world.  See Movements of Judaism.
Chatat (khah-TAHT)
A sin offering.  A type of sacrifice used to atone for and expiate unintentional sins.
Chazzan (KHAH-zen)
Cantor.  The person who leads the congregation in prayer.  May be a professional or a member of the congregation.
Chelev (KHE-lev)
The fat surrounding organs, as distinguished from the fat surrounding muscles.  Forbidden to be eaten under the dietary laws.
Chevra Kaddisha (KHEV-ruh kah-DEESH-uh)
Literally, holy society.  An organization devoted to caring for the dead.
Chillul Ha-Shem (khil-LOOL hah SHEM)
Literally, profanation of the Name.  Causing God or Judaism to come into disrespect, or causing a person to violate a commandment.  See The Name of God.
Chol Ha-Mo'ed (KHOHL hah MOH-ed; KHOHL hah moh-AYD)
The intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot, when work is permitted.
Cholent (TSCHUH-lent)
A slow cooked stew of beef, beans, and barley, which is served on Sabbaths.
Chukkim (khook-EEM)
Jewish religious laws for which no reason is given in the Torah.  Some believe that they are meant to show our obedience to God.
Chumash (KHUH-mish)
Literally, five.  A compilation of the first five books of the Bible and readings from the prophets, organized in the order of the weekly Torah portions.
Chuppah (KHU-puh)
Today, the wedding canopy, symbolic of the groom's home, under which the main part of the wedding ceremony is performed.
Removal of the foreskin, a commandment in Judaism performed on the 8th day of a male child's life or upon conversion to Judaism.  See Brit Milah:  Circumcision.
See Tzitzit and Tallit; Yarmulke.
See Halakhah:  Jewish Law; A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments).
A ceremony performed in some Reform and Conservative synagogues to replace or supplement the Bar Mitzvah.
One of the major movements of Judaism, accepting the binding nature of Jewish law but believing that the law can change.
See Kosher Sex - Birth Control.
See Who is a Jew?; Jewish Attitudes Towards Non-Jews; Conversion.
See Jewish Cooking; Kashrut.
Counting of the Omer
The counting of the days between Passover and Shavu'ot.
- D -
Dati (DAH-tee)
The Hebrew word for religious Jews, used in Israel.
Daven (DAH-ven)
Yiddish:  Pray.  See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
Days of Awe
Ten days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, a time for introspection and considering the sins of the previous year.
See Divorce; Marriage.
A top-like toy used to play a traditional Chanukkah game.
- E -
Ein Sof (ayn sohf)
Literally, without end.  In Jewish mysticism, the true essence of God, which is so transcendent that it cannot be described and cannot interact directly with the universe.
A substitute for a name of God.  See The Name of God.
A movement of Judaism that existed around the time of the dawn of Christianity.  It died out shortly after the destruction of the Temple.
One of the heroes of the story of Purim.  Also, the book in the Bible that tells her story.
Ethiopian Jews
The Jews of Ethiopia, whose customs and practices are somewhat different from those of Ashkenazic or Sephardic Jews.  See Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.
Etrog (ET-rohg)
A citrus fruit native to Israel, used to fulfill the commandment to "rejoice before the LORD" during Sukkot.
Evil Impulse
See Human Nature - The Dual Nature.
- F -
Family Purity
Laws relating to the separation of husband and wife during the woman's menstrual period.  Also referred to as the laws of niddah or taharat ha-mishpachah.
Fast Days
See Yom Kippur; Tisha B'Av; Minor Fasts.
See Pidyon Ha-Ben:  Redemption of the Firstborn.
Fleishig (FLAHYSH-ig)
Yiddish:  meat.  Used to describe foods that contain meat and therefore cannot be eaten with dairy.  See Kashrut - Separation of Meat and Dairy.
See Jewish Cooking; Kashrut.
Four Species
Fruit and branches used to fulfill the commandment to "rejoice before the LORD" during Sukkot.
Free Will
See Human Nature - The Dual Nature.
- G -
A way of avoiding writing a Name of God, to avoid the risk of the sin of erasing or defacing the Name.  See The Name of God, The Nature of God.
Gefilte Fish (g'-FIL-tuh)
Yiddish:  lit.stuffed fish.  A traditional Jewish dish consisting of a ball or cake of chopped up fish.
Gemara (g'-MAHR-uh)
Commentaries on the Mishnah.  The Mishnah and Gemara together are the Talmud.
Gematria (g'-MAH-tree-uh)
A field of Jewish mysticism finding hidden meanings in the numerical value of words.
See Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews.
Get (GET)
A writ of divorce.  Also called a sefer k'ritut.
Gezeirah (g'-ZAY-ruh)
A law instituted by the rabbis to prevent people from unintentionally violating commandments.
Gossiping is a serious sin in Judaism.  See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
Literally, nation.  A non-Jew, that is, a member of one of the other nations.  There is nothing inherently insulting about the term; the word "goy" is used in the Torah to describe Israel.  See Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews.
Grace After Meals
See Birkat Ha-Mazon.
Grager (GREG-er; GRAG-er)
A noisemaker used to blot out the name of Haman during the reading of the Megillah on Purim.
Guide for the Perplexed
Maimonides' masterpiece of Jewish philosophy and theology, written from the perspective of a Torah scholar conversant in Arab and Greek sciences and philosophy.
Guilt Offering
A type of sacrifice used to atone for sins of stealing things from the altar, for when you are not sure whether you have committed a sin or what sin you have committed, or for breach of trust.
- H -
Haftarah (hahf-TOH-ruh)
Literally, conclusion.  A reading from the Prophets, read along with the weekly Torah portion.
Haggadah (huh-GAH-duh)
The book read during the Passover Seder, telling the story of the holiday.
Halakhah (huh-LUHKH-khuh)
Literally, the path that one walks.  Jewish law.  The complete body of rules and practices that Jews are bound to follow, including biblical commandments, commandments instituted by the rabbis, and binding customs.  See also Torah, A List of the 613 Mitzvot.
Literally, praise God.  Psalms 113-118, in praise of God, which are recited on certain holidays.  See Jewish Liturgy.
Haman (HAY-men)
The villain of the story of Purim.
Hamentaschen (HAH-men-TAH-shen)
Literally, Haman's pockets.  Triangular, fruit-filled cookies traditionally served or given as gifts during Purim.
The Hebrew word for Ultra-Orthodox Jews, used in Israel.
Ha-Shem (hah SHEM)
Literally, The Name.  The Name of God, which is not pronounced.  The phrase "ha-Shem" is often used as a substitute for God's Name.
Hatafat Dam Brit (hah-tah-FAHT DAHM BRIT)
A symbolic circumcision of a person who has already been circumcised or who was born without a foreskin.  It involves taking a pinprick of blood from the part of the penis where the foreskin would normally have been attached.  See Brit Milah:  Circumcision.
Havdalah (Hahv-DAH-luh)
Literally, separation, division.  A ritual marking the end of the Sabbath or a holiday.
See Hebrew Alphabet; Hebrew Language:  Root Words.
Hillel (HIL-el; hil-EL)
One of the greatest rabbis recorded in the Talmud.  His views of Jewish law are often contrasted with the stricter views of Shammai.  Also:  a Jewish college student organization under the auspices of B'nai Brith.
The Hebrew word for secular Jews, used in Israel.
See Jewish Holidays and pages following it.
Holishkes (HOH-lish-kuhs)
Cabbage leaves stuffed with meatballs served in a tomato-based sweet and sour sauce.
Hoshanah Rabba (hoh-SHAH-nuh RAH-buh)
Literally, great hosanna.  The seventh day of Sukkot, on which seven circuits are made around the synagogue reciting a prayer with the refrain, "Hosha na!" (please save us!).
Human Nature
See Human Nature.
- I -
Image of God
See Human Nature - In the Image of God; The Nature of God.
Interfaith Marriage
Marriage to a non-Jew is not recognized as "marriage" in Jewish law.  The increasing frequency of intermarriage is a source of great concern to traditional Jews.  See also Marriage.
The second month of the Jewish year, occurring in April/May.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
- J -
A person whose mother was a Jew or who has converted to Judaism.  According to the Reform movement, a person whose father is a Jew is also a Jew.  See Who Is a Jew?
Jewish Law
See Halakhah.
Jewish Star
The six-pointed star emblem commonly associated with Judaism, also known as the Magen David, the Shield of David, or the Star of David.
Judah Ha-Nasi (JOO-duh hah NAH-see)
Compiler of the Mishnah.
- K -
Kabbalah (kuh-BAH-luh)
Literally, tradition.  Jewish mystical tradition.
Kaddish (KAH-dish)
Aramaic:  holy.  A prayer in Aramaic praising God, commonly associated with mourning practices.  See also Jewish Liturgy.
Literally, atonements.  A custom during the Days of Awe.
Karet (KAH-reht)
The penalty of spiritual excision, imposed by God.  Certain sins, such as failure to circumcise, are so severe that one who violates them has no place in the World to Come.
Kashrut (KAHSH-rut; KAHSH-root; kahsh-ROOT)
From a root meaning fit, proper, or correct.  In English, mostly refers to Jewish dietary laws.
Kavanah (kuh-VAH-nuh; kah-vah-NAH)
Concentration, intent.  The frame of mind required for prayer or performance of a mitzvah.
Kavod Ha-Met (kuh-VOHD hah MAYT)
Literally, respect for the dead.  One of the purposes of Jewish practices relating to death and mourning.
Keriyah (KREE-yuh)
Literally, tearing.  The tearing of one's clothes upon hearing of the death of a close relative.  See Mourning.
Ketubah (KTOO-buh)
Literally, writing.  The Jewish marriage contract.
Kiddush (KID-ish)
Literally, sanctification.  A prayer recited over wine sanctifying the Sabbath or a holiday.
Kiddush Ha-Shem (ki-DOOSH hah SHEM)
Literally, sanctification of The Name.  Any deed that increases the respect accorded to God or Judaism, especially martyrdom.  See The Name of God.
Literally, sanctification.  The first part of the two-part process of Jewish marriage, which creates the legal relationship without the mutual obligations.
Kippah (KEY-puh)
The skullcap worn by Jews, more commonly known as a yarmulke in English.
The ninth month of the Jewish year, occurring in November/December.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Kittel (KIT-'l, rhymes with little, but the t is pronounced distinctly)
The white robes in which the dead are buried, worn by some during Yom Kippur services.
Knaydelach (KNAY-duhl-ahkh)
Yiddish:  dumplings.  Commonly refers to matzah balls.  Can also be used as a term of affection for small children.  See Jewish Cooking.
Knish (KNISH)
Yiddish.  A potato and flour dumpling stuffed with potato and onion, chopped liver, or cheese.
Kohein; (KOH-hayn) pl:  Kohanim (koh-HAHN-eem)
Priest.  A descendant of Aaron, charged with performing various rites in the Temple.  This is not the same thing as a rabbi.
Kol Nidre (KOHL NID-ray)
Literally, all vows.  The evening service of Yom Kippur, or the prayer that begins that service.
Kosher (KOH-sher)
Literally, fit, proper, or correct.  Describes food that is permissible to eat under Jewish dietary laws.  Can also describe any other ritual object that is fit for use according to Jewish law.
Kugel (KOO-gul; KI-gul)
Yiddish:  pudding.  A casserole of potatoes, eggs, and onion, or a dessert of noodles, fruits, and nuts in an egg based pudding.
- L -
Ladino (Luh-DEE-noh)
The "international language" of Sefardic Jews, based primarily on Spanish, with words taken from Hebrew, Arabic, and other languages, and originally written in the Hebrew Alphabet; today, written in Latin letters like Spanish.
Latkes (LAHT-kuhs; LAHT-kees)
Potato pancakes traditionally eaten during Chanukkah.
Lashon Ha-Ra (LAH-shohn HAH-rah; luh-SHOHN hah-RAH)
Literally, the evil tongue.  Sins against other people committed by speech, such as defamation, gossip, swearing falsely, and scoffing.
L'Chayim (l'-KHAHY-eem)
Literally, to life.  A common Jewish toast.
Leap Year
A year with an extra month, to realign the Jewish lunar calendar with the solar year.  See Jewish Calendar.
Levi (LAY-vee); Levite (LEE-vahyt)
A descendant of the tribe of Levi, which was set aside to perform certain duties in connection with the Temple.
One of the most liberal movements of Judaism in the United Kingdom, but somewhat more traditional than the US Reform Movement.
See Life, Death, and Mourning.
See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
A way of avoiding writing a Name of God, to avoid the risk of the sin of erasing or defacing the Name.  See The Name of God.
See Love and Brotherhood.
Smoked salmon.  Commonly served on a bagel.
L'Shanah Tovah (li-SHAH-nuh TOH-vuh; li-shah-NAH toh-VAH)
Literally, for a good year.  A common greeting during Rosh Hashanah and Days of Awe.
Lulav (LOO-lahv)
Literally, palm branch.  A collection of palm, myrtle, and willow branches, used to fulfill the commandment to "rejoice before the LORD" during Sukkot.
- M -
Ma'ariv (MAH-reev)
Evening prayer services.  See Jewish Liturgy.
Magen David (mah-GAYN dah-VEED; MAH-gen DAH-vid; MOH-gen DAY-vid)
Literally, shield of David.  The six-pointed star emblem commonly associated with Judaism.
Maimonides (mahy-MAH-ni-dees)
Rabbenu Moshe ben Maimon, one of the greatest medieval Jewish scholars.
Mamzer (MAHM-zer)
The child of a marriage that is prohibited and invalid under Jewish law, such as an incestuous union.
See Marriage; Interfaith Marriages; Kosher Sex; Divorce.
A subdivision of the Mishnah and Talmud.
Matzah (MAHTZ-uh)
Unleavened bread eaten during Passover.
Matzah Ball Soup
Thin chicken soup with dumplings made from matzah meal.
Matzah Meal
Crumbs of matzah, commonly used in Jewish Cooking in much the same way that other cultures use flour or bread crumbs.
Meal Offerings
An offering of meal or grain.
Mechitzah (m'-KHEETZ-uh)
The wall or curtain separating men from women during religious services.
Megillah (m'-GILL-uh)
Literally, scroll.  One of five books of the Bible (Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Esther).  The remaining books are referred to as sefers (books).  Usually refers to the book of Esther.  See Purim.
Melachah (m'-LUH-khuh)
Literally, work.  Work involving creation or exercise of control over the environment, which is prohibited on Shabbat and certain holidays.
Menorah (m'-NAW-ruh; me-NOH-ruh)
A candelabrum.  Usually refers to the nine-branched candelabrum used to hold the Chanukkah candles.  Can also refer to the seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple.
The Hebrew word for Jews who are traditionally observant but not Orthodox, used in Israel.
Mezuzah (m'-ZOO-zuh; m'-ZU-zuh)
Literally, doorpost.  A case attached to the doorposts of houses, containing a scroll with passages of scripture written on it.
Midrash (MID-rash)
From a root meaning to study, to seek out, or to investigate.  Stories elaborating on incidents in the Bible, to derive a principle of Jewish law or provide a moral lesson.
Mikveh (MIK-vuh)
Literally, gathering.  A ritual bath used for spiritual purification.  It is used primarily in conversion rituals and after the period of sexual separation during a woman's menstrual periods, but many Chasidim immerse themselves in the mikveh regularly for general spiritual purification.
Milchig (MIL-khig)
Yiddish:  dairy.  Used to describe kosher foods that contain dairy products and therefore cannot be eaten with meat.  See Kashrut - Separation of Meat and Dairy.
Minchah (MIN-khuh)
1) Afternoon prayer services.  See Jewish Liturgy.  2) An offering of meal or grain.  See Food and Drink Offerings.
Minhag (MIN-hahg)
Literally, custom.  A custom that has become a binding religious practice.  The word is also used more loosely to describe any customary religious practice.
Minyan (MIN-yahn; MIN-yin)
The quorum necessary to recite certain prayers, consisting of ten adult Jewish men.  See Group Prayer.
Mishloach Manot (mish-LOahkh mah-NOHT)
Literally, sending out portions.  The sending gifts of food to friends during Purim.
Mishnah (MISH-nuh)
An early written compilation of Jewish oral tradition, the basis of the Talmud.
Mishneh Torah (MISH-ne TOH-ruh; MISH-nay TOH-ruh)
The code of Jewish law written by Maimonides.  One of the most respected compilations of Jewish law ever written, and the only one to cover the full scope of Jewish law.
Mitnagdim (mit-NAG-deem)
Literally, opponents.  Orthodox Jews who are not Chasidic.  See Movements of Judaism.
Mitzvah (MITS-vuh); pl:  Mitzvot (mits-VOHT)
Literally, commandment.  Any of the 613 commandments that Jews are obligated to observe.  It can also refer to any Jewish religious obligation, or more generally to any good deed.  See Halakhah:  Jewish Law - The 613 Mitzvot; A List of the 613 Mitzvot.
Mohel (Maw-y'l; rhymes with oil)
Literally, circumciser.  One who performs the ritual circumcision of an 8-day-old male Jewish child or of a convert to Judaism.  See Brit Milah:  Circumcision.
Mordecai (MOR-duh-khahy)
One of the heroes of the story of Purim.
Mashiach (mah-SHEE-ahkh or moh-SHEE-ahkh)
Literally, anointed.  A descendant of King David who will be chosen by God to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel, and reestablish an independent Torah state in the Land of Israel.  Generally translated as "messiah", but the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.
Motzi Sheim Ra (MOH-tsee SHAYM RAH)
A person who "spreads a bad report"; that is, who tells disparaging lies.  It is the worst of the sins involving speech.  See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
See Life, Death, and Mourning - Mourning.
Roughly equivalent to "denomination", although the distinctions between Jewish movements are not as great as those between Christian denominations.
Musaf (MOO-sahf; MU-sahf)
An additional prayer service for Sabbaths and holidays.  See Jewish Liturgy.
See Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism.
- N -
Name of God
See The Name of God.
Jewish children are ordinarily given a formal Hebrew name to be used for religious purposes.  See Naming a Child.
Navi (nah-VEE); pl.  N'vi-im (n'-vee-EEM)
From "niv sefatayim" meaning fruit of the lips.  A prophet.  A spokesman for God, chosen to convey a message or teaching.  Prophets were role models of holiness, scholarship, and closeness to God.  Also:  A section of the Tanakh containing the writings of the prophets.
Ne'ilah (n'-EE-luh)
Literally, closing.  The closing service of Yom Kippur.
Ner Tamid (NAYR tah-MEED)
Literally, continual lamp.  Usually translated "eternal flame".  A candelabrum or lamp near the ark in the synagogue that symbolizes the menorah in the Temple.
An offering of undiluted wine.
New Year
See Rosh Hashanah.
Niddah (nee-DAH)
The separation of husband and wife during the woman's menstrual period.  Also refers to a woman so separated.  Also referred to as taharat ha-mishpachah or family purity.
Nihum Avelim
Literally, comforting mourners.  One of the Jewish practices relating to death and mourning.
The first month of the Biblical Jewish year and the seventh month of the regular Jewish year, occurring in March/April.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Literally, elevation.  The second part of the two-part Jewish marriage process, after which the bride and groom begin to live together as husband and wife.
Noahic Commandments
Seven commandments given to Noah after the flood, which are binding on both non-Jews to observe and Jews to administer.
In Hebrew, all letters have a numerical value, and numbers are written using letters.  See Numerical Values of Words.
- O -
See Qorbanot:  Sacrifices and Offerings.
Olah (oh-LAH)
Derived from a root meaning ascention.  A burnt offering, a type of sacrifice that represents complete submission to God's will.  It is completely consumed by fire on the altar.
Old Testament
An offensive Christian term for the Hebrew Bible.  See Torah.
Omer (OH-mayr)
A unit of measure.  The period between Passover and Shavu'ot is known as the Omer period, because we count the days from the time that the first omer of barley is to be brought to the Temple.  See The Counting of the Omer.
The wife's right to have regular sexual relations with her husband, a right that is fundamental to every Jewish marriage and that cannot be diminished by the husband.  See Kosher Sex; Marriage.
Oral Torah (TOH-ruh)
Jewish teachings explaining and elaborating on the Written Torah, handed down orally until the 2d century C.E.
A division of the Mishnah and Talmud.
Original Sin
Judaism completely rejects the doctrine of original sin.  See Birth; The Dual Nature.
One of the major movements of Judaism, believing that Jewish law comes from God and cannot be changed.
- P -
Parah Adumah (Pahr-AH ah-doo-MAH)
Literally, red heifer.  An animal used as an offering in an unusual and mysterious ritual to purify from the defilement of contact with the dead.
Pareve (PAHR-ev)
Yiddish:  neutral.  Used to describe kosher foods that contain neither meat nor dairy and therefore can be eaten with either.  See Kashrut - Separation of Meat and Dairy.
Parshah (PAHR-shah) or parashah
A weekly Torah portion read in synagogue.
Holiday commemorating the Exodus from Egypt.  The holiday also marks the beginning of the harvest season.
Peace Offering
A type of sacrifice expressing thanks or gratitude.
See Shavu'ot.
Perutah (pe-ROO-tuh)
A small copper coin, sufficient to acquire a wife by money.
Pharisees (PHAR-i-sees)
A movement of Judaism that existed around the time of the dawn of Christianity.  It is the forerunner of rabbinic Judaism, which encompasses all of the movements of Judaism in existence today.
See Tefillin.
Pidyon Ha-Ben (peed-YOHN hah-BEHN)
Literally, redemption of the son.  A ritual redeeming the firstborn son of any Jewish mother by payment to a kohein.
Pirkei Avot (PEER-kay ah-VOHT)
Literally, Ethics of the Fathers.  A tractate of the Mishnah devoted to ethical advice from many of the greatest rabbis of the early Talmudic period.
A descendant of Aaron, charged with performing various rites in the Temple.  This is not the same thing as a rabbi.  See Kohein.
A spokesman for God, chosen to convey a message or teaching.  Prophets were role models of holiness, scholarship, and closeness to God.
A section of Jewish scripture containing the writings of the Prophets.  See Torah - Written Torah.
Purim (PAWR-im)
Literally, lots (as in "lottery").  A holiday celebrating the rescue of the Jews from extermination at the hands of the chief minister to the King of Persia.
See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
Pushke (PUSH-kuh)
A box in the home or the synagogue used to collect money for donation to charity.
- Q -
Qorban (Kawr-BAHN); pl.  Qorbanot (kawr-BAHN-oht)
From a root meaning to draw near.  A sacrifice or offering.
- R -
Rabbi (RA-bahy)
A religious teacher and person authorized to make decisions on issues of Jewish law.
Rabbinical Judaism (ruh-BIN-i-kul)
A general term encompassing all movements of Judaism descended from Pharisaic Judaism; that is, all movements in existence today.
Rakheel (Rah-KHEEL)
A tale-bearer.  Derived from a word meaning trader or merchant.  Tale-bearing is a serious sin in Judaism.  See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
Rashi (RAH-shee)
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, one of the greatest medieval Jewish scholars.
Rebbetzin (REB-i-tsin)
The wife of a rabbi.  See The Role of Women.
Rebbi (REB-bee)
Usu.  translated Grand Rabbi.  The leader of a Chasidic community, often believed to have special, mystical power.  Also called a tzaddik.
See Jewish Cooking.
One of the major movements of Judaism, an outgrowth of Conservative that does not believe in a personified deity and believes that Jewish law was created by men.
Red Heifer (Red Cow)
An animal used as an offering in an unusual and mysterious ritual to purify from the defilement of contact with the dead.
Red Magen David (mah-GAYN dah-VEED; MAH-gen DAH-vid; MOH-gen DAY-vid)
This Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross.  "Magen David" is the Hebrew name of the six-pointed Jewish star.
One of the major movements of Judaism, believing that Jewish law was inspired by God and one can choose which laws to follow.
Rosh Chodesh (ROHSH CHOH-desh)
Literally, first of the month.  The first day of a month, on which the first sliver of the new moon appears.  See Jewish Calendar.
Rosh Hashanah (ROHSH hah SHAH-nuh; RUSH-uh SHAH-nuh)
Literally, first of the year.  The new year for the purpose of counting years.
- S -
See Shabbat.
See Qorbanot:  Sacrifices and Offerings.
Sadducees (SAD-yoo-sees)
A movement of Judaism that existed around the time of the dawn of Christianity.  It died out shortly after the destruction of the Temple.
Refers generally to the greatest Jewish minds of all times.  See Sages and Scholars.
Sandak (SAN-dak)
The person given the honor of holding the baby during a ritual circumcision.  Sometimes referred to as a godfather.
See Torah.
Second Day of Holidays
An extra day is added to many holidays because in ancient times, there was doubt as to which day was the correct day.
Seder (SAY-d'r)
Literally, order.  1) The family home ritual conducted as part of the Passover observance.  2) A division of the Mishnah and Talmud.
Sefer K'ritut (SAY-fayr KREE-toot)
Literally, scroll of cutting off.  A writ of divorce.  Also called a get.
Sefirot (se-fee-ROHT)
Literally, emanations.  In Jewish mysticism, the emanations from God's essence that interact with the universe.
Sekhakh (s'-KHAHKH)
Literally, covering.  Material used for the roof of a sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot.
Semikhah (s'-MIKH-uh)
Essentially, a rabbinical degree, authorizing a person to answer questions and resolve disputes regarding Jewish law.
Sephardic Jews (s'-FAHR-dic)
Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and the Middle East, and their descendants.
See Jewish Liturgy, Yom Kippur Liturgy, Synagogues, Shuls, and Temples.
Se'udat Havra'ah
Literally, the meal of condolence.  The first meal that a family eats after the burial of a relative, prepared by a neighbor.  See Mourning.
See Kosher Sex; Marriage.
Shabbat (shah-BAT; SHAH-bis)
Literally, end, cease, rest.  The Jewish Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual enrichment.
Shacharit (SHAHKH-reet)
Morning prayer services.  See Jewish Liturgy.
Shammai (SHAH-mahy)
One of the great rabbis of the Talmud.  His stricter views of Jewish law are often contrasted with those of Hillel.
Shammus (SHAH-mis)
Literally, servant.  1) The candle that is used to light other Chanukkah candles; 2) the janitor or caretaker of a synagogue.
Shavu'ot (shuh-VOO-oht; shah-VOO-uhs)
Literally, weeks.  A festival commemorating the giving of the Torah and the harvest of the first fruits.
Shechinah (sh'-KHEE-nuh)
The Divine Presence of God, generally represented as a feminine quality.  See The Nature of God; Prophets and Prophecy.
Shechitah (sh'-KHEE-tuh)
Literally, slaughtering or killing.  Kosher slaughter.
Shema (sh'-MAH)
One of the basic Jewish prayers.  See Jewish Liturgy; Signs and Symbols.
Shemini Atzeret (sh'MEE-nee aht-ZE-ret)
Literally, the eighth (day) of assembly.  The day (or two days) after Sukkot.
Shemoneh Esrei (sh'MOH-nuh ES-ray)
Literally, eighteen.  A prayer that is the center of any Jewish religious service.  Also known as the Amidah or the Tefillah.  See Jewish Liturgy.
Sheva Brakhos (SHE-vuh BRUH-khohs)
Literally, seven blessings.  The seven blessings recited during the nisuin portion of the Jewish wedding ceremony.
Shevarim (she-vahr-EEM)
One of four characteristic blasts of the shofar (ram's horn).  See Rosh Hashanah.
The eleventh month of the Jewish year, occurring in January/February.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Shield of David
The six-pointed star emblem commonly associated with Judaism.
A derogatory term for a non-Jewish female.  See Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews.
Shiva (SHI-vuh)
Literally, seven.  The seven-day period of mourning after the burial of a close relative.
A derogatory term for a non-Jewish male.  See Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews.
Sh'lamim (shlah-MEEM)
Literally, peace [offering].  A type of sacrifice expressing thanks or gratitude.
Shloshim (shlohsh-EEM)
Literally, thirty.  The thirty-day period of mourning after the burial of a close relative.
Shochet (SHOH-khet)
Kosher slaughterer.
Shofar (sho-FAHR)
A ram's horn, blown like a trumpet as a call to repentance.  See Rosh Hashanah.
Shomerim (shohm-REEM)
Literally, guards, keepers.  People who sit with a body between the time of death and burial.  See Care for the Dead.
Shul (SHOOL)
The Yiddish term for a Jewish house of worship.  The term is used primarily by Orthodox Jews.
Siddur (SID-r; sid-AWR)
Literally, order.  Prayer book.  See Jewish Liturgy.
Sidrah (SID-ruh)
Literally, order.  A weekly Torah portion read in synagogue.
Simchat Torah (SIM-khat TOH-ruh)
Literally, rejoicing in the law.  A holiday celebrating the end and beginning of the cycle of weekly Torah readings.
Sin Offering
A type of sacrifice used to atone for and expiate unintentional sins.
The third month of the Jewish year, occurring in May/June.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Slander is a serious sin in Judaism, even if the disparaging comment is true.  See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
For information about the power of speech and sins committed through speech, see Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.  For information about pronouncing the Name of God, see The Name of God.
Star of David
The six-pointed star emblem commonly associated with Judaism.
Sukkah (SUK-uh)
Literally, booth.  The temporary dwellings we live in during the holiday of Sukkot.
Sukkot (soo-KOHT; SUK-uhs)
Literally, booths.  A festival commemorating the wandering in the desert and the final harvest.
See Signs and Symbols.
Synagogue (SIN-uh-gahg)
From a Greek root meaning assembly.  The most widely accepted term for a Jewish house of worship.
- T -
Taharat Ha-Mishpachah (tah-HAH-raht hah-meesh-PAH-khah)
Literally, family purity.  Laws relating to the separation of husband and wife during the woman's menstrual period.  Also referred to as the laws of niddah.
Takkanah (t'-KAH-nuh)
A law instituted by the rabbis and not derived from any biblical commandment.
Tale-bearing is a serious sin in Judaism.  See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
Tallit (TAH-lit; TAH-lis)
A shawl-like garment worn during morning services, with tzitzit (long fringes) attached to the corners as a reminder of the commandments.
Tallit Katan (TAH-lit kuh-TAHN)
Literally, small tallit.  A four-cornered, poncho-like garment worn under a shirt so that we may have the opportunity to fulfill the commandment to put tzitzit (fringes) on the corners of our garments.
Talmud (TAHL-mud)
The most significant collection of the Jewish oral tradition interpreting the Torah.
The fourth month of the Jewish year, occurring in June/July.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Tanakh (tuhn-AHKH)
Acronym of Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).  Written Torah; what non-Jews call the Old Testament.
Tashlikh (TAHSH-likh)
Literally, casting off.  A custom of going to a river and symbolically casting off one's sins.  See Rosh Hashanah.
Tefillah (t'-FEE-luh)
Prayer.  Sometimes refers specifically to the Shemoneh Esrei prayer.  See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
Tefillin (t'-FIL-lin)
Phylacteries.  Leather pouches containing scrolls with passages of scripture, used to fulfill the commandment to bind the commandments to our hands and between our eyes.
Tekiah (t'-KEE-uh)
One of four characteristic blasts of the shofar (ram's horn).  See Rosh Hashanah.
The central place of worship in ancient Jerusalem, where sacrifices were offered, destroyed in 70 C.E.  Reform Jews commonly use the term "temple" to refer to their houses of worship.
Teruah (t'-ROO-uh)
One of four characteristic blasts of the shofar (ram's horn).  See Rosh Hashanah.
Teshuvah (t'-SHOO-vuh)
Literally, return.  repentance.
The tenth month of the Jewish year, occurring in December/January.  See Months of the Jewish Year.
Tisha B'Av (TISH-uh BAHV)
Literally, The Ninth of Av.  A fast day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, as well as other tragedies.
The seventh month of the Biblical Jewish year and the first month of the regular Jewish year, during which many important holidays occur.  See also Months of the Jewish Year.
Torah (TOH-ruh)
In its narrowest sense, Torah is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  In its broadest sense, Torah is the entire body of Jewish teachings.
Torah Readings
Each week, a different portion of the Torah and the Prophets are read in synagogue.
Torah Scroll
The Torah (Bible) that is read in synagogue is written on a leather scroll.
A subdivision of the Mishnah and Talmud.
The process of writing Hebrew using the Roman (English) alphabet.  More an art than a science.
Treyf (TRAYF)
Literally, torn.  A term loosely used to refer to food that is not kosher.
Tu B'Shevat (TOO bish-VAHT)
Literally, 15th of Shevat.  The new year for the purpose of counting the age of trees for purposes of tithing.
Tzaddik (TSAH-deek)
Literally, righteous person.  The leader of a Chasidic community, often believed to have special, mystical power.  Also called a rebbi.
Tzedakah (tsi-DUH-kuh)
Literally, righteousness.  Generally refers to charity.
Tzimmes (TSIM-is)
Yiddish.  A sweet stew.  The word can also refer to making a big fuss over something.
Tzitzit (TZIT-sit)
Fringes attached to the corners of garments as a reminder of the commandments.
- U -
Ufruf (UF-ruf)
The groom's aliyah on the Shabbat before his wedding.
Unpointed Text
Hebrew text written without vowel points.  Hebrew should be written without vowels; however, many texts add vowel points to aid pronunciation and comprehension.  See Hebrew Alphabet.
- W -
See Marriage; A Typical Wedding Ceremony.
See The Role of Women; Marriage.
Activities involving creation or exercise of control over the environment, which are prohibited on Shabbat and certain holidays.
A section of Jewish scripture containing various writings.  See Torah - Written Torah.
Written Torah (TOH-ruh)
The scripture that non-Jews call the Old Testament.
- Y -
Yad (YAHD)
Literally, hand.  Hand-shaped pointer used while reading from Torah scrolls.
Yahrzeit (YAHR-tsahyt)
Yiddish:  literally, anniversary.  The anniversary of the death of a close relative.  See Mourning.
Yarmulke (YAH-mi-kuh)
From Tartar "skullcap", or from Aramaic "Yirei Malka" (fear of the King).  The skullcap worn by Jews during services, and by some Jews at all times.
See Jewish Calendar.
Yemenite Jews
The Jews of the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, whose customs and practices are somewhat different from those of Ashkenazic or Sephardic Jews.  See Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.
Yetzer Ra (YAY-tser RAH)
Literally, evil impulse.  The selfish desire for satisfaction of personal needs, which can lead a person to do evil if not restrained by the yetzer tov.  See Human Nature; Kosher Sex.
Yetzer Tov (YAY-tser TOHV)
Literally, good impulse.  The moral conscience, which motivates us to follow God's law.  See Human Nature.
Yiddish (YID-ish)
The "international language" of Ashkenazic Jews, based primarily on German with words taken from Hebrew and many Slavic languages, and written in the Hebrew Alphabet.
Yizkor (YIZ-kawr)
Literally, may He remember.  Prayers said on certain holidays in honor of deceased close relatives.  See Mourning.
Yom Ha-Atzmz'ut (YOHM hah ahts-mah-OOT)
Israeli Independence Day.
Yom Ha-Shoah (YOHM hah shoh-AH)
Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Yom Ha-Zikkaron (YOHM hah zee-kah-ROHN)
Israeli Memorial Day.
Yom Kippur (YOHM ki-PAWR)
Literally, Day of Atonement.  A day set aside for fasting, depriving oneself of pleasures, and repenting from the sins of the previous year.
Yom Yerushalayim (YOHM y'-roo-shah-LAH-yeem)
Holiday celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem in the hands of the modern state of Israel.
- Z -
A movement of Judaism that existed around the time of the dawn of Christianity.  It died out shortly after the destruction of the Temple.
Zebach Sh'lamim (zeh-BAKH shlah-MEEM)
Literally, peace offering.  A type of sacrifice expressing thanks or gratitude.
Zohar (ZOH-hahr)
The primary written work in the mystical tradition of Kabbalah.
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